Fun With Physics Intersession By: Richie Durbin
Catapult The catapult was the first project. This project had some success, but the catapult did not have the range everyone was expecting. The catapult shot successfully, but the wood was too brittle and the wood was breaking. It damages were fix with duct tape. Then the catapult was firing too late so the group and I tried to get the catapult to fire sooner.
Mouse Trap Cars The mouse trap cars were the second overall project. This project was successful. This project was very simple and it took a short amount of time. This was easy, because there were no major problems during the build.
Trebuchet The trebuchet was the second outdoor project. This project was more of a success than the catapult. On his project my group and I also had trouble with timing the throw, also the wood was breaking due to the weight of the one side of the arm in the trebuchet. This project had a better overall result than the catapult.
Slingshot This was not really a project, but it was one of the most fun parts of this intersession. This was fun, because it was more physical than all the others, even though it wasn’t every physical
Rockets The rockets were the most time consuming build overall. This project took up most of the day and caused me to get frustrated. This project I put the most effort in, because it was an individual project and I took a lot of time trying to get look the way I wanted it to. This project was probably my favorite. The launch the rocket was perfect, but the rocket was M.I.A. This was probably, because my rocket was a forest green color and it made it impossible to see.
Bridges The bridges were a time very consuming build, just as the rockets. These bridges were hard to put together, because they were made of only paper, tape, and glue. This bridge took a lot of time to build, because we had to build everything from scratch, and we had to template to work off of. This was a group project so it made it less difficult and less frustrating. The bridges were a time very consuming build, just as the rockets. These bridges were hard to put together, because they were made of only paper, tape, and glue. This bridge took a lot of time to build, because we had to build everything from scratch, and we had to template to work off of. This was a group project so it made it less difficult and less frustrating.
Movies The movies we watched over the past two weeks were all great movies in my opinion. All of the movies had something to do with the topics that we were currently working on. From the catapults to the flight of air crafts.
Likes I enjoyed making the catapults, trebuchets, rockets, and the movies. I enjoyed the catapults, trebuchets, and rockets a lot, because they gave us a lot of options to be creative, and think of the best possible way to make something work. The slingshots was also something that I enjoyed.
Dislikes The projects I did not like were the bridges, and mousetraps cars. I didn’t really like these projects, because they didn’t give me the freedom to be as creative as I wanted to be like I was with the other projects.