The Future of the US program Pier Oddone Symposium for the 30 th anniversary celebration of the US/Japan Agreement on High Energy Physics October 21 st,


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Presentation transcript:

The Future of the US program Pier Oddone Symposium for the 30 th anniversary celebration of the US/Japan Agreement on High Energy Physics October 21 st, 2010

Drivers for the program Drivers for the US program are simple and universal: the quest to solve the profound mysteries that surround us The ability to bring together the teams to solve these mysteries: The next generation of accelerators The next generation of detector technology New simulation, computation and analysis techniques Pier Oddone, 30th Anniversay Japan/US,

3 The triumphs ………………….. The present theory is a remarkable intellectual construction Every particle experiment ever done fits in the framework Pier Oddone, 30th Anniversay Japan/US, 2010

4 ……………. and the mysteries Mystery one: why are we here? From what we learned we should be a soup of photons!!! Matter and antimatter annihilation. We need to violate symmetry! Pier Oddone, 30th Anniversay Japan/US, 2010

Is it quarks? neutrinos? higgses? The B factories  asymmetries in quark sector are too small Use as substrate to understand the presence of new interactions Super B – factories in Japan (and Italy?) Pier Oddone, 30th Anniversay Japan/US,

Is it quarks? neutrinos? higgses? Quark sector also studied at Tevatron and LHCb Are we starting to see “anomalous” CP violation in B s decays? To be followed up with Tevatron extension, LHCb, and Super-B factories Pier Oddone, 30th Anniversay Japan/US,

Is it neutrinos? Leptogenesis is an attractive alternative Requires CP violation in heavy neutrino sector We are far from understanding neutrinos, their masses, mixings, and CP violation Pier Oddone, 30th Anniversay Japan/US, Dete ctor e+e+ –– Dete ctor e–e– ++ ++ –– “   e ”   e Is P(   e )  P(   e )? Matter CP Antimatter

Project X Neutrino physics Muon physics Kaon physics Nuclear physics Project X Neutrino physics Muon physics Kaon physics Nuclear physics Remove Accelerators from Cockroft-Walton though Booster and Booster neutrino. All the green ones including MuCOOL stay Is it neutrinos? Ultimate Goal multi MW beam large detector (a few 100 kton) long distance (> 1,200 km) Pier Oddone, 30th Anniversay Japan/US, 2010 Project X provides: neutrinos muons kaons nuclei “simultaneously” 2 MW ( GeV) 1300 km 8

Neutrinos since 2013: NOvA, MINERvA MicroBooNE 810 km 700 kW Pier Oddone, 30th Anniversay Japan/US, 2010 Is it neutrinos? Intermediate Steps NOvA (off-axis) MINERvA SeaQuest MicroBooNE (LAr TPC) NOvA SeaQuest 9

More surprises in neutrinos ? Pier Oddone, 30th Anniversay Japan/US,

Is it neutrinos? The attack on neutrino parameters is broad: Fermilab (MINOS, MINERvA, MiniBooNE and MicroBooNE, NOvA, LBNE) and JPARC beams (T2K, HyperK): different baselines, different energies Reactor experiments: Double Chooz and Daya Bay Neutrino-less double B decay: Majorana and EXO New technologies: scale up of liquid argon TPCs to many kilotons R&D on neutrino factory Pier Oddone, 30th Anniversay Japan/US,

Or from higgses? From decays of Higgs at future lepton colliders discover a new source of CP violation (e.g. angular correlations to specific decays) Solves the mystery of why matter dominates over antimatter 12 Pier Oddone, 30th Anniversay Japan/US, 2010

13 ……………. and the mysteries Mystery two: what gives mass to elementary particles? Mass of composite particles understood E=mc 2. But the theory has zero masses for quarks and leptons. What breaks the symmetry? Pier Oddone, 30th Anniversay Japan/US, 2010

14 ……………. and the mysteries Mystery three: are there extra dimensions of space as string theories require to make sense of gravity ? Mystery four: are there new symmetries (such as supersymmetry or SUSY) Pier Oddone, 30th Anniversay Japan/US, 2010

Higgs 15

16 Continuing attack at the Tevatron CDF Detector at the Tevatron D0 Detector at the Tevatron Pier Oddone, 30th Anniversay Japan/US, 2010

17 CMS Pier Oddone, 30th Anniversay Japan/US, 2010

ATLAS muon detectors 18 Pier Oddone, 30th Anniversay Japan/US, 2010 ATLAS

Higgs searches Pier Oddone, 30th Anniversay Japan/US, For very light Higgs, Tevatron is competitive through 2014 in the principal decay mode to the b-bbar – LHC needs about 30 fb -1 to get results for b-bbar mode

Biggest decision of the decade ! By far the easiest! A global program LHC Results ILC Enough ILC not enough CLIC Muon collider or 20 Pier Oddone, 30th Anniversay Japan/US, 2010

21 Pier Oddone, 30th Anniversay Japan/US, 2010

22 ……………. and the mysteries Mystery five: why are there three families of quarks and leptons? The 18 parameters of the Standard Model: you would not be here without them The whole issue of flavor and the couplings to what lies beyond is one of the deepest puzzles Pier Oddone, 30th Anniversay Japan/US, 2010

Interplay: LHC Intensity LHC nothing Lots Intensity Frontier Only handle on the next energy scale Determine/verify structure of new physics. Anything beyond? 23 Pier Oddone, 30th Anniversay Japan/US, 2010

Example: early discovery at LHC ATLAS discovers strongly coupled SUSY A host of new particles: fit roughly some masses, make assumption on couplings dark matter candidate 0101 0101 ~ ~ Missing E T 24 Pier Oddone, 30th Anniversay Japan/US, 2010

Large effects in kaon decay rates d d W Z quarks d d W W s d quarks s lepts d d d squarks d d s d squarks s slepts d     SM:  L    BSM:  L    25 Pier Oddone, 30th Anniversay Japan/US, 2010

For particular classes of SUSY Large effect on rare K decay modes highly suppressed with SM particles Much higher SM backgrounds in B and C decays 26 Pier Oddone, 30th Anniversay Japan/US, 2010

A new (g-2) to uncertainty 0.14 * Model UEDUED LHC 27 Pier Oddone, 30th Anniversay Japan/US, 2010

Mu2e 28 Pier Oddone, 30th Anniversay Japan/US, 2010

Mu2e can probe 10 3 – 10 4 TeV Compositene ss SUSY Model Parameter New Physics Scale (TeV) MEG Experiment with Project X pre-Project X 29 Pier Oddone, 30th Anniversay Japan/US, 2010

30 ……………. and the mysteries Mystery six: what is dark matter It is everywhere, it is five times more abundant than matter. We have strong suspicions of what it is Galaxies are spinning too fast to be held together by gravity of the stars Pier Oddone, 30th Anniversay Japan/US, 2010

The search for dark matter COUPP (2010) COUPP CDMS 31 Pier Oddone, 30th Anniversay Japan/US, 2010

The search for dark matter Next generation prototypes with noble liquids: 1) depleted liquid argon and 2) xenon However, most of the effort is going to the detection of WIMPS, whereas dark matter could be quite different: axions at one end or super- massive particles at the other For direct detection eventually scale one or two technologies to the ton scale Pier Oddone, 30th Anniversay Japan/US, CDMS

33 ……………. and the mysteries Mystery seven: what is dark energy? Not a clue! Accelerates the expansion of the Universe! Contains three times more energy than dark matter. Pier Oddone, 30th Anniversay Japan/US, 2010

Dark Energy 1. SDSS (Sloan Digital Sky Survey) Ranks as highest impact facility in astronomy for the 4 rd year in a row. Baryon acoustic oscillations 2. DES (Dark Energy Survey) 4 meter telescope in Chile DES Camera under construction Operation: 2011 – LSST Important DOE role DOE/NSF collaboration SDSS DES JDEM 34 Pier Oddone, 30th Anniversay Japan/US, 2010

Collaborative efforts at Fermilab International collaborations for our programs 27 countries 16 countries 23 countries 35 Pier Oddone, 30th Anniversay Japan/US, 2010

36 Towards a unified picture…. Is there an underlying simplicity? Pier Oddone, 30th Anniversay Japan/US, 2010