SAB Jorma Tuominiemi 2 HIP CMS PROGRAMME CMS PHYSICS ANALYSIS PROJECT Project Leader: V.Karimäki CMS TRACKER PROJECT Project Leader: Eija Tuominen
SAB Jorma Tuominiemi 3 1. PHYSICS ANALYSIS PROJECT zPhysics simulation, study of the discovery potential of CMS, preparation for event reconstruction and physics analysis in CMS zCMS computing at HIP zCMS user support coordination zSoftware alignment of the CMS tracker zTest beam data analysis zGEANT4 simulation tools
SAB Jorma Tuominiemi 4 Project personnel Veikko Karimäki, PhD Project LeaderHelsinki Jorma Tuominiemi, Prof. Programme DirectorCERN/Hki Ritva Kinnunen, PhD Senior ScientistHelsinki Kati Lassila-Perini, PhD Senior ScientistCERN Sami Lehti, PhDSenior ScientistHelsinki Tomas Lindén, PhD Senior ScientistHelsinki Tapio Lampén, PhD PostDoc ScientistHelsinki Mikko Voutilainen, PhD PostDoc ScientistCERN Aatos Heikkinen, MSc PhD StudentHelsinki Matti Kortelainen, MSc(Tech)PhD StudentHelsinki Lauri Wendland,PhD StudentHelsinki Pekka KaitaniemiPhD StudentSaclay
SAB Jorma Tuominiemi 5 Physics Analysis, Status and Plans 1.HIP responsability: Analysis of the H ± -> , -> hadrons+ in fully hadronic channel from gg -> tbH ± Trigger development and tests identification for one- and three prong ’s Veto on leptons and hadronic ’s from associated W b-tagging, top and W mass reconstruction One of the most difficult channels to observe, and maybe the only possibility to discover the charged Higgs boson 2. Tau energy corrections With tracks and calorimeter information Energy resolution excellently improved! R. Kinnunen, M. Kortelainen S. Lehti, L.Wendland
SAB Jorma Tuominiemi 6 Physics Analysis, Status and Plans 3.Preparation for real data: studies for background measurements from data for 0.1 fb -1 Measurement of tt and W+3/4jet backgrounds from data with W-> decay modes Method developed to measure the background due to MET mis- measurement from data (isolated muon with p T >100 GeV/c selected instead of jet) Separation of events to tt and W+3/4jet samples with double b- tagging, top and W mass cuts (for tt events) and b-jet veto (for W+3/4jet events) Measurement of QCD background from data Method developed to measure the QCD background due to MET mis-measurement from data in the hadronic multi-jet events exploiting the determination of fake probability in the +jet or Z+jet, Z-> events
SAB Jorma Tuominiemi 7 Physics Analysis, Status and Plans 4. Continuation of the H/A-> -> 2 jets analysis for a PhD work (LW) 5. Higgs boson searches in SUSY cascades with non-universal gaugino masses Joint project with HIP phenomenologists SUSY reach with non-universal gaugino masses and H/A/h -> bb decays in CMS
SAB Jorma Tuominiemi 8 Energy correction for jets with tracks Developped for the collimated energetic one-prong jets (E T >100 GeV) from heavy charged Higgs boson in gg -> tbH ±, H ± -> , -> hadrons+ Principle of the method: Separation of the ± and ± n decay modes and separation of the interacting charged pions testing matching between the track(s)/CALO cluster and track(s)/HCAL cluster Replacing the CALO jet with the track(s) for non-interacting charged pions and adding the ECAL cluster for ± n Keeping the CALO jet for the interacting charged pions Energy resolution, comparison with CALO jet and Particle Flow jet
SAB Jorma Tuominiemi 9 dentification of jet for H ± -> , -> hadrons+ Event rate before and after identification for 1- and 3- prong final states. Suppression of ~10 5 achieved against QCD background! Signal QCD background Filtered event rate (fb)
SAB Jorma Tuominiemi 10 Backup slides
SAB Jorma Tuominiemi 11 dentification of jet for H ± -> , -> hadrons+ Kinematical cuts: E T jet > 100 GeV, | jet |<2 Tight tracker isolation: track p T cut=0.5 GeV, signal cone = 0.04, isolation cone = 0.45 Electromagnetic isolation 1-prong selection : - one track in the signal cone - p ldg.trk. /E jet > neutral hadron and electron rejection with HCAL/track matching 3-prong selection - 3 tracks in the signal cone - suppression of n 0 decays with CALO cluster/tracks matching - p( ± ± ) / E t-jet > cut on invariant mass - cut on flight path significance Distribution, p ldg.trk. /E jet sensitive to polarization Distribution of invariant mass 3-prong jets 1-prong jets
SAB Jorma Tuominiemi 12 Selection of events with one isolated muon with p T > 100 GeV, instead the jet Other selections: MET>100 GeV, veto on leptons and associated hadronic W-> decays Separation of events to tt and W+3/4jet samples with double b-tagging, top and W mass cuts (for tt events) and b-jet veto (for W+3/4jet events) Measurement of tt and W+3/4jet backgrounds from data with W-> decay modes Signal for gg -> tbH ±, H ± -> , -> hadrons+ is visible in m T ( jet,MET), provided the backgrounds from tt and W+3/4jet are limited to m T ( jet,MET) ≲ 100 GeV Method to measure the background due to MET mis-measurement from data with muonic multi-jet events: Top and W mass reconstruction with kinematic fit with respect to jet energies E i, one jet b tagged m T ( ,MET) for the selected tt sample: events for m T ( ,MET) ≳ 100 GeV mainly from recidual associated hadronic W-> decays
SAB Jorma Tuominiemi 13 Method: Selection of hadronic multi-jet events with at least one jet with p T jet > 100 GeV Assignment of one jet randomly as candidate large MET > 100 GeV b tagging, top and W mass reconstruction Propagation to ”signal selection” multiplying with the fake probability Measurement of QCD background from data QCD multi-jet events can lead to background in the signal area m T ( jet,MET) ≳ 100 GeV through MET mis-measurement and through hadronic jets identified as jets The background due to MET mis-measurement can be measured from data in the hadronic multi-jet events, measuring the fake probability in the +jet or Z+jet, Z-> events m T ( candidate,MET) Events found in the signal area, more efficient MET correction methods under development
SAB Jorma Tuominiemi 14 HIP CMS Computing status 1.CMS Software and services 2.Resource usage 3.CSA08 4.Plans 5.Summary T.Lindén
SAB Jorma Tuominiemi CMS Software and services Service Status CMSSW OK l ocal manual installation h ttps:// dCache OK p erformance testing, xrootd versus gsidcap PhEDEx OK Physics Experiment Data Exchange h ttp:// Frontier OK Open source squid web cache h ttp:// WLCG SAM OK WLCG Site Availabilty Monitoring CMS SAM SRM OK CMS SRM Site Availabilty Monitoring h ttps:// ProdAgent OK Monte Carlo Production ARC plugin is production ready h ttps:// CRAB in use CMS Remote Analysis Builder in use g Lite WMS to ARC submission, working to fix scalability in use g lideinWMS to ARC submission in progress direct CRAB to ARC submission JobRobot p ending f or site testing, needs VOMS roles CMS SAM CE p ending CMS CE Site Availabilty Monitoring, needs VOMS roles CMSSW pending g rid software installation jobs, needs VOMS roles WLCG accounting p reparing Extract CMS SGAS information, inject into APEL (CSC)
SAB Jorma Tuominiemi CMS Software and services (ctd) The CMS Tier-1 and Tier-2 sites.
SAB Jorma Tuominiemi Resource usage Most of the physics analysis presented here was done using HIP Tier-2 resources The CMS disk usage at CSC is about 70 % of the available CMS quota of 110 TB Data samples have been transferred for local analysis use and for PhEDEx LoadTest bandwidth monitoring use The summed CMS CPU wall time usage during April, May and June 2008 was CPU hours
SAB Jorma Tuominiemi Combined Computing Readiness Challenge The Common Computing Readiness Challenge 2008 (CCRC) or CMS CSA08 was a Data Challenge simultaneous to all LHC experiments to test the grid infrastructure before datataking at the LHC. Phase 1 of CCRC was in February and Phase 2 of CCRC was during May. CSA08 Phase 1: Data transferred using PhEDEx (Physics Experiment Data Export) to Finland Data stored in dCache (siberie at HIP and madhatter at CSC) HIP Transfer targets were met
SAB Jorma Tuominiemi Combined Computing Readiness Challenge CSA08 Phase 2: Needed CMSSW versions installed and visible in BDII Needed datasample(s) transferred with PhEDEx HIP participated in the CMS CSA08 Analysis comissioning activities CRAB jobs were submitted from CERN as part of the ”chaotic submission” exercise CRAB jobs were submitted to HIP from the US using the ”glideinWMS”, see During CSA08 CMS could run up to jobs/day in total Tier-1 to HIP Tier-2 transfer tests were repeated with met targets. In total CMS transferred 3,6 PB of data in May with a total maximum rate of 1,7 GB/s out of CERN
SAB Jorma Tuominiemi Combined Computing Readiness Challenge CRAB glideinWMS submitted jobs from the 30th of May until the 2nd of June. Sepeli is in the middle of the list
SAB Jorma Tuominiemi Plans The Nordic Optical Private Network is being set up (ping works to Denmark) A new Linux cluster shared between Physics, Chemistry and HIP is being purchased to Kumpula Plan 2009 aquisitions with HIP Technology programme and CSC Study dCache disk performance scalability Compare CRAB submission methods (CERN WMS, glideinWMS, native ARC plugin) Study ARC performance with disk caching enabled Study PROOF on the clusters for parallell data analysis Study CRAB ARC to gLite submission possibility Work on obtaining funding from 2011 onwards
SAB Jorma Tuominiemi Summary HIP contributed to CSA08 activities with ARC resources CRAB submission works with new CERN WMS and glideinWMS Jobsubmission scaling problem with new CERN WMS is being worked on VOMS roles will be implemented to enable remaining services WLCG Accounting will be implemented HIP is ready for LHC startup
SAB Jorma Tuominiemi 23 Aknowledgements Antti Pirinen, HIP, project leader Dan Still, CSC, CSC project leader Tomas Lindén, HIP, grid coordinator Jukka Klem, HIP/CERN, PhEDEx, Frontier Jonas Dahlbom, HIP, dCache support Chris Hanke, CSC, dCache support Arto Teräs, CSC, dCache support Vera Hansper, NDGF/CSC, Finnish Node coordinator Erik Edelmann, NDGF/CSC, ProdAgent ARC plugin DongJo Kim, JYFL, ALICE computing Mikko Närjänen, HIP, Alice support Jesper Koivumäki, HIP, CRAB ARC port Kalle Happonen, HIP/CERN, CSC, middleware support Pekko Metsä, HY, cluster administration in Kumpula
SAB Jorma Tuominiemi 24 CMS User Support by HIP Documentation CMSSW WorkBookWorkBook Reference Manual Reference Manual CMS Offline Guide CMS Offline Guide zHelp desk zTutorials zSavannah portal for user questions z contact zhypernews forums Coordinated by Kati Lassila-Perini
SAB Jorma Tuominiemi 25 Track based alignment for CMS Tracker modules Related task: update of misalignment simulation scenarios of CMS. An essential tool for realistic physics analyses for early data-taking. Application activities of the H.I.P. alignment algorithm lately: Cosmic muons from TIF CSA08 exercise, application of all three alignment algorithms Many CMS groups actively using the H.I.P. alignment algorithm: Johns Hopkins (3 people, CSA08 & CRUZET tests) Fermilab (J.Pivarski, muon chambers alignment) INFN (R.Covarelli et al., alignment at TIF, cosmics) Strong cooperation between different groups! Other two algorithms used in CMS are ‘Millepede’ and Kalman Filter algorithm. The H.I.P. algorithm is computationally simple, and it has the most robust approach. It has so far been used in most of the alignment studies in CMS, although Millepede, developed at Hamburg, has lately become at least equally popular. T.Lampén, V.Karimäki
SAB Jorma Tuominiemi 26 CSA08, CRUZET, CRAFT (future) exercises Dress Rehearsals of all three alignment algorithms and whole procedure of their application to real data Learning experience for startup of CMS Matters of practical use now topical (track & hit selection, constraining unphysical deformations, validation process etc.) Also alignment-related issues taking shape (triggers, data flow, validation etc.) HIP participation in CSA08, CRAFT foreseen T.Lampén, V.Karimäki First results for CRUZET3: hit residuals in TOB and TIB (N. Tran) TOB residualsTIB residuals Design geometry HIP Millepede RMS RMS
SAB Jorma Tuominiemi 27 CMS Pixel Near future work Studies/application of HIP algorithm (and comparisons with other algorithms) with real data from Cosmic Rack setup (CERN and Helsinki C-Racks) test beam studies (SiBT) other real (cosmic) data? Refinement of CSA08 alignment exercise Alignment tasks for CMS Tracker Cosmic Rack SiBT
SAB Jorma Tuominiemi 28 Test beam data analysis Alignment and full offline data analysis of SiBT 2007 data SiBT 2008 data taking took place in July, data analysis has just begun, in cooperation with the Tracker project Provided software for data taking of 2008 and monitoring plots with a quick 5-minute response time (essential ingredient of success for the 4-day test period, during which CID, MCz and 3D-detectors were tested) M.Kortelainen, T.Lampén Beam profile in SiBT 2007
SAB Jorma Tuominiemi 29 CSA08, CRUZET, CRAFT (future) exercises Dress Rehearsals of all three alignment algorithms and whole procedure of their application to real data Learning experience for startup of CMS Matters of practical use now topical (track & hit selection, constraining unphysical deformations, validation process etc.) Also alignment-related issues taking shape (triggers, data flow, validation etc.) HIP participation in CSA08, CRAFT foreseen T.Lampén, V.Karimäki Observed, possibly unphysical deformations of CMS Tracker with CRUZET3 data (N. Tran)
SAB Jorma Tuominiemi 30 Geant4 activities (I) Geant4 Bertini intra-nuclear cascade models developed by HIP group are now widely accepted when choosing optimal physics models for LHC simulations. Use of Bertini model largely solve the problem seen in shower shape year Models developed play a major role in precision studies of LHC experiments. Typically Bertini cascade is used in combination of high energy model QGSP in physics list QGS BERT Latest improvements include optimization of speed in the CMS production runs, and more detailed Coulomb scattering model. Our emphasis has been in developing new Geant4 models based on INCL cascade and ABLA fission-evaporation codes. First release of INCL 4.2 and ABLA V2 was made in Dec'07 release of Geant Currently we are working in collaboration with Commissariat à l‘Énergie Atomique (CEA), Saclay, to include INCL5 extensions, such as Carbon projectiles into Geant4. A.Heikkinen and P.Kaitaniemi with G.Folger et al.: Progress in Hadrornic Physics Modeling in Geant4 (Submitted to Journal of Physics, July 2008)
SAB Jorma Tuominiemi 31 Geant 4 activities (II) CMS HCAL response (linearity) to protons. Test beam data from year 2006 brass (50mm) + scintillator (3.7mm) sampling is compared with Geant4 QGSP_BERT simulation. HCAL resolution (Courtesy of S. Kunori)
SAB Jorma Tuominiemi 32 Geant 4 activities (III) Unprecedented accuracy made available in Geant4 using INCL and ABLA models: 1.2 GeV proton on Al and Zr targets is compared with data from SATURNE experiment.