M. Dima Dept. of Theoretical Physics CERN, 17.09.2007 Sliding VTX Method in Physics and Detector Institute for Nuclear Physics & Engineering Bucharest.


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Presentation transcript:

M. Dima Dept. of Theoretical Physics CERN, Sliding VTX Method in Physics and Detector Institute for Nuclear Physics & Engineering Bucharest - Romania

IP Bs0Bs0 K+K+ K -  - - Ds-Ds-  + + sliding VTX B s 0  D s -  + Institute for Nuclear Physics & Engineering Bucharest - Romania + solution - solution ?! … B VTX D VTX Furthering SLD’s Missing p  Series …  0 0 BR vis exclusive = % BR vis inclusive = % TOTAL: x 2 faster to  m s

Institute for Nuclear Physics & Engineering Bucharest - Romania 2 independent cond.’s: p B point-back M B window simultaneously obsv.  real solution !

Institute for Nuclear Physics & Engineering Bucharest - Romania Rare ambiguities: … what to do ?

Institute for Nuclear Physics & Engineering Bucharest - Romania No-detector errors: sliding step = 50  m TO DO: Study detector induced resolution

IP D -D - Institute for Nuclear Physics & Engineering Bucharest - Romania Lepton Source PID Calibration Hard-to-Get PID Cal. Source: very clean (precise VTX’s) large momentum range both e  /  .... and K  /   Bd 0Bd 0 B VTX D VTX  + + K -K - l -l - l  + + B d 0  D -  +  -  +  + +  - -  2 x M l  / week of running  M K  / week of running  M   / week of running ! mis-ID syst.’s PID eff.’s tag-ID eff.’s

IP D 0D 0 Institute for Nuclear Physics & Engineering Bucharest - Romania Lepton Source PID Calibration … similar (-42% yield) TOTAL: Bd 0Bd 0 B VTX D VTX  + + K -K - l +l + l B d 0  D* -  +  -  +  + +  - -  2 x M l  / week of running  M K  / week of running  M   / week of running ! mis-ID syst.’s PID eff.’s tag-ID eff.’s  - -

IP  - - J/    ,  -  + Institute for Nuclear Physics & Engineering Bucharest - Romania Proton Source PID Calibration p Proton source: simple + very clean J/  reasonable yield (CDF)   VTX   + + p

IP  - -  K -  -   K - Institute for Nuclear Physics & Engineering Bucharest - Romania  VTX p-K-  Source PID Calibration p Excellent PID Cal. Source: source = p, K,  simple + very clean CDF = 10 vis / pb -1 (trig. ?) large momentum range  2 x kp / wk running …  s phys. ?  - -  VTX sliding VTX VELO trk c  = 24.6 mm

IP  - -  - -  0 0  - -  -   0  - Institute for Nuclear Physics & Engineering Bucharest - Romania  0 0  VTX  VTX Proton Source PID Calibration  VTX 00 p 2 independent cond.’s: 2 way computation p  0 ,  mass-windows … graduate project learn to do physics sliding VTX VELO trk c  = 24.6 mm