Conference xxx - August 2003 Anders Ynnerman EGEE Nordic Federation Director Swedish National Infrastructure for Computing Linköping University Sweden GRID-initiatives in the Nordic region status and future challenges
Workshop on eInfrastructure (Internet and Grids) Rome Dec Outline of presentation Status in the Nordic countries Denmark, Finland, Norway, Sweden SweGrid testbed for production NorduGrid Nordic DataGrid Facility Nordic Grid Consortium North European Grid Identifying potential problems for Nordic Grid collaborations
Workshop on eInfrastructure (Internet and Grids) Rome Dec DENMARK HPC program initiated 2001 Danish Center for Scientific Computing (DCSC) Distributed program Location of facilities based on scientific evaluation of participating groups not on computer centers or infrastructure Århus Odense DTU Copenhagen University Budget 2.1 MEuros (2001) 1.6 MEuros (2002) 1.5 MEuros (2003) 1.4 MEuros (2004) Copenhagen University is a partner in NorduGrid Danish Center for Grid Computing (DCGC) has just been established Virtual center located a 5 sites Main location at the Niels Bohr Institute, Copenhagen University 0.75 MEuros/year Operations and support of a Danish Grid Research agenda with 10 senior researchers and 5 PhD students Strong ties to NorduGrid and Nordic DataGrid Faicility Participation in EGEE through NBI HPC-infrastructureGRID-initiatives
Workshop on eInfrastructure (Internet and Grids) Rome Dec NORWAY NOTUR – The Norwegian High- Performance Computational Infrastructure Trondheim Oslo Bergen Tromsö Budget 168 MEuros ( ) 50% from reserach councils Statoil, DNMI In kind contributions New program similar to the Swedish program is being initated and placed under the NREN (UNINETT) Metacenter goal – To establish a uniform and as seamless as possible, access to HPC resources Parallab at Bergen is participating in the Nordic Grid Consortium with PDC and CSC Parallab is contributing to EGEE security team Bergen and Oslo are partners in NorduGrid Plans for a ”NORGRID” are being developed HPC-infrastructureGRID-initiatives
Workshop on eInfrastructure (Internet and Grids) Rome Dec FINLAND Center for Scientific Computing (CSC) is the (main) center in Finland The largest HPC center in Scandinavia Runs services for academic users all over Finland and FMI Budget Directly from the ministry of education Smaller university HPC-systems (clusters) are beginning to appear CSC is one of the founding partners in the Nordic Grid Consortium CSC is contributing resources to NorduGrid CSC is a partner in DEISA Helsinki Institute of Physics is running several GRID projects and is contributing to the EGEE security team A Finnish Grid dedicated to Condensed Matter Physics is being built HPC-infrastructureGRID-initiatives
Workshop on eInfrastructure (Internet and Grids) Rome Dec SWEDEN Swedish National Infrastucutre for Computing (SNIC) formed during participating centers Umeå Uppsala Stockholm Linköping Göteborg Lund National resource allocation (SNAC) Budget 4.5 MEuros/year (Government) 4.0 MEuros/year private foundations Lund and Uppsala are partners in NorduGrid Largest resource contributions to NorduGrid are SNIC clusters at Umeå and Linköping SweGrid production Grid is being built (600 CPUs) over 6 sites 120 Tb storage SNIC is hosting the EGEE Nordic Regional Operations Center Stockholm (PDC) is coordinating the EGEE security activity PDC is one of the founders of the Nordic Grid Consortium PDC is a partner in the European Grid Support Center HPC-infrastructureGRID-initiatives
Workshop on eInfrastructure (Internet and Grids) Rome Dec SweGrid 3 parts Research and development Operations Hardware Total budget 3.6 MEuro 6 GRID nodes: 600 CPUs IA-32, 1 processor/server 875P with 800 MHz FSB and dual memory busses 2.8 GHz Intel P4 2 Gbyte Gigabit Ethernet 12 TByte temporary storage FibreChannel for bandwidth 14 x 146 GByte rpm 1 Gigabit direct connection to SUNET (10 Gigabit)
Workshop on eInfrastructure (Internet and Grids) Rome Dec Persistent storage on SweGrid? Size Administration Bandwidth Availability 1 2 3
Workshop on eInfrastructure (Internet and Grids) Rome Dec The NorduGrid project Initiated by several Nordic universities Copenhagen, Lund, Stockholm, Oslo, Bergen, Helsinki, later: Linköping and Umeå Started in January 2001 & funded by NorduNet-2 Simultaneously with EU DataGrid, but with only a 2 years budget and 3 new positions Initial goal: to deploy DataGrid middleware to run “ATLAS Data Challenge” Cooperation with DataGrid Common Certification Authority and Virtual Organization tools, Globus2 configuration Common applications (high-energy physics research) Switched from deployment to R&D in February 2002 Deployed a light-weight and yet reliable and robust Grid solution in time for the ATLAS DC tests in May 2002 Continuation NorduGrid was one of the driving forces behind the creation of the ”North European Grid Federation” together with the Dutch Grid, Belgium and Estonia Is an option for middleware for the ”Nordic Data Grid Facility” …as well as for the Swedish Grid facility SWEGRID
Workshop on eInfrastructure (Internet and Grids) Rome Dec The resources Currently available resources: 4 dedicated test clusters (3-4 CPUs) Some junkyard-class second-hand clusters (4 to 80 CPUs) Few university production-class facilities (20 to 60 CPUs) Two world-class clusters in Sweden, listed in Top500 (230 and 440 CPUs) Other resources come and go Canada, Japan – test set-ups CERN, Russia – clients It’s open, anybody can join or part People: the “core” team grew to 7 persons local sysadmins are only called up when users need an upgrade
Workshop on eInfrastructure (Internet and Grids) Rome Dec A NorduGrid snapshot
Workshop on eInfrastructure (Internet and Grids) Rome Dec Reflections on NorduGrid Bottom up project driven by an application motivated group of talented people Middleware adaptation and development has followed a flexible and minimally invasive approach HPC centers are currently “connecting” large resources since it is good PR for the centers As soon as NorduGrid usage of these resources increases they will be disconnected. There is no such thing as free cycles! Motivation of resource allocations is missing NorduGrid lacks an approved procedure for resource allocation to VOs and individual user groups based on scientific reviews of proposals Funding for the continuation of the project is today unclear NorduGrid may remain a middleware project that delivers solutions to other Nordic production Grids such as SweGrid
Workshop on eInfrastructure (Internet and Grids) Rome Dec Nordic DataGrid Facility Based on a Working paper by the NOS-N working group (April 4, 2002): road map towards the Nordic Grid Facility Project started Builds on interest from Biomedical sciences Earth sicences Space and astro sciences High energy physics Gradual build-up Project leader and 4 postdocs Projects in middleware and application interfaces
Workshop on eInfrastructure (Internet and Grids) Rome Dec Nordic DataGrid Facility Prototype period : Scope 0.54 MEuro. Capacity building : Scope 15 MEuro.
Workshop on eInfrastructure (Internet and Grids) Rome Dec HPC-center Users Country 2 NDGF challenges HPC-center Users Country 4 HPC-center Users Country 1 Funding agency country 4 HPC-center Users Country 3 Funding agency country 3 Funding agency country 2 Funding agency country 1 Current HPC setup
Workshop on eInfrastructure (Internet and Grids) Rome Dec GRID management Users VO 1 VO 2 VO 3 NDGF? MoU SLAs Proposals Allocations Middleware Other GRIDs Accounting Funding agency Country 1 HPC-center Funding agency Country 1 HPC-center Funding agency Country 1 HPC-center Funding agency Country 1 HPC-center
Workshop on eInfrastructure (Internet and Grids) Rome Dec Nordic Grid Consortium PDC, CSC and Parallab have signed Memorandum of Understanding. The Vision is to: “create a Grid for the benefit of the users of the facilities” Purpose is to: Explore Grid production from an HPC-center point of view Explore means of exchanging resource allocations across national borders NGC is an inclusive organisation and will expand to include all major HPC centers in Scandinavia
Workshop on eInfrastructure (Internet and Grids) Rome Dec Conclusions A large number of GRID initiatives in the Nordic Region HPC – centers and GRID initatives are rapidly merging Strong need for a mechanism for exchange of resources over the borders Very few existing users belong to VOs Most cycles at HPC-centers are used for chemistry How will these users become GRID users? There is a need for authorities that grant resources to projects (VOs) Locally Regionally Nationally Internationally
Workshop on eInfrastructure (Internet and Grids) Rome Dec North European Grid NEG is an EGEE federation consisting of Belgium, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, Holland, Norway, Sweden NEG is responsible for the security in EGEE NEG is hosting an EGEE Regional Operations Center Two lead sites SARA SNIC/PDC NEG executive committee has been formed One representative per partner in the federation plus also a national representative per country Phone meetings every second Friday to deal with common issues NEG will play an important role in the coordination of Grid efforts in the federation
Workshop on eInfrastructure (Internet and Grids) Rome Dec GRID-Initiatives SNIC NorduGrid SweGRID Testbed NOS-N Nordic GRID Facility ? NGC CERN LCG/EGEE
Workshop on eInfrastructure (Internet and Grids) Rome Dec The NorduGrid philosophy No single point of failure Resource owners have full control of the contributed resources Installation details should not be dictated Method, OS version, configuration, etc. As little restriction on site configuration as possible Computing nodes should not be required to be on the public network Clusters need not be dedicated NorduGrid software should be able to use existing system and Globus installation Patched Globus RPMs are provided Start with something simple that works and proceed from there
Workshop on eInfrastructure (Internet and Grids) Rome Dec NDGF NorduGrid SweGrid DCGC Notur CSC... MoU Nordic Atlas User Group Nordic PigMap Members Dalton Users Atlas PigMap