Neutrino physics Lecture 2: Theory of neutrino mass, and physics BSM? Herbstschule für Hochenergiephysik Maria Laach Walter Winter Universität Würzburg TexPoint fonts used in EMF: AAAAA A A A
2 Contents Measuring neutrino mass The seesaw paradigm Neutrino mass models at the TeV scale: What ingredients do “natural” models need? Is it possible that new physics shows up in the neutrino sector only? How does the large 13 affect our understanding of (lepton) flavor? Summary and conclusions
Measuring neutrino mass
4 Tritium end point experiments (Guido Drexlin, NOW 2008) Direct test of neutrino mass by decay kinematics Current bound: 1/ x m e (2 eV) TINY! Future experiment: KATRIN ( Karlsruhe Tritium Neutrino Experiment) 1/ x m e (0.2 eV) ~8800 km
5 n n Two times simple beta decay: Neutrinoless double beta decay: Neutrinoless double beta decay … if the neutrino is ist own antiparticle, a Majorana neutrino! p e-e- W-W- p n e-e- W-W- p e-e- W-W- 2 x 2 x e 0 x 2 x e n p e-e- W-W- = Caveat: discovering 0 does not mean that one has actually seen Majorana neutrinos!
6 Cosmological tests Example: Relativistic neutrinos damp the formation of structure Essentially sensitive to sum of neutrino masses Information from different cosmological datasets used in literature Limit ~ eV (S. Hannestad) … might finally be used rule to out that neutrino physics in charge of 0 !
The seesaw paradigm
8 Why is the neutrino mass so small? Why are the neutrinos more than times lighter than the electron? Cannot be described in simple extensions of the Standard Model Is the neutrino mass the lowest order perturbation of physics BSM? Seesaw mechanism: Neutrino mass suppressed by heavy partner, which only exists in the early universe (GUT seesaw)? Decay of M R origin of matter-antimatter-asymmetry? CP violation? Test in neutrino oscillations! Requires Majorana nature of neutrino! Test in neutrinoless double beta decay (0 ) Other SM particles Heavy partner
9 Lepton flavor violation (LFV) BSM physics described by effective operators in the low-E limit (gauge invariant): Effective field theories : Scale of new physics Neutrino mass (LNV) But these are no fundamental theories (non- renormalizable operators). Idea: Investigate fundamental theories (TeV completions) systematically!
10 Neutrino mass from d=5 (Weinberg) - Operator Fundamental theories at tree level: Neutrino mass ~ Y 2 v 2 / (type I, III see-saw) For Y = O(1), v ~ 100 GeV: ~ GUT scale For ~ TeV scale: Y << Interactions difficult to observe at LHC Couplings “unnaturally“ small? Seesaw mechanism Type I Type II Type IIISeesaw LL ?
Neutrino masses at the TeV scale? … and physics at the LHC …
12 Neutrino masses at the TeV scale Goals: New physics scale “naturally“ at TeV scale (i.e., TeV scale not put in by hand) Testable at the LHC?! Yukawa couplings of order one Requires additional suppression mechanisms. The typical ones: 1)Radiative generation of neutrino mass (n loops) 2)Neutrino mass from higher than d=5 effective operator 3)Small lepton number violating contribution (e.g. inverse see-saw, RPV SUSY models, …)
13 Example (suppression 3): Type-II, inverse seesaw (Florian Florence 2012)
14 Additional suppression (mechanisms 1+2): Loops versus dimension Tree1-loop2-loop d=5 d=7 d=8 d=11 Loop suppression, controlled by 1/(16 2 ) Suppression by d, controlled by 1/ 2 Type I, II, II seesaw Depends on scale: > 4 v ~ 3 TeV? Discrete symmetry to forbid d=5? How can I make sure that no lower order operators are generated? Depends on mediators/int. Zee, 1980; Ma, 1998; …
15 Example: Neutrino mass from higher dimensional operators Approach: Use higher dimensional operators, e.g. Leads to Estimate: for ~ 1 – 10 TeV and m linear in Yukawas (worst case): d = 9 sufficient if no other suppression mechanism d = 7 sufficient if Yukawas ~ m e /v ~ allowed
16 The loop issue Loop d=5 contribution dominates for or > 3 TeV Conclusion: If assumed that d=7 leading, one effectively has to put << 3 TeV by hand (see e.g. Babu, Nandi, Tavartkiladze, 2009) Can one avoid this? LL LL Close loop d=7 operator d=5 operator
17 Forbid lower dim. operators Define genuine d=D operator as leading contribution to neutrino mass with all operators d<D forbidden Use new U(1) or discrete symmetry (“matter parity“) Problem: H + H can never be charged under the new symmetry! Need new fields! The simplest possibilities are probably (e.g. Chen, de Gouvea, Dobrescu, hep-ph/ ; Godoladze, Okada, Shafi, arXiv: ) (e.g. Babu, Nandi, hep-ph/ ; Giudice, Lebedec, arXiv: )
18 Higher dim. operators in THDM Simplest possibility (d=7): Z 5 with e.g. (SUSY: Z 3 ) SUSY: only this one (but: there can be operators with the scalar singlet in the NMSSM) Same for d=9 Bonnet, Hernandez, Ota, Winter, JHEP 10 (2009) 076
19 Systematic study of d=7 Systematically decompose d=7 operator in all possible ways Notation for mediators: SU(2) Lorentz Y=Q-I 3 Bonnet, Hernandez, Ota, Winter, JHEP 10 (2009) 076
20 Generalizations of see-saws Generalizations of originial see-saws: Duplication of the original see-saws plus scalars Type I (fermionic singlet) Type II (scalar triplet) Type III (fermionic triplet) Characteristics: Similar phenomenology! Bonnet, Hernandez, Ota, Winter, JHEP 10 (2009) 076
21 A SUSY example Neutral fermion mass matrix after EWSB in basis Krauss, Ota, Porod, Winter, Phys. Rev. D84 (2011) Fermionic doublets #17 from list Compare to “inverse see-saw“ (suppression mechanism 3) if heavy doublets integrated out Flavor struct. byMass states: n i
22 Test at the LHC? (example) Krauss, Ota, Porod, Winter, Phys. Rev. D84 (2011) Test mediators Test LFV Test LNV compare
23 Even higher suppression? Tree1-loop2-loop d=5 d=7 d=8 d=11 Loop suppression, controlled by 1/(16 2 ) Suppression by d, controlled by 1/ 2 Switched off by discrete symmetry To beavoided for < 3 TeV Example 1: d=9 at tree level Example 2: d=7 at two loop Suppression mechanisms 1), 2), and 3) Bonnet, Hernandez, Ota, Winter, JHEP 10 (2009) 076 Physics at TeV scale with O(1) couplings Strategies for higher loops: Farzan, Pascoli, Schmidt, arXiv:
New physics in neutrino sector only? Most discussed options in literature: Light sterile neutrinos (aka: light SM singlets) Heavy SM singlets ( non-unitary mixings) Non-standard interactions (aka: flavor changing neutral currents)
25 Evidence for sterile neutrinos? LSND/MiniBooNE Reactor+gallium anomalies Global fits Neutrino 2012) (B. Fleming, TAUP 2011) (Kopp, Maltoni, Schwetz, )
26 Example: 3+1 framework (with addl. m 2 ~ 1 eV 2 ) Well known tension between appearance and disapp. data (appearance disappearance in both channels) Need one or more new experiments which can test e disappearance (Gallium, reactor anomalies) disappearance (overconstrains 3+N frameworks) e - oscillations (LSND, MiniBooNE) Neutrinos and antineutrinos separately (CP violation? Gallium vs reactor?) Example: nuSTORM - Neutrinos from STORed Muons (LOI: arXiv: ) Summary of options: Appendix of white paper arXiv:
27 Non-unitarity of mixing matrix? Integrating out heavy fermion fields (such as in a type-I TeV see-saw), one obtains neutrino mass and the d=6 operator (here: fermion singlets) Re-diagonalizing and re-normalizing the kinetic terms of the neutrinos, one has This can be described by an effective (non-unitary) mixing matrix with N=(1+ ) U Relatively stroung bounds already, perhaps not so good candidate for future measurements (see e. g. Antusch, Baumann, Fernandez-Martinez, arXiv: ) also: “MUV“
28 Non-standard interactions Typically described by effective four fermion interactions (here with leptons) May lead to matter NSI (for = =e) May also lead to source/detector NSI How plausible is a model leading to such NSI (and showing up in neutrino sector only)?
29 Lepton flavor violation (d=6) Charged lepton flavor violation Strong bounds ee e NSI ee e CLFV e 4 -NSI Ex.: e e Non-standard neutrino interact. Effects in neutrino oscillations in matter Non-standard int. with 4 Effects in environments with high neutrino densities (supernovae) BUT: These phenomena are not independent (SU(2) gauge invariance!) Is it possible that new physics is present in the neutrino sector only?
30 Idea: d=8 operator? Decouple CLFV and NSI by SU(2) symmetry breaking with operator Works at effective operator level, but are there theories allowing that? [at tree level] Davidson, Pena-Garay, Rius, Santamaria, 2003 Project out neutrino field
31 Systematic analysis for d=8 Decompose all d=8 leptonic operators systematically The bounds on individual operators from non- unitarity, EWPT, … are very strong! (Antusch, Baumann, Fernandez-Martinez, arXiv: ) Need at least two mediator fields plus a number of cancellation conditions (Gavela, Hernandez, Ota, Winter, Phys. Rev. D79 (2009) ) Basis (Berezhiani, Rossi, 2001) Combine different basis elements C 1 LEH, C 3 LEH Cancel d=8 CLFV But these mediators cause d=6 effects Additional cancellation condition (Buchmüller/Wyler – basis) Avoid CLFV at d=8: C 1 LEH =C 3 LEH Feynman diagrams
Implications of large 13 : flavor
33 Short seesaw-I mixing primer Charged lepton mass terms Eff. neutrino mass terms cf., charged current Rotates left- handed fields Block diag.
34 The TBM “prejudice“ Tri-bimaximal mixings probably most discussed approach for neutrinos (U l often diagonal) Can be obtained in flavor symmetry models (e.g., A 4, S 4 ) Consequence: 13 =0 Obviously not! Ways out for large 13 ?
35 Impact on theory of flavor? Structure: A 4, S 4, TBM, … Anarchy: Random draw? 13 very smallvery large Different flavor symmetry? Corrections? CL sector? RGR running? Some structure + randomness: Froggatt-Nielsen? vs. Quark-lepton compementarity: 13 ~ C ? e.g. 12 = 35 + 13 cos (Antusch, King)
36 Anarchy? Idea: perhaps the mixing parameters are a “random draw“? Challenge: define parameterization- independent measure Result: large 13 “natural“, no magic needed (Hall, Murayama, Weiner, 2000; de Gouvea, Murayama, 2003, 2012)
37 “Structure+randomness“: Froggatt Nielsen mechanism? L/R are SM fermions After integrating out the heavy fermions: Integer power n is controlled by the (generation/flavor- dependent) quantum numbers of the fermions under the flavor symmetry K: (complex) generation dependent (random) order one coefficients Well-suited to describe hierarchies (F. Plentinger) Ml ~Ml ~ Example:
38 Hybrid alternatives? Charged leptons: Strong hierarchy, masses through SM Yukawas Quarks: Strong hierarchies Small mixings Neutrinos: Mild (no?) hierarchy, large mixings, Majorana masses? Origin: physics BSM? LNV operator? Flavor symmetry, structure? Tri-bimaximal mixing “paradigm“? Ansatz suitable for hierarchies, such as Froggatt-Nielsen? Meloni, Plentinger, Winter, PLB 699 (2011) 244 13 =0
39 Consequences Can control the size of 13 by suitable U(1) charges/mass texture for the charged lepton sector: Challenge: Deviations from TBM 12 typically accompanied by large 13 Re-think zeroth order paradigm (TBM)??? Meloni, Plentinger, Winter, PLB 699 (2011) 244
40 Summary and outlook Are neutrinos masses evidence for physics BSM? Neutrinoless double beta decay Tests at the LHC 0 signal + CPV in lepton sector + no evidence for mass at the LHC GUT seesaw, leptogenesis? Natural TeV neutrino mass model requires additional suppression mechanism; then, however, plausible to discover it at the LHC Most likely case for new physics in neutrino sector: fourth generation (light sterile neutrino)? Theory of flavor has to be re-thought after 13 discovery