TMT.PSC.PRE REL03 Luc Simard AO4ELT3 Conference Firenze, May 27-31, 2013 Exploring the Full Cosmic Timeline with TMT
TMT.PSC.PRE REL03 TMT Cosmic Timeline Billion Years
TMT.PSC.PRE REL03 Working at the Diffraction Limit 3
TMT.PSC.PRE REL03 Seeing-limited observations and observations of resolved sources Background-limited AO observations of unresolved sources High-contrast AO observations of unresolved sources The Importance of Adaptive Optics 4
TMT.PSC.PRE REL03 TMT as an Agile Telescope: Catching The “Unknown Unknowns” TMT target acquisition time requirement is 5 minutes (i.e., day) Source: Figure 8.6, LSST Science Book Tightly sequenced observations will be key 5
TMT.PSC.PRE REL03 From Science to Subsystems Transients - GRBs/ supernovae/tidal flares/? Fast system response time Transients - GRBs/ supernovae/tidal flares/? Fast system response time NFIRAOS fast switching science fold mirror Articulated M3 for fast instrument switching Fast slewing and acquisition 6
TMT.PSC.PRE REL03 7 Summary of TMT Science Objectives and Capabilities
TMT.PSC.PRE REL03 8 TMT Planned Instrument Suite
TMT.PSC.PRE REL03 9 An ELT Instrumentation “Equivalence Table” Type of InstrumentGMTTMTE-ELT Near-IR, AO-assisted Imager + IFUGMTIFSIRISHARMONI Wide-Field, Optical Multi-Object Spectrometer GMACSMOBIEOPTIMOS Near-IR Multislit SpectrometerNIRMOSIRMS Deployable, Multi-IFU Imaging Spectrometer IRMOSEAGLE Mid-IR, AO-assisted Echelle Spectrometer MIRESMETIS High-Contrast Exoplanet ImagerTIGERPFIEPICS Near-IR, AO-assisted Echelle Spectrometer GMTNIRSNIRESSIMPLE High-Resolution Optical Spectrometer G-CLEFHROSCODEX “Wide”-Field AO ImagerWIRCMICADO
TMT.PSC.PRE REL03 The Milky Way Halo According to Cold Dark Matter Dark matter particles and NOT stars! 10
TMT.PSC.PRE REL03 Low-Mass CDM with Astrometric Anomalies in Gravitational Lenses TMT will be able to detect astrometric anomalies in gravitational lenses from dark CDM haloes with masses as small as 10 7 solar masses – a factor of ten improvement This will yield better constraints on the nature of the dark matter particle MCAO 11 Vegetti et al. 2010
TMT.PSC.PRE REL03 Towards Resolving the Missing Satellites Problem Strigari et al The TMT mass limit of 10 7 M is where the discrepancy is the largest! 12
TMT.PSC.PRE REL03 Inter-Galactic Medium Tomography: Now (Simulation: M. Norman, UCSD) SL 13
TMT.PSC.PRE REL03 (Simulation: M. Norman, UCSD) SL 14 Inter-Galactic Medium Tomography: TMT
TMT.PSC.PRE REL03 (Simulation: M. Norman, UCSD) It will be possible to probe individual galaxy haloes with multiple sightlines TMT is a wide-field telescope when applied to the high redshift Universe: 20’ field of view is equivalent to 3.4 degrees at the redshift of SDSS SL 15 Inter-Galactic Medium Tomography: TMT
TMT.PSC.PRE REL03 The First Luminous Objects TMT should detect the first luminous objects - and will study the physics of objects found with JWST: Detection of He II emission would confirm the primordial nature of these objects. With TMT, we will be able to study the flux distribution of sources, and the size and topology of the ionization region. This will help us understand how reionization developed. Schaerer 2002 MOAO 16
TMT.PSC.PRE REL03 Synergies I. First Light and Re-ionization Penetrating the Early Universe with ionized bubbles JWST: Detection of sources TMT: (1) Source spectroscopy with IRIS/IRMS and (2) Mapping topology of bubbles around JWST detections with IRIS/IRMS or IRMOS deployable IFUs ALMA: Imaging of dust continuum up to z = 10 for complete baryon inventory Source: IRMOS Caltech Feasibility Study 17
TMT.PSC.PRE REL03 High-Redshift Star Formation MOAO 18
TMT.PSC.PRE REL03 Synergies II. SKA The “Square Kilometer Array” will probe the so-called Dark Ages It will also survey sources at the microjansky and nanojansky levels Expected to be optically very faint It will be possible with ELTs+SKA to study star formation rates and feedback from active galactic nuclei in normal galaxies out to z = 6 Spectroscopic limits (Padovani 2011) 19
TMT.PSC.PRE REL03 Physics of Galaxy Formation TMT will use adaptive optics to map the physical state of galaxies over the redshift range where the bulk of galaxy assembly occurs: Star formation rate Metallicity maps Extinction maps Dynamical Masses Gas kinematics Synergy with ALMA: Molecular emission z = 0 z = 2.5 z = 5.5 TMT IRMOS-UFHIA team MOAO 20
TMT.PSC.PRE REL03 Physics of Galaxy Formation TMT will use adaptive optics to map the physical state of galaxies over the redshift range where the bulk of galaxy assembly occurs: Star formation rate Metallicity maps Extinction maps Dynamical Masses Gas kinematics Synergy with ALMA: Molecular emission z = 0 z = 2.5 z = 5.5 TMT IRMOS-UFHIA team MOAO TMT observations at z ~ 4 will be as good as current observations at z ~ 1 21
TMT.PSC.PRE REL03 Merging galaxies often hidden behind gas and dust forming stars – need mid-IR to penetrate extinction High spatial resolution separates black hole region from host galaxy contamination TMT/MIRES will put JWST observations in context as done with Spitzer and today’s 8m telescopes – At z=0.5, JWST resolution = 1.5 kpc and TMT = 330 pc 11 22
TMT.PSC.PRE REL03 Merging galaxies often hidden behind gas and dust forming stars – need mid-IR to penetrate extinction High spatial resolution separates black hole region from host galaxy contamination TMT/MIRES will put JWST observations in context as done with Spitzer and today’s 8m telescopes – At z=0.5, JWST resolution = 1.5 kpc and TMT = 330 pc MIRA O 23
TMT.PSC.PRE REL03 Resolved Stellar Populations in Virgo Cluster galaxies Requires: High Strehl PSF Uniformity PSF Stability Relatively large FoV MCAO ! A 5 ʹʹ x 10 ʹʹ field in a Virgo Cluster galaxy spheroid observed with an 8m telescope (left) and TMT (right) at the same Strehl ratio (S=0.6) and an exposure time of 3 hours. Only the brightest Asymptotic Giant Branch (AGB) stars are visible with an 8-m telescope whereas TMT will probe down the Red Giant Branch (RGB) 24
TMT.PSC.PRE REL03 25 Black holes and Active Galactic Nuclei TMT will determine black hole masses over a wide range of galaxy types, masses and redshifts: It can resolve the region of influence of a 10 9 M BH to z ~ 0.4 using adaptive optics. Key questions: When did the first super- massive BHs form and feed? How do BH properties and growth rate depend on the environment? How do BHs evolve dynamically? CFA Redshift Survey galaxies TMT will expand by a factor of 1000 the number of galaxies where direct black hole mass measurements can be performed MCAO
TMT.PSC.PRE REL03 Galactic Center Mapping the orbits of stars at the Galactic Center with current Keck and first- light TMT AO systems. Area shown is 0 ʹʹ.8 x 0 ʹʹ.8 (0.027 x pc) centered on Milky Way supermassive black hole. Wavelength is 2.1 µm. MCAO 26
TMT.PSC.PRE REL03 Galactic Center with the IRIS Imager 17 ʹʹ 100,000 stars down to K = 24 Courtesy: L. Meyer (UCLA) K-band t = 20s MCAO 27
TMT.PSC.PRE REL03 Substructures in Protoplanetary Disks TMT will be able to image protoplanetary disks and detect features produced by planets with mid-infrared adaptive optics: TMT will have 5x the resolution of JWST. Simulation of Solar System protoplanetary disk (Liou & Zook 1999) MIRA O 28
TMT.PSC.PRE REL03 Synergies III. Planet Formation Simulation of a protoplanetary system with a tidal gap created by a Jupiter-like planet at 7 AU from its central star as observed by ALMA TMT’s Planet Formation Instrument (PFI) will allow detection of the planets themselves that are responsible for the gaps and thus enable measurements of mass, accretion rate and orbital motion. Figure 31 “Science with ALMA” Document TMT PFI: mas IWA (Taurus Jovians) mas IWA (Reflected light Jovians) 29
TMT.PSC.PRE REL03 Planet Formation and The Building Blocks of Life Diffraction-limited, high spectral resolution observations in the mid-IR with TMT will probe complex molecules in protoplanetary disks where terrestrial planets are expected to reside MIRA O
TMT.PSC.PRE REL03 31 Synergies IV. Proto-Star Formation High-velocity outflowing gas in CO towards protostar SVS13 (Keck/NIRSPEC) TMT/MIRES will measure warm, dense molecular gas to probe the base of outflows in a large number of low-mass protostars Low-resolution Spitzer spectrum shows exceptionally strong molecular absorption. HCN and CO suggests gas originates in an outflow TMT/MIRES will measure molecular abundances to determine the launch point of the wind 31
TMT.PSC.PRE REL03 32 Direct Imaging of Mature Exoplanets ExAO 32
TMT.PSC.PRE REL03 33 Direct Imaging of Mature Exoplanets ExAO Observing mature planets in reflected light will tell us how many planetary systems actually share the same “architecture” as our own Solar System. 33
TMT.PSC.PRE REL03 Synergies V. TESS “Transiting Exoplanet Survey Satellite” Survey area 400 times larger than Kepler’s 2.5 million of the closest and brightest stars (G, K types) 2,700 new planets including several hundred Earth-sized ones Planned launch:
TMT.PSC.PRE REL03 35 Geological Mapping of Asteroids Vesta Binzel et al Keck AO Zellner et al MCAO
TMT.PSC.PRE REL03 36 Vesta Binzel et al Keck AO Zellner et al TMT can resolve the surface of over 800 Main Belt asteroids A MB asteroid will typically take ~2 hours to tumble across the NFIRAOS field of view Geological Mapping of Asteroids
TMT.PSC.PRE REL03 37 Observing Io with AO on TMT Simulations of Io Jupiter-facing hemisphere in H band (Courtesy of Franck Marchis) Keck/AO+NIRC2Keck/NGAOTMT/AO+IRIS TMT resolution at 1µm is 7 mas = 25 km at 5 AU (Jupiter) (0.035 AU at 5 pc, nearby stars) MCAO
TMT.PSC.PRE REL03 38 Simulations of Io Jupiter-facing hemisphere in H band (Courtesy of Franck Marchis) Keck/AO+NIRC2Keck/NGAOTMT/AO+IRIS And: Methane rain fall on Titan The geysers of Enceladus Nitrogen geysers blowing in the wind on Triton … TMT resolution at 1µm is 7 mas = 25 km at 5 AU (Jupiter) (0.035 AU at 5 pc, nearby stars) MCAO Observing Io with AO on TMT
TMT.PSC.PRE REL03 39 Surface Mapping of Kuiper Belt Objects F. Marchis (UC Berkeley/SETI) Outstanding Questions: Cryovolcanism Bulk density and interior structure of the most primitive planetesimals MCAO
TMT.PSC.PRE REL03 Synergies VI. Solar System Physics and Chemistry of Cometary Atmospheres CO(2-1) emission and dust continuum from Comet Hale-Bopp at 1’’ resolution with with IRAM Submm+optical = nucleus albedo and size (Figure 40 - “Science with ALMA” Document) Detection of parent volatiles in Comet Lee (C/1999 H1) at R=20, 000. TMT/NIRES will allow diffraction-limited observations at R=100,000 over the range µm Look for “chemical families” as probes of the Oort Cloud 40
TMT.PSC.PRE REL03 41 Strong Overlap Between Science and Instrumentation
TMT.PSC.PRE REL03 42 Synergies VII. Space/IR and ALMA The angular resolution of TMT instruments nicely complements that of JWST and ALMA TMT/MIRES will have comparable spectral line sensitivity (NELF) to infrared space missions with a much higher spectral resolution (TMT capabilities are shown in red) TMT is a “near IR ALMA”!
TMT.PSC.PRE REL03 TMT science programs span the full cosmic timeline: From the “Dark Sector” and First Light Including our own Solar System! TMT has a powerful suite of planned science instruments and AO systems that will make the Observatory a world- class, next-generation facility Strong synergies with ALMA, JWST, SKA, TESS and the time-domain (LSST, PAN-STARRS, …) 43 Summary Newly-established “International Science Development Teams” will now continue the work on TMT science
TMT.PSC.PRE REL03 The TMT Project gratefully acknowledges the support of the TMT collaborating institutions. They are the Association of Canadian Universities for Research in Astronomy (ACURA), the California Institute of Technology, the University of California, the National Astronomical Observatory of Japan, the National Astronomical Observatories of China and their consortium partners, and the Department of Science and Technology of India and their supported institutes. This work was supported as well by the Gordon and Betty Moore Foundation, the Canada Foundation for Innovation, the Ontario Ministry of Research and Innovation, the National Research Council of Canada, the Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada, the British Columbia Knowledge Development Fund, the Association of Universities for Research in Astronomy (AURA) and the U.S. National Science Foundation. Acknowledgments 44