Minority Scientist Project
Step 1: Research 1.Determine which scientist you would like to research. 2.You must use a MINIMUM of 3 printed or internet sources. If you use internet sources, you must include a verification of the site. 3.You will be looking for two primary topics of information about your scientist.
a. Personal information Basic biographical info, birth date, (date died), ethnicity, race, mom & dad, brothers & sisters, and gender. Where they grew up, what was their early life like. Where did they go to school, or how did they get their education.
b.Scientific Life What was their early adult life like? How did they become a scientist? What field of science did they specialize in? Biology, Chemistry, Physics, Astronomy, Geology, etc. Did they work in a specific branch of these fields? Genetics, Ecology, Medicine, etc. What did they do their research on? What were their main discoveries/contributions? How has society been impacted by their work?
Step 2: Paper You will write a 2 page paper with in Times New Roman font of 11 point size, 6 point spacing, double spaced between lines, and 1” margins on all sides. You will have in addition to the 2 page body of the paper, a title page, and a works cited page. The paper should include the biographical information, but must be more than 50% based on their scientific contributions.
Step 3: Poster Poster will be based on the premise that you are trying to promote your scientist as “Scientist of the Year”. You need a picture of your scientist. Provide information about the scientist focusing on their research The poster should be persuasive in nature to show why you believe they are the SotY! Graded upon quality, accuracy, and scientific work.
Step 4: Presentation You will give a 3 minute presentation to the class about your scientist. You and your partner will be responsible for the presentation. You can give a simple speech showcasing your poster, or you can do a powerpoint or prezi or other presentation if you wish.
Step 5: Self/Partner/Class Evaluation You will write a short 1 paragraph evaluation of your work on this project. Include what you learned, and how you feel you contributed to your group. You will also a write a short 1 paragraph evaluation of your partner on this project. Describe how helpful they were in completing the project and how you divided the work, and accomplished goals. As a class the posters and presentations will be evaluated.
Possible Grade Rubric Step 1: Research notes—10 pts Step 2: Biographical Paper—40 pts Step 3: Poster—25 pts Step 4: Presentation—15 pts Step 5: Evaluations—10 pts