Persian and Arabic Literature By Andrew C. Jackson
Historical Highlights (566) Pre-Islamic Persia Pre-Islamic Persia –Aryans established Became known as Persia –Iran “land of the Aryans” –Alexander the Great Conquered Persia
H.H. Arabs and the Rise of Islam Arabs and the Rise of Islam –Abraham Arabs descended from him (traditionally) –Mecca Part of trade route –Muhammad Founder of Islam (born in 570) –Islam “submission to Allah’s will”
H.H. A Persian Rebirth A Persian Rebirth –Persia thrives in many ways
People and Society (568) Nomads Nomads –“wanderers” known as Bedouins Ruling Class Ruling Class –Theocracy (government by religious authority) Emirs (princes) Sultans (rulers) Shahs (kings) –Helped by viziers (chief ministers) Lower classes Lower classes –Ok if they paid tax and did not promote their own religions –Helped by Muhammad’s perspective of helping the poor
P and S Merchants and traders Merchants and traders –Bazaars –Increasingly wealthy The Learned Class The Learned Class –Scholars, scientists, writers, artists Highly respected Islamic Mystics Islamic Mystics –Dervishes (mystic monks) Women Women –Were treated better then
Arts and culture (570) Islamic Architecture Islamic Architecture –Mosques (houses of worship) Minaret (high tower or beacon) Muezzin –Crier calls for prayer 5xday
A and C (cont.) Scholarship and Science Scholarship and Science –Emphasis on study and learning House of Wisdom
A and C (cont.) Literature Literature –Pre-Islamic Mainly oral –Post-Islam More put into writing Koran –Islam’s sacred book (653 A.D.) Decorative arts (limited because of Islam) Decorative arts (limited because of Islam) –Swords –Carpets –Persian miniatures
Connect to Today (574-75) Modern banking Modern banking Mail system Mail system Surgery Surgery Mathematics Mathematics Astronomy Astronomy Language Language Pants (J.D.) Pants (J.D.)
Here endeth the lesson Andrew C. Jackson, 2007 Andrew C. Jackson, 2007