1 Define a model 2 Populate the lexicon
Core Model
=> Switch to Monica’s file Confront LMF/NLP against 7 lexicon: –One invented one –6 real famous lexicons Getting Started Lexicon (English + Spanish) OLIF (German) CLIPS (Italian) LC-Star (Arabic + English) WordNet (English) FrameNet (English) Bdéf (French) –We schedule to add Parole/Catalan (Celex Dutch ?) –For each: presentation, raw data, modeling within source model, study whether the data FIT or MAP, modeling within LMF.
Open Issues 1 Core model is not suited for multilingual lexicons. Core model is the smallest common denominator for monolingual lexicons. PB: One LexiconDB with 2 entries: one in English and one in French. How to attach metaData for the whole DB (e.g. Version-1) and metaData for each language (e.g. copyright mention: « Smith » for English and « Dupont » for French).
2 Improve specification: 3 sorts of attributes mandatory attribute: e.g. /part of speech/ for Lexical Entry localized attribute: to be used on a specific class and nowhere else but is optionnal: e.g. /syllabification/ is to be used on a form and not to be used on a Sense or LexicalDB non localized attribute: e.g. /modification date/ is an attribute that could be used anywhere (currently not specified)
3 Synsets and Senses In MILE and LMF/NLP we have both Synsets and Senses. But it’s weird. And of course, we have relationSynsets + relationSenses. What do you think of a Sense that could be connected to various different Lexical Entries? => Merging the notion of synset and sense?
4 Collocations (from LexiquePourLeTAL) Show how to represent preference in collocation. For instance, in French, the adjective “ a î n é” is to be used with “ fr è re ”, “ soeur ” => to add that in syntax
5 MWE in syntax (from LexiquePourLeTAL) The syntactic section needs explanation and example of how to represent MWE in syntax, with an example like “ la moutarde me monte au nez ” that varies regularly in syntax.
6 Multilingual notations (comment from Nuria) What is missing is the possibility to represent something like: “ transfer only valid for medicine ”. In other terms, we need the possibility to express constraints.
7 Derivation in morphology (comment from Mandy) Derivation in morphology for lexicons without semantics and possibly to record rules specific to a given language, specifically for languages where derivation is highly productive like Arabic.