GSA Office of Intergovernmental Solutions Fostering a Collaborative Environment with Federal, State, Local and International Governments The Health IT Ontology Project Presentation: To the National Center for Ontological Research Committee on Ontology for Health Informatics Marc Wine GSA OIS January 27, 2006
Mission Statement GSA Office of Intergovernmental Solutions (OIS) The mission of the OIS involves supporting improvement of the delivery of government services to citizens among federal, state, local and foreign governments and intergovernmental organizations. The mission of the OIS involves supporting improvement of the delivery of government services to citizens among federal, state, local and foreign governments and intergovernmental organizations.
The Mission of OIS Includes Three Cross-cutting Objectives: 1. Facilitating knowledge-sharing of business practices of critical importance to the governments priorities. 2. Expanding the intergovernmental community to broaden the scope of collaboration among the public and private intergovernmental agencies and organizations. 3. Supporting Communities of Practice, which are aligned with effectively accomplishing the goals of the Presidents Management Agenda. – The Health IT Ontology Project (HITOP) Federal Work Group One initiative involves working with federal health IT leaders to examine the possibilities for employing Semantic Web, ontology type software solutions to support high-priority health IT applications – The Health IT Ontology Project (HITOP) Federal Work Group
Health Ontology Project (HITOP) Federal Work Group The Purposes of the HITOP Work Group are to: Survey existing best practices and actions in the semantic interoperability and ontology communities of practice. Identify leading–edge innovations in the use of ontology software tools for health IT applications. Support the advancement of interoperability and standards in the context of Federal Enterprise.
HITOP Federal Work Group Membership Michael Fitzmaurice, Agency for Health Research & Quality Michael Fitzmaurice, Agency for Health Research & Quality Fran Hartel, National Institutes for Health Fran Hartel, National Institutes for Health Brand Niemann, Environmental Protection Agency and Chairman, SICoP Brand Niemann, Environmental Protection Agency and Chairman, SICoP Nancy Orvis, Department of Defense Nancy Orvis, Department of Defense Thomas Rhodes, National Institutes for Standards and Technology Thomas Rhodes, National Institutes for Standards and Technology Ram Sriram, National Institutes for Standards and Technology Ram Sriram, National Institutes for Standards and Technology David Whitten, Veterans Health Administration David Whitten, Veterans Health Administration Marc Wine, GSA Office of Intergovernmental Solutions Marc Wine, GSA Office of Intergovernmental Solutions
Ontology Actions Supporting Health IT Project Development Reported to HITOP The Ontology and Taxonomy Coordinating Work Group (ONTCWG) – provides a forum for voluntary coordination of all activities within the Federal government and other interested parties, in developing: Knowledge Classification and Representation systems such as: ontology, ontology, taxonomies, taxonomies, Thesauri, and Thesauri, and graphical knowledge representations. graphical knowledge representations.
Ontology Actions Supporting Health IT Project Development, cont. AHRQ is funding $4 million with the FDA and AHRQ is funding $4 million with the FDA and $1.15 million with the NLM to move critical drug safety information from the drug manufacturers to FDA, using an HL7 standard format and content, for FDA approval: $1.15 million with the NLM to move critical drug safety information from the drug manufacturers to FDA, using an HL7 standard format and content, for FDA approval: The information is posted publicly on the DailyMEd Web site. The information is posted publicly on the DailyMEd Web site. This project will continually improve the standardization of drug vocabulary and lead to improved patient safety and quality of care. This project will continually improve the standardization of drug vocabulary and lead to improved patient safety and quality of care.
Ontology Actions Supporting Health IT Project Development, cont. AHRQ is funding: NLM with $2.4 million to undertake mapping of ICD-9 diagnostic codes and CPT-4 procedure codes to SNOMED, to undertake a compilation of HL7 standards terminologies and incorporate them into NLMs Metathesaurus. NLM with $2.4 million to undertake mapping of ICD-9 diagnostic codes and CPT-4 procedure codes to SNOMED, to undertake a compilation of HL7 standards terminologies and incorporate them into NLMs Metathesaurus. CMS with $300,000 to build and maintain a meta-data registry of terms in the CHI standards that have been adopted by HHS, VA and DoD.CMS with $300,000 to build and maintain a meta-data registry of terms in the CHI standards that have been adopted by HHS, VA and DoD. NIST with $300,000 to build and populate a web-based Landscape that shows who is doing what in health data standards in the U.S. Implementation is underway now. Sharing this new tool is being facilitated with the HIMSS RHIO Federation, as a public-private linkage.NIST with $300,000 to build and populate a web-based Landscape that shows who is doing what in health data standards in the U.S. Implementation is underway now. Sharing this new tool is being facilitated with the HIMSS RHIO Federation, as a public-private linkage.
Ontology Actions Supporting Health IT Project Development, cont. NIST points out, that for a long-term robust solutions, ontology tools will need to be able to classify standards and describe how standards are related to each other. NIST points out, that for a long-term robust solutions, ontology tools will need to be able to classify standards and describe how standards are related to each other. Understanding semantics will be essential to a long-term solution for interoperability. Understanding semantics will be essential to a long-term solution for interoperability. NIST has proposals for a major interoperability test bed for health care ontology, sharing ontology tools, aligning different technologies, comparing ontology tools for overlap and dovetails. NIST has proposals for a major interoperability test bed for health care ontology, sharing ontology tools, aligning different technologies, comparing ontology tools for overlap and dovetails.
Standards Development Office of the National Coordinator ONC and NIST are coordinating, beginning their work with the ONC contractors. ONC and NIST are coordinating, beginning their work with the ONC contractors. Harmonization of the Three Use Cases across the prototype projects Harmonization of the Three Use Cases across the prototype projects Two levels of data standards harmonization – format and content. Two levels of data standards harmonization – format and content. Once format and content are established, a separate group will work on building the test beds. Once format and content are established, a separate group will work on building the test beds. OWL and XML formats are considered for testing and validation of the health IT data standards. OWL and XML formats are considered for testing and validation of the health IT data standards. Conformance to standards of particular systems providers, testing data and interoperability – may play a role in certification Conformance to standards of particular systems providers, testing data and interoperability – may play a role in certification
Introducing the Data Reference Model 2.0 (DRM) of the Federal Enterprise Architecture (FEA) The DRM 2.0 is one of five reference models of the FEA that has recently been approved and is being implemented by OMB. The DRM 2.0 is one of five reference models of the FEA that has recently been approved and is being implemented by OMB. The FEA Data Reference Model (DRM) is intended to promote the common identification, use, and appropriate sharing of data and information across the federal government through its standardization of data. The FEA Data Reference Model (DRM) is intended to promote the common identification, use, and appropriate sharing of data and information across the federal government through its standardization of data.
Federal Health Architecture (FHA) Data Architecture Work Group (DAWG) Presentation made to FHA DAWG Jan. 25, 2006: demonstrating and proposing pilot testing the Data Reference Model approach, for applying the Semantic Web, Ontology Health IT Tool. Presentation made to FHA DAWG Jan. 25, 2006: demonstrating and proposing pilot testing the Data Reference Model approach, for applying the Semantic Web, Ontology Health IT Tool. Web site link for The FHA DAWG SCIoP DRM Pilot Web site link for The FHA DAWG SCIoP DRM Pilot DRM 2.0: DRM 2.0:
Key Strategies of the DRM to Help Support the Further Development of the FHA Version 0.6 Issued as agency and government wide guidance. Issued as agency and government wide guidance. Guide agencies in developing mature data architectures and management practices integral to their enterprise architectures. Guide agencies in developing mature data architectures and management practices integral to their enterprise architectures. Increase the ability to reuse data. Increase the ability to reuse data. Enable rapid information sharing and data standardization. Enable rapid information sharing and data standardization. A process to examine how to increase interoperability of standardized data between systems and across agencies. A process to examine how to increase interoperability of standardized data between systems and across agencies. Encourage cost-effectiveness in managing data enterprisewide. Encourage cost-effectiveness in managing data enterprisewide.
Office of Intergovernmental Solutions – Comments on the FHA Version 0.6 Comments Submitted to FHA Partners Council January 20, 2006: 1. The FHA Version 0.6 should be developed further to include specificity about how the DRM 2.0 will be applied in the design and maintenance of data definitions and standards. Rationale and Benefit to FHA Version 0.6: Enhancement of data definitions and relationships among related information systems in other agencies, state and local governments and the private sector.) Rationale and Benefit to FHA Version 0.6: Enhancement of data definitions and relationships among related information systems in other agencies, state and local governments and the private sector.) 2. The FHA PMO should consider early testing of the application of DRM 2.0 concepts. Rationale and Benefit to FHA Version 0.6: Demonstrating Semantic Web solutions that can enable more consumer-centric data and information usage across disparate networks and within legacy systems/applications. Rationale and Benefit to FHA Version 0.6: Demonstrating Semantic Web solutions that can enable more consumer-centric data and information usage across disparate networks and within legacy systems/applications.
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