Copyright © 2006 Data Access Technologies, Inc. Open Source eGovernment Reference Architecture Approach to Semantic Interoperability Cory Casanave, President.


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Presentation transcript:

Copyright © 2006 Data Access Technologies, Inc. Open Source eGovernment Reference Architecture Approach to Semantic Interoperability Cory Casanave, President Data Access Technologies, Inc.

Page 2Copyright © 2006 Data Access Technologies, Inc.January 2006 Semantically grounded Executable Architectures OsEra Overview What MDA brings – Executable Architectures providing Business Driven Interoperable Components What the Semantic Web Brings –Interoperability between independent architectures

Copyright © 2006 Data Access Technologies, Inc. Caveat OsEra and the Semantic Core is work in progress, not a ready to use capability

Page 4Copyright © 2006 Data Access Technologies, Inc.January 2006 OsEra Stack Enterprise Service Bus jBoss Application Server jBoss Application Server BPEL Processes BPEL Processes Policy Web Services Web Services Semantic Web Architecture Publishing Architecture Publishing Provisioning Model Repository Tool Integration Semantics Core Semantics Core Transformations Model->Integrate UML EDOC Component-X UML System Architect System Architect FEA Inference Import/Export Runtime capabilities for deployment and integration of application components Import/Export external information and produce documentation and technical artifacts. Publish and Integrate enterprise intellectual capital on the web Manage models and information from diverse sources across projects and communities Architecture Modeling Process Information Rules Objectives Capture existing information and integrate with choice of tools Provide tools for the entire integrated life cycle Integrate diverse information into a coherent enterprise view FEA with real time metrics This is planned but not the current focus RDF & OWL Model Integration Model Integration Eclipse Environment Eclipse is an open source IDE

Copyright © 2006 Data Access Technologies, Inc. Model to Integrate Using MDA and SOA from models to Solutions

Page 6Copyright © 2006 Data Access Technologies, Inc.January 2006 Business Architecture Simulated Model Driven Architecture Simulator EnterpriseArchitectureModel(PIM) Live Process Simulation Refine/Iterate Semantic Core Meta Model

Page 7Copyright © 2006 Data Access Technologies, Inc.January 2006 Business Architecture Automated Model Driven Architecture Framework & Infrastructure (E.G. -J2EE-WS) PSM InfrastructureMapping (E.G. J2EE-WS) Mapping is tuned to the infrastructure Tools Produce & Integrate EnterpriseComponents EnterpriseArchitecture Model (CIM) Minimize and structure manual implementation C Technical Architecture

Page 8Copyright © 2006 Data Access Technologies, Inc.January 2006 SOA Architecture Modeling Standards Based –OMG Enterprise Collaboration Architecture Models Collaborative Business Processes Link between business and SOA Drills down to SOA interfaces Provides the context for services

Page 9Copyright © 2006 Data Access Technologies, Inc.January 2006 Collaborative Process Model Enterprise Role. A major area of functional responsibility within the discipline of financial management. Work Role. A role responsible for a specific functional area within an enterprise role, such as might be assigned to a single worker or supported by an IT system. Activity. A specification of a business function in carried out the context of a work role. Protocol. A defined conversation between two roles that may be extended over time. One role initiates and the other responds to the protocol, but information may flow both ways across the protocol. Information Flow. An individual flow of information across a protocol or into or out of an activity. Subactivity. A specification a subfunction within necessary to carry out an activity.

Page 10Copyright © 2006 Data Access Technologies, Inc.January 2006 Example Work Roles Work Role Enterprise business service Inter-work role protocol Enterprise role (within the Financial Management discipline)

Page 11Copyright © 2006 Data Access Technologies, Inc.January 2006 Receivables Management Activities Related to Customer Orders Related to Receivables

Page 12Copyright © 2006 Data Access Technologies, Inc.January 2006 Information Model Example A term in the vocabulary represents a class of things to be described. Attributes specify descriptive information having simple types. Entities may be described as having a unique identity. A relation between terms is described by an association between classes. This means zero or more This means one or moreThis indicates a compositional (as opposed to referential) association. A class may be specialized into sub-classifications. This is a constraint that defines the sub-classification. An un-shaded class is further detailed on a different diagram.

Page 13Copyright © 2006 Data Access Technologies, Inc.January 2006 Enterprise Service Bus to Enable Target State Services driven from the business model Reusable Enterprise Services are independent & easily adapted and interconnected –Services communicate with each other like humans do with Information systems become a lattice of cooperating components providing services SOA/Enterprise Service Bus using commercial standards –Industry best practice to avoid developing large monolithic applications One-GSA Business Model Funds Management Service Contracting Service Solution Provider Service Project Management Service Enterprise Services

Page 14Copyright © 2006 Data Access Technologies, Inc.January 2006 Core Financial System Specification Service Interfaces Enterprise Components Work Components Service Manager Components Behavioral Specifications Data Model Message Specifications Data Manager Components Persistent Data Specifications Core Financial System Specification Service Interfaces Enterprise Components Work Components Service Manager Components Behavioral Specifications Data Model Message Specifications Data Manager Components Persistent Data Specifications Platform Specific Model Core Financial System Implementation Web Services Enterprise Information Systems System Components System Functions Data Definition XML Schemas Data Bases Data Base Schemas Core Financial System Implementation Web Services Enterprise Information Systems System Components System Functions Data Definition XML Schemas Data Bases Data Base Schemas Platform Specific Model (PSM)Platform Independent Model (PIM)

Page 15Copyright © 2006 Data Access Technologies, Inc.January 2006 Example of XML provisioned from model … … … … … Note; Dont have to really read this!

Page 16Copyright © 2006 Data Access Technologies, Inc.January 2006 Example Transaction Message XML Document … … … … … … … … … … … … … …

Page 17Copyright © 2006 Data Access Technologies, Inc.January 2006 Example Web Services Definition <wsdl:input message="tns:CustomerOrderEstablishmentPanopticInheritanceCluster name="CustomerOrderEstablishment"> <wsdl:input message="tns:CustomerOrderEstablishedPanopticInheritanceCluster name="CustomerOrderEstablished"> <wsdl:input message="tns:CustomerOrderEstablishmentRejectedInheritance name="CustomerOrderEstablishmentRejected"> The primary port type has operations corresponding to the request flows in the protocol. The callback port type has operations corresponding to the response flows in the protocol.

Page 18Copyright © 2006 Data Access Technologies, Inc.January 2006 What MDA Provides Business-centric Enterprise Models of Collaborative Processes, Information and Rules That are refined to produce SOA based component specifications – independent of middleware and implementation technologies Enabling model-based acquisition, FEA support, simulation and execution Facilitating Automated Development of Services and Implementations Providing for interoperable components that integrate new and legacy capabilities MDA provides an Architected Solution to interoperability

Copyright © 2006 Data Access Technologies, Inc.

Page 20Copyright © 2006 Data Access Technologies, Inc.January 2006 What is the Semantic Core? The semantic core integrates the concepts of architecture as expressed in multiple languages such as UML, OWL, FEA, BPM, EDOC, XML, Requirements, Etc. This provides for a unification of the intellectual capital used to specify –Organizations –Systems –Information –Interfaces –Processes –… Anything we architect Making the organizations, processes and systems more agile and interoperable Providing for the integration of independently developed architectures –Or the integration of intellectual capital

Page 21Copyright © 2006 Data Access Technologies, Inc.January 2006 Driver: Interoperability Interoperability of information and interfaces is a primary driver today. The cost and agility advantages are established, the issues known. We must enable a solution to these problems. Semantic core provides a missing link for enabling interoperability, this is our driving requirement. –Adaptation of similar information and interfaces across organizations, processes, and systems. Semantic Core combined with the capabilities of service oriented and model driven architectures provides a capability for wide scale, net centric interoperability.

Page 22Copyright © 2006 Data Access Technologies, Inc.January 2006 The Basics Problems to be solved –Interoperability of organizations and technology –Collaboration –Architected business information and processes –Agile solutions based on the architectures –Fully integrated life-cycle approach supporting the FEA The Approach –Architecture models grounded in an open and extensible semantic framework –Model Driven Architecture to generate technology components –Service Oriented Architecture as the infrastructure

Page 23Copyright © 2006 Data Access Technologies, Inc.January 2006 Meta Integration Problem Architectural Environment System Business or Technical Language UML Class Diagram Language Activity Diagram Language SAML Language EDOC Language ER Language WSDL Language Excel Language EJB Descriptor Class Diagram Language OWL Activites Web Service Specification Ontology Security Specification Database Schema EJB Ear Specification SOA Collaboration Requirements Key Uses Defines Artifact Too many ways to talk about the same thing, redundant and conflicting semantics.

Page 24Copyright © 2006 Data Access Technologies, Inc.January 2006 How this Effects Government Contractors, using different and incompatible tools Generate different architectures about the same things That then need to be aligned – but are never maintained Each project becomes an island, without reuse or interoperability The resultant complexity is expensive, and anti-agile

Page 25Copyright © 2006 Data Access Technologies, Inc.January 2006 Adapting Systems with OsEra OsEra Semantic Core UMLXML Provision Adapter Purchasing System Invoicing System Commerce Ontology Described in J2EEMicrosoft.NET Described in

Page 26Copyright © 2006 Data Access Technologies, Inc.January 2006 Integration Via Semantic Hubs Concepts We Specify Semantic Hub Reference Ontologies Common Concepts Monetary Trade Part Of Is Mapped Dis-Integrated Information Buy Purchase Ways To Specify Things Semantic Core Joint Behavior Part Of Describes UML XML Describes Library of common concepts Can grow over time Mapping is not one-one

Page 27Copyright © 2006 Data Access Technologies, Inc.January 2006 Views of Integrated Information OsEra Semantic Core UML DoDAF BPMN Ontologies FEA Requirements EDOC XML SQL OWL Provision Web Services Java/J2EE WorkflowDocumentation ComponentsBPEL E/R ModelsSecurity

Page 28Copyright © 2006 Data Access Technologies, Inc.January 2006 Semantic Core OWL Concepts XML Concepts UML Concepts Semantic Components Semantic Component Semantic Component Semantic Component Semantic Component Semantic Component Semantic Component Semantic Component Semantic Component Semantic Component Semantic Component Semantic Component Semantic Component Semantic Component Semantic Component Semantic Component Semantic Component Semantic Component Library of component concepts Growing based on need Modular, not monolithic A construction set for languages A lattice of interoperable concepts

Page 29Copyright © 2006 Data Access Technologies, Inc.January 2006 System A Interoperability of Systems Shared Context System B System C System D Shared Context Hub Context System of Systems

Page 30Copyright © 2006 Data Access Technologies, Inc.January 2006 Unifying Intellectual Capital Business Process (BPMN) System Architecture (UML) XML Vocabulary OsEra Process Model Component Model Document Model OrderOR_ST_05PO Reference Ontology Order Concept Unified Architecture Order Human/Automated Integration

Page 31Copyright © 2006 Data Access Technologies, Inc.January 2006 Ontological Grounding Grounding our common concepts in Ontologies has multiple advantages –We can add axioms that help to more concretely define the concepts –Ontology tools can use this information to bridge like terms for the same concept or similar concepts –Other ontology aware components can assist architects in grounding their models –Adaptation components can help build adapters between different interfaces and information stores –Inconsistencies can be identified and resolve early –As ontologies advance, additional capabilities can be added We can connect Ontological hubs – not requiring one true solution

Page 32Copyright © 2006 Data Access Technologies, Inc.January 2006 Example Workflow

Page 33Copyright © 2006 Data Access Technologies, Inc.January 2006 Joining the Stacks Modeling & Architecture Stack –UML –Model Driven Architecture –Meta Object Facility –Business Process Semantic Web & Ontology Stack –RDF –OWL Current Project – MOF to RDF –Makes ANY MOF compliant model (UML, EDOC, E/R, Etc) an OWL Ontology –Provides foundation for grounding models –Reduces the gaps between the camps –Allows models to be published as semantic web ontology resources

Page 34Copyright © 2006 Data Access Technologies, Inc.January 2006 Summary Semantic integration and interoperability requires –A Business driven approach –Intellectual capital contained in semantically grounded models –Provisioning to technology infrastructures –Tooling and automation –Standards –An approach for executing architected solutions – MDA –An approach to integrate architectures – Semantically Grounded Architectures & Semantic Core

Page 35Copyright © 2006 Data Access Technologies, Inc.January 2006 Resources OsEra – – Data Access Technologies, Inc – Cory Casanave –Cory-c (at) OMG Model Driven Architecture –