P INK T EAM Q UESTION 1 __________ caused Islam to spread North in the _______ century
A NSWER Trans- Saharan Trade caused Islam to spread North in the 8 th century
B LUE T EAM Q UESTION 2 In what year did the Almoraviods conquer Kumbi?
A NSWER 1076
G REEN T EAM Q UESTION 3 In what year did the Mande conquer Kumbi?
A NSWER 1240
P INK T EAM Q UESTION 4 Who lead the Songhai to conquer Mali?
A NSWER Sunni Ali
B LUE T EAM Q UESTION 5 Arabic was the language of what four things?
A NSWER Learning Trade Religion Government
G REEN T EAM Which is before Islam and which is after? 1 2 Question 6
A NSWER 1 is after and 2 is before
P INK T EAM ◊◊ D AILY D OUBLE ◊◊ Q UESTION 7 Why couldn’t Islam spread in the 7 th century?
A NSWER They didn’t have the technology to cross the desert
B LUE T EAM Q UESTION 8 Who was the first ruler to devotedly practice Muslim?
A NSWER Mansa Musa
G REEN T EAM Q UESTION 9 In ______ the Songhai people revolted Mansa Musa because __________________
A NSWER In the 1490’s the Songhai people revolted Mansa Musa because he wasn’t practicing Islam correctly
F AMILY F EUD B REAK End of round 1
P INK T EAM Q UESTION 10 In what way did the line of throne fallow?
A NSWER Patrilineal
B LUE T EAM Q UESTION 11 What are the 5 pillars of Islam?
A NSWER Ritual Prayer Almsgiving/Charity Hajj/Pilgrimages Fasting Pledging the Faith
G REEN T EAM Q UESTION 12 How was Mali built into an empire by the Mande?
A NSWER They Conquered Kumbi They took control of trade routes
P INK T EAM Q UESTION 13 What 3 forms of Islamic law/government did the West Africans Adopt?
A NSWER Patrillineal Centralized Government The Laws of the Shari’ai
B LUE T EAM Q UESTION 14 In what ways was Timbuktu a center of learning
A NSWER Students studied Qur’an and other thing like math and science It held many universities Imams taught class
G REEN T EAM Q UESTION 15 Original West African culture consisted of members praying to _______________
A NSWER The spirts of their ancestors
P INK T EAM Q UESTION 16 Who is Ibn Battuta?
A NSWER An Arab who traveled to Mali in the 14 th century, He was impressed by their devotion
B LUE T EAM ◊◊ D AILY D OUBLE ◊◊ Q UESTION 17 According to Shari’ah law how is the guilty party punished?
A NSWER The guilt party repays the injured through gift giving
G REEN T EAM Q UESTION 18 Describe an Islam influenced house.
A NSWER Flat roof, no windows, one door.
F AMILY F EUD B REAK End of round 2
P INK T EAM Q UESTION 19 ______ conquered Songhai in the ______
A NSWER Morocco conquered Songhai in the 1500’s
B LUE T EAM Q UESTION 20 In graduation students wore turbans to represent what?
A NSWER Divine Light, wisdom, Knowledge, and moral character.
G REEN T EAM Q UESTION 21 True or False West African spoke Arabic in everyday life
P INK T EAM Q UESTION 22 What kinds of practices did West Africans adopt from Islam?
ANSWER Hajj Almsgiving Ritual Prayer
B LUE T EAM Q UESTION 23 Name an instance in which the Shari’ah laws have differed from those of traditional West Africa justice.
A NSWER Before- Water would be poured over bitter wood and if the suspect got sick he was innocent After- The guilty party repaid the victims with gifts
G REEN T EAM Q UESTION 24 True or False Muslims encouraged learning ?
P INK T EAM Q UESTION 25 How did Islam first reach Ghana?
A NSWER Traders and missionaries
B LUE T EAM Q UESTION 26 Musa made an ______ to ________
A NSWER Musa made a hajj/pilgrimage to Makkah
G REEN T EAM Q UESTION 27 ◊ ◊ D AILY D OUBLE ◊ ◊ What did Askia Mohammed Toure do in throne?
A NSWER He lead of series of war to convert non-Muslims He practiced Islam “correctly”
F AMILY F EUD B REAK End of round 3
P INK T EAM Q UESTION 28 What did god ask of the prophet Abraham?
A NSWER To sacrifice his son
B LUE T EAM Q UESTION 29 What did god do once Abraham agreed to his son as a sacrifice?
A NSWER He spared his son
G REEN T EAM Q UESTION 30 What kind of traditions did West Africans preserve?
A NSWER They prayed to ancestor spirits Wore protective charms and amulets
P INK T EAM Q UESTION 34 The king was referred to as what?
A NSWER Amir or Emir
B LUE T EAM Q UESTION 35 True or False Shari’ah Law was written?
G REEN T EAM Q UESTION 36 Which dot represents Timbuktu?
A NSWER On the Niger
F AMILY F EUD B REAK End of round 4
P INK T EAM Q UESTION 37 What clothes did Muslims bring to West Africa?
A NSWER Robes Turban
B LUE T EAM Q UESTION 38 Describe Islam influenced clothes.
A NSWER Bright Colorful Geometric
G REEN T EAM Q UESTION 39 What did textile people put calligraphy on?
A NSWER Stools Ceramics Costumes Weapons Fans and Amulets
P INK /B LUE /G REEN T EAM For every correct fun fact you can tell you will get to spin the wheel for points