Instructor Cate O’dahl
This class consists of all online Lecture with 11 hours of Lab required See the Course Syllabus for details If this is your first online course, use the tools on the home page to help you understand how to use Canvas Online Learning Management Tool
SessionTopic Week 1Green HVAC and Healthy Buildings Week 2Codes, Regulations & Certifications Week 3Building Science Week 4House as a System Week 5Fact vs. Fiction Week 6Equipment & Product Selection Week 7Testing & Code Compliance Week 8Customer Service Week9Business Development - Building Science & Business Science Week10Green VHAC
The Syllabus will be reviewed Week 1 during the first lab meeting. If you miss this first lab meeting, YOU are required to familiarize yourself with course assignments and assessment OR contact the instructor. The syllabus is linked in Canvas and will be ed to you prior to the Week 1 lab meeting.
Course Information ◦ Includes contact info for instructor Includes contact info for instructor Course Objectives ◦ Introduce students to online learning ◦ Teach students to understand how green building strategies affect quality HVAC installation, service, and repair ◦ Inform students of new code, regulations, and building certifications that affect current HVAC industry standards ◦ Provide latest equipment and product information for changing industry ◦ Begin to learn how to look at HVAC as one component in the house as a system ◦ Prepare students for the changes in HVAC industry to better equip them for a changing workforce.
What you will learn in this course – see syllabus Textbook Residential Energy, Cost Savings and Comfort for Existing Buildings, John Krigger/Chris Dorsi Sixth Edition ISBN - 13:
Additional Required Reading Materials Click the links to connect to reading materials assigned for this class. Washington State Energy Code Builder’s Field Guide, 2009, 8 th Edition, available on line, click link from your computer to access pdf document. Full document: Washington State Energy Code Builder’s Field Guide, 2009, 8 th Edition Residential Pressure & Air Leakage Testing Manual, Retrotec Inc., revised , available on line, click link from your computer to access pdf document. Residential Pressure & Air Leakage Testing Manual, Retrotec Inc., Read this: The Building Connection, available on- line, click link from your computer to access pdf document. Read this: The Building Connection
Student Network Account Readings, Assignments Homework
What you will learn in this course Textbook Online Course Necessities Student Network Account Readings, Assignments Homework
What you will learn in this course Textbook Online Course Necessities Student Network Account Readings, Assignments Homework
Getting Started Attendance Grades Course Schedule Computer Labs & Tutoring Campus Safety& Security Information Disability Services
Student Code of Conduct Netiquette and Privacy ◦ Be sure to READ this section so you are prepared to fully participate in the online Discussion Forums 5 Keys to Success
“If you steal from one author, it's plagiarism; if you steal from many, it's research.” Wilson Mizner So, remember, if you directly quote one author, you must make a citation, if you see the general idea in three or more instances, paraphrase.
Green HVAC is a new way of thinking about an old problem Einstein said “We can't solve problems by using the same kind of thinking we used when we created them.” So, if we agree there is a problem in the United States with residential heating and cooling system efficiency, then according to Einstein, we need a new way to think about the problem to create a solution.
Green HVAC is a new approach to Traditional HVAC that solves some of the efficiency (waste) issues with current HVAC design, installation and maintenance. This course is designed to prepare HVAC students for changes in the industry toward green HVAC including more energy efficiency and improved indoor air quality in residential home construction, renovation, and repair. Students will learn basic building science as it applies to green building and, especially to HVAC to understand the “house as a system”.basic building science house as a system The class covers new codes and regulations affecting any home repairs, discussions of green options for standard HVAC install, repair or services, including new technology, equipment, and strategies that improve energy savings and indoor air codes
Green, as a term associated with building and development, also referred to as “Sustainable” where strategies are designed to increase efficiency, reduce waste, and reduce the impact on the natural environment. It includes water, energy, materials and it comes with an entire new vocabulary that defines its parameters. In this session we will ◦ Introduce and define Green Building ◦ Introduce and define Green HVAC ◦ Introduce and define a healthy home ◦ Introduce and define indoor air quality ◦ Define important factors for discussing Green HVAC ◦ Set context for HVAC within the scope of overall green building
Green building, also referred to as sustainable construction, refers to a set of design, construction, and operations & maintenance strategies that: Protect the natural environment Preserve and protect water quality Improve and enhance indoor air quality Improve and enhance energy efficiency