Done By: Betty Gladys Stacie YiWen HanLoon School of Business Management Diploma for Hospitality & Resort Management BM0927 ICT ICA 1 Project: Hotel Technology
Introduction Technology advancement Hoteliers constantly keep themselves updated 2 state-of-the technologies Study the feasibility of placing a self-service kiosk
Virtual Concierge Biometric Guestroom Safe In-Room Technology
Technology trend ’s impact on concierge PortigoRoomwithnet Examples Virtual concierge Branded as a hotel service Rich content with an easy-to-use in-room interface. Track guest requests until they are fulfilled, and make reservations even before a restaurant opens.
Portigo 12-inch Touchscreen kiosk & telephone Free services and optionally purchased products & services Delivers hotel information E.g. Hotel Facilities Localized information of hotel nearby options Function of personal computer & access to internet Virtual concierge
Impress guests Meet the ever-changing needs of guests Able to track guest requests Personalized service Competitive advantage over the other hotels Advantages
Lack of personal touch Technology will obsolete over time Guests may not choose to stay in the hotel due to a hotel’s latest technology Disadvantages
Cost ranges from $300 to $1000 depending on the brand and size of the safe cost three to four times more than a non- biometric safe (FAR) ranging from % to %
Biometric finger print scanner Illuminated LCD display with visual and audio instruction steps for operation of safe Motorized bolt for ease of use
Step 1: Enrollment stage Step 2: Creating Template stage Step 3: Matching Stage
Able to override system Ensure personal responsibility by recording user information. Prevent misuse of the BiMax Capable of running an audit check
Provide positive experience for forgetful guest Trouble-free and simple to use Able to run audit check Save guests time Higher level of security Reduce liability claims
Cost three to four times more than a non-biometric. › Costly to switch excising safe to biometric safe Reader unable to read guests finger print Difficult to perform recovery of system
Biometric Safe › increases the occupancy rate › attract guests with certain profession › boost as a unique selling point for hotel › affordable and user friendly › drives costs down while raising the level of security
Virtual Concierge › Cost Saving › Improve the service standards › Get needed information instantly › Able to shop in their room › Increasing the room revenue
Using Biometric Safe › Conrad › The Icon Hotel › Hilton Hotels Virtual Concierge › Holiday Inn › The Diamond Hotel, Dubai Sports City › Hotel So, New Zealand
For Biometric Safe, › extended to door locks and self check-in kiosk › Hence, reduce time taken › Play a part in the overall experience of their stay
Combining biometric system with virtual concierge › Enable to log into the virtual concierge by using their fingerprint › Customers profile database › Backtrack records › Create customers loyalty & attract repeat customers › Able to monitor sales figure
Self-service Check-in Kiosks
Comes in 2 forms Stand alone Kiosk Integrated into hotel design
Easy to use21 › Step by step flow Efficient › Communication between kiosk and PMS › key encoder verification process eliminates distribution of faulty keys. Used in Hyatt Hotel & The Marriot
IBM provides the hardware and software The Kiosks has added features over the NCR Xpress Kiosk › offering visual room selection, › hotel services such as bundled high-speed Internet access and phone services; › and the ability to review resort package options
Demo for the kiosk › otions/es_kiosks/index.jhtml otions/es_kiosks/index.jhtml Allows guests to try system creating acceptance Used in the Hilton Embassy Suites
Convenience › Saves time › Time=Money Multi-language › Cater to different nationalities › Carry out transactions in the language of their choice
Control › Alternative option › Prefer to do it by themselves › Privacy Meet the challenges of high turnover of staff and maintain good customer service
Operational efficiencies › Redeploy resources to other key areas Reduce staffing needs › Costs savings
Lack of human touch › Interaction is reduced › Integrating personal touches at each point of customer interaction Difficult to differentiate from competitors › Functionalities and service level will be the same › Better technology, more innovative and cost effective
Difficulties for first time user › Problems arises › Need additional staff
Usage of kiosk increases in other industries Advanced technology Change in consumers’ attitudes
Tech-savvy business travelers › Speedy and convenient Older consumers › Uncomfortable › Lack of trust