The New Jersey Health Information Technology Act NJ HITC and Office for e-HIT by June 2010 must Deliver Report and make Recommendations to Governor and Legislature on: Privacy and Security Infrastructure Funding – short term and long term (2015) Interoperability Governance And all other issues
Building a State HIT Infrastructure (Continued) Financing mechanisms Public and private contributions Payers contributions Providers use fees Consumers access and use fees Data exchange fees Creative and innovative methods supported by NJ State Law Provider user support and technical Assistance Regional Extension Centers for Technical Assistance and User Support Medicaid user support Others
October Submission to ONC State Health IT Plan –Strategic and Operational 1 of 9 to seek implementation funds HIE Grant Application (‘section 3013’) $11.4 mln over four years—formula-based 4 regional/community HIEs selected through competitive RFA process: Health-e-Citi, SJHIE, Northern & Central HIE, Camden HIE
State Plan: Key Components: Environmental Scan Community HIE Readiness Framework for HIT/HIE: Medicaid, Fed-funded state- based programs, Public Health, Use Cases Key Stakeholders Governance Technology Integration of other ARRA programs Financing Privacy & Security Implementation Plan, including the four HIEs
State’s Responsibility in Building State HIT Infrastructure HIT infrastructure development process Identify Health information data sources Establish Health Information Organizations Build data exchange systems—MPI/RLS Identify health information business associates Identify most commonly used electronic health record systems Clinical Data Repositories Organize health information users community HIT business and operational processes Security and Privacy Operations management and accountability State designated authority Governance HIE Financial Sustainability Long range HIT planning and development Policy setting and removing barriers to health information exchange Project and funding priority setting Oversight