Skeletal System Diseases & Disorders
Osteoporosis bone mass reduced; hormone-related; need calcium and Vitamin D when young; leads to spontaneous fractures; curvature of spine
Osteomalacia “soft bones”; bones are inadequately mineralized; bone pain; aka Rickets in children; need for sunlight - Vit. D; calcium needs to be absorbed
Paget’s Disease
age >40 excessive bone formation and breakdown usually spine, pelvis, femur, skull virus?
Osteomyelitis -bacterial infection -area is tender and swells -need for antibiotics
Scoliosis “twisted disease”; abnormal lateral curvature in thoracic vertebrae; treat with surgery or body braces
Kyphosis “hunchback”; exaggerated curvature of thoracic vertebrae; common in osteoporosis, rickets, osteomalacia
Lordosis “swayback”; accentuated curvature of lumbar vertebrae common in spinal tuberculosis, osteomalacia, men with potbellies or pregnant women
Cleft Palate congenital right and left halves of palate fail to fuse interferes with sucking & inhalation surgery at 6 months & speech therapy
Bursitis inflammation of a bursa from blow or friction “student’s elbow” anti-inflammatory drugs or removal of fluid
Osteoarthritis AKA degenerative joint disease (DJD) MOST COMMON CHRONIC ARTHRITIS articular cartilage deteriorates leads to stiffness no known cause more common in women joint replacement