Body Systems Anna Brandt Mr. Shreve Mrs. Quigley My Body PowerPoint
The Skeletal System
5 th grade science book There are four basic types of bones: your long, short, flat, and irregular. The long bones are the ones in your arms and your legs. They are narrow and have large ends. These bones support your body. The short bones, which are in your wrists and ankles, are chunky and wide. They allow you maximum movement around a joint. Flat bones are like the ones in your skull and ribs. They help protect your body. The last kind of bones are the irregular bones, like your vertebrae. They have unique shapes that fall outside of the other categories. The skeletal system gives your body its shape. Without your bones, you would not be able to stand upright. It also provides protection for your lungs, heart, and brain. The average adult human has about 206 bones because you may have been born with more or less toes or fingers etc. Human bones are made up of calcium which is why it is important to keep calcium in your diet. It is important so that you can keep your bones nice and healthy. Drink milk to keep your bones strong!
Try to get 30 to 60 min. of exercise a day to work your muscles! There are three types of muscles. The first one is skeletal muscles, they are the muscles that make your body move. Another one is your smooth muscles, they contract and relax the food that goes in to your digestive system. The last but not least one is your cardiac muscles, they pump blood through your circulatory system. 5 th grade science book Your muscles help protect the organs in your abdominal cavity. Your muscles provide motion so that you can do things. Without them, you would not be able to pick up things, walk/run, throw, or jump etc. These muscles are very useful.
The Skin
Did you know that the skin is your largest organ? It provides your body with a tough protective covering and it protects you from disease. It also produces sweat that helps you control your body’s temperature. As your sweat evaporates, it helps cool off your body. 5 th grade science book Your skin is an organ and it is the largest organ of your body. Your skin protects you from infections. It also helps regulate your body temperature. Your skin is always regenerating itself. The skin is covered in hair. Wear sunscreen when out in the sun!
Nervous System
Your nervous system does a lot of things for you. It controls your breathing and it also allows you to touch the world and also see, hear, taste, and smell it. Your spinal cord is made of your brain, nerves, and your spinal cord. Your brain allows you to learn remember and feel emotions, like happiness, sadness, etc. 5 th grade science book Your nervous system’s job is to control all body functions. There are two systems. The first system is your autonomic system and your second system is your sensory system. Your brain is like the boss of the nervous system. The nerves also communicate with small electrical impulses. Never mix up or take to much of medicine!
Digestive System
Your digestive system works on breaking down all of the food that you eat. It begins in your mouth and it chews your food then mixed with saliva and then it gets swallowed. Then it goes to your small intestine were the food is mixed with bile and liver. Then as the food moves through your small intestine it is absorbed by villi. 5 th grade science book To keep your digestive system strong don’t DRINK! Your digestive system begins with your mouth and ends in your rectum. Digestion is the process were food is broken down and absorbed into your body. The process has about seven steps. 1) goes from mouth to esophagus 2) goes to your stomach 3) goes to small intestate 4) goes to large intestate 5) goes to colin 6) goes to rectum 7) LET IT OUT!
Circulatory System oUlmsJYM=&h=669&w=520&sz=43&hl=en&start=9&um=1&tbnid=vD5RvkUK4LBJOM:&tbnh=138&tbnw=107&prev=/images%3Fq%3Dpictures%2Bof%2Bthe%2Bcirculatory%2Bsystem%26hl%3Den%26client %3Dsafari%26rls%3Den%26sa%3DX%26um%3D1
The circulatory system mainly includes your heart, blood, and blood vessels. The circulatory system passes nutrients to help fight diseases. It also helps to stabilize your body temperature. There are two kinds of things that pass through your circulatory system, they are blood and lymph. Get lots of sleep to keep your circulatory system strong! Your circulatory system’s job is to fight diseases that are in your body. Your circulatory system is an organ system. It passes nutrients to help fight diseases. The main contents to the circulatory system are the heart, blood, and blood vessels.
Respiratory System &h=384&w=550&sz=84&hl=en&start=1&um=1&tbnid=VxtCa2HV2rivHM:&tbnh=93&tbnw=133&prev=/images%3Fq%3Dpictures%2Bof%2Bthe%2Brespiratory%2Bsystem%26hl%3Den%26client%3Dsafari%26rl s%3Den%26sa%3DX%26um%3D1
Say “NO” to smoking! The respiratory system allows gas exchange through the entire body. The human respiratory system includes airways, lungs, and the respiratory system’s muscles. In other animals like insects, their respiratory system has very simple features. The respiratory system’s job is to transport oxygen into your bloodstream and removes carbon dioxide. It begins with your mouth or nose. The oxygen from the air you breath goes to the lungs were it is transferred to your blood. When you exhale, the carbon dioxide leaves your lungs.
The Heart
Your heart is the most important muscle in your body. Its job is to pump blood throughout the body. It is divided into four chambers. The first chamber receives non oxygenated blood from your body and pumps it to the second chamber. The second chamber pumps the blood to the lungs were it receives oxygen. It returns to the third chamber were it is pumped into the fourth. The fourth chamber, the strongest chamber, pumps it into your arteries which transports it throughout your body. Your heart is a muscle and it pumps blood all throughout your body. If you are a child it pumps blood about 90 times a minute and if you are an adult it does that about 70 times. There are two sides to your heart. The left side gets blood from your lungs and pumps it all around your body. The right side gets the blood after it has been all around your body and then it sends it back to your lungs for some more oxygen. Eat healthy foods to keep your heart ticking!
Vocabulary Autonomic- the ability to function by itself Capillaries- the linking or connection between arteries and veins Rectum- it is the last section of your large intestine Regenerating- recreating Sensory- it is an adjective pertaining to the senses or sensation