MIP Standard Briefing 29 September 2006


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Presentation transcript:

MIP Standard Briefing 29 September 2006 CIO-G6 JC3IEDM Briefing 9 November 2006 www.mip-site.org For further information on the Multilateral Interoperability Programme and its related activities you can contact to the MIP Chair: Mr. Ole Stensli MIP PMG Chair Phone nr: (+47) 67 863492 e-mail: oostensli@mil.no Mr. Rafael Falagan de la Fuente MIP PMG Vice chair Phone nr: +32 65 44 8421 e-mail: rafael.falagandelafuente@shape.nato.int This Multilateral Interoperability Programme (MIP) Standard Briefing been reviewed and is hereby “Approved” by the Heads of Delegation of participating members. The information contained herein remains the property of the MIP Participants; as such, its release to nations or agencies, who are not themselves participants in the Multilateral Interoperability Programme, including the media and general public is agreed however, unauthorised amendment of the information is not permitted. Use of MIP information, from this or any other MIP document, is entirely at the Users risk. Furthermore, if information contained within this document is used, appropriate acknowledgement to the MIP should be made. Date: 29 Sep 06 Unclassified MIP @ 1999-2006 MIP Unclassified Page 1

MIP Standard Briefing 29 September 2006 Outline MIP Standard Briefing 29 September 2006 Introduction Aim MIP Defined The MIP Concept Organisation Governance / Objective / Advantages JC3IEDM Structure – Select Views Stakeholders / Documentation Summary of Programme. Unclassified MIP © 1999-2006 MIP Unclassified Page 2

MIP Standard Briefing 29 September 2006 Introduction (1) MIP Standard Briefing 29 September 2006 Looking for a “Common Understanding” of the Battlespace. “Interoperability of information” is essential. Information across national and language boundaries. From tactical to operational and strategic levels. Interaction with NGO. Common data model, common XML Schema, OWL Ontology, messaging… all look for a common understanding of the battlespace regardless different doctrines, procedures and tactics of the coalition members. Commanders require timely and accurate information. To achieve this, an assured capability for interoperability of information is essential. The successful execution of fast moving operations needs an accelerated decision-action cycle, increased tempo of operations, and the ability to conduct operations within combined joint formations. Also, supporting command and control (C2) systems need to pass information within and across national and language boundaries. Moreover, tactical C2 information must be provided to the operational and strategic levels of command including other governmental departments. Additionally, forces must interact with non-governmental organisations, including international aid organisations. The need is to share information that is created, stored and transmitted by different C2ISs that can be different to each other. Unclassified MIP © 1999-2006 MIP Unclassified Page 3

MIP Standard Briefing 29 September 2006 Introduction (2) MIP Standard Briefing 29 September 2006 The “Shared Awareness” implies “Shared Information”. A common language. AIM: Deliver an assured capability for interoperability of information Combined joint operations C2IEDM & JC3IEDM (STANAG 5525). Covers War, CRO and DAT. The shared awareness at the cognitive domain implies shared information at the information domain and therefore a straightforward mean to achieve relevance, timeliness and assurance. A common language will alleviate the need to have ad-hoc solutions for every partner that conducts to as many as 45 solutions for 10 partners. The Rosetta Stone is what will allow to translate the national semantics of the battlespace information into a common language that can therefore be translated into the myriad of dialects of the Babel tower that the C2ISs in a coalition are. The Multilateral Interoperability Programme (MIP) aims to deliver an assured capability for interoperability of information to support combined joint operations. Key to this, and the Jewel of the Crown is the C2IEDM, the common semantics of the battlespace. C2IEDM is evolving to address new more “joint” focus requirements to become the JC3IEDM (joint) in Block 3. MIP aim covers a wide variety of missions and scenarios from War to CRO or DAT. Unclassified MIP © 1999-2006 MIP Unclassified Page 4

MIP Standard Briefing 29 September 2006 Aim MIP Standard Briefing 29 September 2006 “The aim of the Multilateral Interoperability Programme (MIP) is to achieve international interoperability of Command and Control Information Systems (C2IS) at all levels from corps to battalion, or lowest appropriate level, in order to support multinational (including NATO), combined and joint operations and the advancement of digitization in the international arena.” “The aim of the Multilateral Interoperability Programme (MIP) is to achieve international interoperability of Command and Control Information Systems (C2IS) at all levels from corps to battalion, or lowest appropriate level, in order to support multinational (including NATO), combined and joint operations and the advancement of digitization in the international arena.” Unclassified MIP © 1999-2006 MIP Unclassified Page 5

MIP Standard Briefing 29 September 2006 MIP Defined (1) MIP Standard Briefing 29 September 2006 What it is and what it provides: Materiel / Combat developer forum. Mature Process. Consensus-based Technical Specs. Venue for international interoperability testing Coordinates synchronization of materiel fielding plans System-independent capability based on information interoperability What MIP is and provides may be summarized as follows: Materiel / Combat developer forum Driven by national doctrine and requirements to build consensus on how to achieve operational interoperability through information exchange Mature process, long-term roadmap Consensus-based technical specification for national implementation Venue for international interoperability testing Coordinates synchronization of materiel fielding plans System-independent capability based on information interoperability Unclassified MIP © 1999-2006 MIP Unclassified Page 6

MIP Standard Briefing 29 September 2006 Concept End-State MIP Standard Briefing 29 September 2006 Effective C2 for international operations Shared Tactical Picture Commander (Nation A) Staff Officers (Nation A) Staff Officers (Nation B) Commander (Nation B) Automatic Exchange Mechanism Common Data Model National Implementation (Nation A) National Implementation (Nation B) COLLABORATION COMMON UNDERSTANDING The concept for the overall end state is such that when the combined joint force can operate as a single, synchronized team in accomplishing its assigned mission in the modern battle space MIP has achieved its target. For that a common understanding between commanders within a combined joint force conducting military operations is required. The MIP contribution to this end state is to facilitate the timely flow of accurate and relevant information through a set of Information Exchange Mechanisms (IEM), specified within MIP, between the different national C2IS. MIP will therefore be one of the factors contributing to the realization of Network Enabled Capabilities for the commanders within a combined joint force. Unclassified MIP © 1999-2006 MIP Unclassified Page 7

Concept Op. Requirements MIP Standard Briefing 29 September 2006 Hierarchy and Prioritisation. MIP is evolving its solution to incorporate a new set of requirements that will improve the ability to exchange information amongst allies. This will include collaboration, messaging, automatic sharing of the situational awareness and common operational picture, in a combined and joint environment. The foundation stone is the MIP Tactical C2 interoperability Requirements, that contains all the operational requirements. Each requirement is assigned to a certain MIP Block for implementation, hence providing a road map for future developments that allows for incremental increases in capability as each block is fielded. The MIP Tactical C2 Interoperability Requirements (MTIR v.2.3) determines what requirements are applied to MIP baseline 2. But it is important to stress the scope of the programme, whilst currently land focused it is anticipated that in the next iteration MIP covers the full spectrum of interoperability requirements: Information, both structured (friendly, Enemy, Environmental and plans and orders) and unstructured (NBC events, text, video, audio, graphics...) Information exchange, by pulling, pushing (data replication and messaging) and collaboration. Information management (ownership, precedence, dissemination and aggregation) Uninterrupted Support C2 (reliability, security, mobility). Unclassified MIP © 1999-2006 MIP Unclassified Page 8

MIP Standard Briefing 29 September 2006 Organisation Members MIP Standard Briefing 29 September 2006 FULL MEMBERS CAN TacC2IS DNK DACCIS FRA SICF, SIR DEU HEROS-2/1 ITA SIACCON NLD ISIS NOR NORTaC/NORCCIS ESP SIMACET TUR TACCIS GBR ATacCS/ComBAT USA MCS ASSOCIATE MEMBERS AUS JCCS, BCSS LTU TAVVIS AUT PHOENIX POL SZAFRAN BEL ISIS PRT SICCE BUL FICIS ROU SIAAB CZE GF-TCCS SVN SITAWARE FIN FINACCIS SWE ISMARK,SLB GRC HARCCIS ACT BiSC - AIS HUN HAVIR JFC The MIP programme is not a formal NATO programme. Rather it is a voluntary and independent activity by the participating nations and organizations. The nations and HQs that are active in the MIP programme are shown above. The MIP consists of Full Members (nations only) and Associate Members (nation and non-nation entities). Full Members: Are nations that commit to support the collaborative development of succeeding versions of the MIP interoperability solution suitable for fielding. They must express intention to field that solution. Full Members have signed the MIP Statement of Intent (SOI) regarding their participation in MIP. Undertake to be represented in all WGs and must be prepared to expend the resources required to develop and sustain the solution. Must be involved in and contribute actively to the decision-making process throughout the specification and development cycle. have voting and access rights at all meetings. Associate Members include nations and non-nation entities such as military agencies and formations, showing an interest in this programme. This status is granted by the MIP Steering Group (MSG). They enjoy all the rights and privileges of a Full Member, except they do not have any voting rights at meetings. Associate members need not to support all MSG/PMG and WG meetings. Of course they have to accept the terms of the SOI. *Country codes according NATO STANAG 1059 Ed 8. Unclassified MIP © 1999-2006 MIP Unclassified Page 9

MIP Standard Briefing 29 September 2006 Organisation MIP Standard Briefing 29 September 2006 MIP Steering Group (MSG) Chair Vice Chair Programme Management Group (PMG) Chair Vice Chair Operational Working Group (OWG) Systems Engineering & Architecture Working Group (SEAWG) Data Modelling Working Group (DMWG) Test & Evaluation Working Group (TEWG) Configuration Control Working Group (CCWG) Chair Deputy NDAG MIP is organised into 7 working groups with an executive management body and a high level steering group for resources, policy and targets. At the working group level, the Multidisciplinary Working Parties (MDWP) with experts from the various Working Groups is the paradigm. These MDWPs can be created at the behest of either the PMG or MSG for particular tasks and will draw their resources from the existing working groups. Rigour is maintained by the adoption of recognised system engineering practices. In addition to the interface specification and the exchange mechanisms, MIP also produces supporting products covering programme management, security policy, test schedules, configuration management, representative data fills, and international liaison. In terms of commitment, the MSG meets twice a year for three days. The PMG and the Working Groups meet four times a year for a week. The meetings are usually in Greding (Germany). There are 65 people at the MSG, and more than 130 at the PMG and WGs. A rough estimation is that MIP nations spend about $1-2M national effort per annum. There is no multilateral transfer of funds. Multi-Disciplinary Working Parties (MDWPs) Unclassified MIP © 1999-2006 MIP Unclassified Page 10

Governance MSG PMG OWG SEAWG DMWG Priorities set by the PMG Technical solutions – 100% agreement Conflict resolution at the PMG level Unclassified MIP © 1999-2006

Objective of the Initiative MIP Standard Briefing 29 September 2006 To define the minimum operational and technical requirements to be included within system specification which will allow national C2 systems to interoperate by the automatic exchange of data i.e. Level 5 of System Interconnection. The ATCCIS programme of work had as its main objective to define the minimum requirements to be included within national system specification to achieve the automatic transfer of C2 information within multi-national forces. Unclassified MIP © 1999-2006 MIP Unclassified Page 12

ADVANTAGES OF JC3IEDM Maximum reuse providing cost avoidance Relatively simple, understandable structure with broad applicability Central concepts have been stable for 12 years Multinational pedigree General, based on military experience (Army Tactical Command and Control Information System - ATCCIS); Easy to extend in response to operational data requirements Joint interfaces (Air Tasking Order (ATO)(NATO) Chemical Biological Radiological Nuclear (CBRN)(NATO) Maritime Mine Warfare (MMW)(NATO)) Unclassified MIP © 1999-2006

JC3IEDM Independent Entities MIP Standard Briefing 29 September 2006 GH – LC2IEDM – C2IEDM – JC3IEDM Automated C2 Interface Exchange Mechanism To Support Liaison and Automation Exchange Of Orders/Graphics Holdings/Status Information e.g., AD Weapons Control & Running Status Operational exchange standards use a common vocabulary consisting of 176 information categories that include over 1500 content elements. Information Exchange Data Model Serves as a Hub for functional areas CRO & Joint IERs Common specification and structuring of information to be exchanged is required in order to achieve automated information exchange. Structure of the information is expressed in a data model, built and documented in accordance with an accepted methodology. This model defines the standard elements of information (data) that form the basis for interoperability between those automated national Command and Control Information Systems (C2ISs) that accommodate the model's information structure. The data model was initially known as the Generic Hub (GH) Data Model. The name was changed to Land C2 Information Exchange Data Model (LC2IEDM) in 1999. The baseline 2 version contains considerably more joint content; as a result, the name was changed to C2 Information Exchange Date Model (C2IEDM). The latest version of the Data Model is called JC3IEDM (J stands for joint and the third C for consultation) and include many joint IER as its name indicates. JC3IEDM is already a NATO STANAG 5525 currently under ratification process. The scope of requirements agreed by MIP nations is to define only the information that is to be exchanged, rather than model all of the information that would normally be required by a national system. Consequently, JC3IEDM is first and foremost an information exchange data model. C2 data model serves as a “hub” for unifying information concepts that are embodied in the data specifications of functional areas: conventional fire support, barrier engineering operations, communications and electronics, and personnel administration. Other requirements are about Crisis Response Operations, Joint IERs, etc. Unclassified MIP © 1999-2006 MIP Unclassified Page 14

MIP Standard Briefing 29 September 2006 The JC3IEDM Kernel Everything is directly derived from this kernel or supports it. + Unknown + Unknown Unclassified MIP © 1999-2006 MIP Unclassified Page 15

A Fundamental Relationship Attribute Level Unclassified MIP © 1999-2006

Person structure Unclassified MIP © 1999-2006

Affiliation Unclassified MIP © 1999-2006

Facility Structure Unclassified MIP © 1999-2006

Organization Structure Unclassified MIP © 1999-2006

MIP Adoption & Stability MIP Standard Briefing 29 September 2006 NATO Corporate Data Model BiSC AIS Land Functional Services NATO C3 Technical Architecture NATO Force Goal HRF(L) / NRF The MIP is involved in the following activities and standards: The LC2IEDM, is the core of the NATO Reference Model and is also a view model of NATO Corporate Data Model (STANAG 5523 / AdatP-32). It will evolve into the NATO JC3IEDM (STANAG 5525). Implementation of the MIP specification is a NATO Force Goal (L2802 and G2870). NATO Policy on MIP calls for close co-ordination and re-use of the MIP specification within NATO. Bi-SC Automated Information System (AIS) will use the MIP solution in its Land Functional Services (LandFS) to interface to national CCIS, either in HRF/LRF, CJTF or other crisis response operation or exercise. NATO Standardisation Agreement SO 01-11 calls for the implementation of MIP specifications. The MIP specification is well regarded in the NC3A. It is the core capability of the NC3A Integrated Data Environment prototype, a capability to integrate legacy systems. The MIP specification is included in the NATO C3 Technical Architecture. The NATO Military Criteria for High Readiness Forces (Land) Headquarters requires the use of an ATCCIS/MIP compliant land information system. The NATO Response Force (NRF) requirements call for the use of MIP compliant interoperability solution. Many national C2 information systems implement MIP specifications. NATO Standardisation Agreement NATO Policy National C2IS Unclassified MIP © 1999-2006 MIP Unclassified Page 21

US JC3IEDM Users & Stakeholders (Partial List) CIO/G-6: JC3IEDM foundation for US Army Data Strategy G3: Has officially endorsed the JC3IEDM GIG J6I has identified JC3IEDM / MIP addresses Key Interface Profile #17 Identified as applicable to User Defined Operational Picture (UDOP) COI ABCS Current US MIP implementation program is Maneuver Control System Implementation on-going in MCS 6.4 GE Planned software reuse - other ABCS programs Army Future Combat Systems (FCS) MIP being leveraged to satisfy coalition interoperability requirements JC3IEDM integral to FCS data strategy (with extensions) Shared Tactical Picture - Ground (STP-G) Germany (GE), Italy (IT), Sweden (SW), and the United Kingdom (UK) Blue Force Tracking (BFT) COI Global Force Management (GFM) Chemical, Biological, Radiological, Nuclear Community DISA XML Registry: MIP XML in Coalition Namespace DMSO: JC3IEDM adopted as basis for Modeling & Simulation Data Strategy Strike COI investigating implementation NECC (JC2) investigating implementation Simulation to C4I Interoperability OIPT (5 Work Plans totaling $1.388M) Unclassified MIP © 1999-2006

JC3IEDM Documentation www.mip-site.org JC3IEDM-Overview-UK-DMWG-Edition3.0.pdf JC3IEDM-Main-UK-DMWG-Edition3.0.pdf (600 pgs) JC3IEDM-Annexes-UK-DMWG-Edition3.0.pdf (1400+ pgs) JC3IEDM-MIRD-UK-DMWG-Edition3.0-(Access2000).mdb JC3IEDM-Model-UK-DMWG-Edition3.0.ER1 (in ERwin Version 3.5.2) JC3IEDM-LogicalView-UK-DMWG-Edition3.0.pdf Unclassified MIP © 1999-2006

MIP Standard Briefing 29 September 2006 Summary MIP Standard Briefing 29 September 2006 Firm Foundations Proven Concept NATO Buy-in (NDAG MoA) National Commitment Clear Roadmap to the Future Return of investment by: Manageability Legacy-tolerant Evolutionary Standard MIP has a good pedigree and has shown its willingness to evolve to the changing situation. It is based around a proven concept that delivers capability. MIP has a strong NATO buy in reinforced by the recent signing of an Memorandum of Agreement (MOA) between the MIP and NATO Data Administration Group (NDAG). Nations are committed to fielding the solution either in the early stage of block one or with a more definite commitment to fielding a block two solution. The return of investment that the MIP members obtain are due to: Manageability. Does not attempt to dictate internals of every system; Focused on seams. Legacy-tolerant. Does not always assume or require changes to internals of systems. System owners can change internal implementations with less fear of unintended consequences. Evolutionary. Systems free to incorporate & adapt to new technology & requirements. Standard. It is gaining momentum as we saw in the previous slide. Unclassified MIP © 1999-2006 MIP Unclassified Page 24

MIP Website www.mip-site.org MIP Standard Briefing 29 September 2006 Or access to the MIP Website at www.mip-site.org which contains all the latest information relevant to MIP and all the baseline documentation. Access to certain areas is restricted to members of MIP and can be granted by the MSG on an individual basis. Unclassified MIP © 1999-2006 MIP Unclassified Page 25