This document is confidential and is intended solely for the use and information of the client to whom it is addressed. SOA in a Military Environment Technical Architecture Implications Technical Architecture Implications Robert Babiskin, COO John Weiler, Executive Director Interoperability Clearing House Company Confidential SOAs will be built on ESB-based Infrastructure ESBESB A A A Service Y A A A Service X A A A Service W A A A Service Z TAPE TAB Legacy Security Svc Legacy A DIB Msg Svc Portal Flow Mgr Assumes heterogeneous services, applications Policy and Governance managed by Service Level Agreements (SLAs) Focus on specifications, interoperability, integration Works well with a hybrid process and capability enterprise (e.g., Afloat, NMCI, USMC, DoD/J/S, Coalition, etc) Redundancy, disconnected operations Failover, Contingency of Operations Performance Other functional/operational requirements (e.g., local working copies) Varying mechanisms, trust models Replication, Synchronization, Messaging, Orchestration One/Two way trusts Company Confidential SOAs will require a Replication Architecture C4I Intel Company Confidential SOA Fabric will be on a Shared Service Infrastructure with Multiple C4I ESBs ESB function-1 ESB Real-time ESB function-n Message Svcs Data Svcs Security Svcs User Interactive Svcs Data Svcs Security Svcs Custom Svcs Service Infrastructure CANES SOA ESB(s) Service Management Company Confidential SOA Fabric will require Common Authorization Services ESB function-1 ESB Real-time ESB function-n Service Infrastructure AuthenticationAuthorization Authentication Service Token Service SOAP+ SAML Token PEP Credentials Authorization e.g. JEB Authentication Web Service 1 Web Service 3 Web Service 2PEP PDP SOAP+ SAML Authorization Service CANES SOA ESB(s) Create Token Company Confidential SOA Fabric will support a Heterogeneous Client Environment ESB function-1 ESB Real-time ESB function-n Operational C2 Defensive C2 Support C2 Tactical Data Links Browser Application Client Mobile CANES SOA ESB(s) Service InfrastructureAuthorization ServiceService Management Company Confidential SOA Fabric will need a Standard Service Management ESB function-1 ESB Real-time ESB function-n Service InfrastructureAuthorization Service CANES SOA ESB(s) Service Management Credential SVC Mgt Service Registry Monitoring/ WSDL Composition/ WSDL Metadata/UDDI SOAP/HTTP ApplicationCore Service SOA Stack Policy CDNE Intel ROE BFT GIS Tracks SensorImage Process Logic Data/Content Orchestration, Msgg Routing, Discover Registry, Security Legacy Company Confidential ICHs Architecture Assurance Method will define SOA Solution Architecture Components Common SOA capability alignment and prioritization that will be shared Identification of interoperability capabilities Assessment of Service Components that will be shared Determine interoperability of relevant SOA industry stacks and determine the tradeoff in capability versus. Adapters versus. Business case differences AAM