Check-In on Projects and Goals, and Preparations for June 4 th Workshop May 21, 2015 Presenters: Brenda J. Wagenknecht-Ivey, Ph.D CEO, PRAXIS Consulting, Inc. Eric D. Roath, PharmD Director of Professional Practice, MPA Webinar #4 – May Huddle
MichiganPharmacists.org Learning Objectives – Webinar/May Huddle 1. Discuss, and explore ways to address, challenges 2. Share ways you are working with your mentors 3. Prepare for June 4 th Workshop
MichiganPharmacists.org Rules of the Road for Webinars 1. “Huddle” is being recorded. 2. Discussion format - raise hand, mute/unmute you, submit questions, and may call on participants. 3. Please minimize outside noise; a headset is preferred if listening through VoIP. 4. Limit distractions – unplug, turn off, tune out…..
Facebook Discussion (between now and June 4 th ): 1. Share one accomplishment to date (related to your Leadership Project or personal goals) 2. Post recommended Leadership Books/Resources (if applicable)
MichiganPharmacists.org Challenges (related to your Leadership Projects and/or goals): 1. What challenges are you experiencing with your projects and/or goals? (Type brief responses in chat box – Brenda will call on you for further discussion) 2. Discuss ideas/suggestions for overcoming challenges?
MichiganPharmacists.org Leadership Mentor/Mentee Relationship (raise hands) : 1. What’s working well related to the leadership mentor/mentee relationship 2. What isn’t working well? 3. Discussion – strategies for strengthening mentor/mentee relationship
Overview of MPF-LA – 4 Leadership Domains Pages 2-3
MichiganPharmacists.org Overview of June 4 th Workshop 1. Topics – Leading teams to leading departments and organizations (6 hours of CE) 2. Schedule Arrive at 8:30 a.m. – continental breakfast Begin at 9 a.m. – lunch is provided Adjourn at 5 p.m. 3. Location: MPA Offices, Lansing 4. Questions?
MichiganPharmacists.org Pre-Workshop Assignment 1. Create a “personal vison” of the future YouTube Video: Bring completed worksheet to the Workshop to share 2. Learn about your organization’s strategic plan How was it developed? How is used? How is progress measured and communicated? Suggestions for making it a more effective leadership tool Bring completed worksheet to the Workshop
Announcements/Updates 1. Final/Capstone Workshop Friday, October 2 – Lansing Short presentation of Leadership Project/Goals (video-taped) Recommendation letter from Mentor 2. Accepting Applications for Leadership Academy Changes for next year Application Deadline – August 18 th Suggestions welcomed – survey coming! Referrals/recommendations appreciated
MichiganPharmacists.org Thank you and ADJOURN! See you on June 4th!