The Ordovician Period


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Presentation transcript:

The Ordovician Period By: Michelle Favela , Joceline Vargas

Plants They were reefs in the widespread ocean Its unknown that plant lived on land during this period or not in this period. If plants did live during this period, it would probably be in the form of moss and lichens.

Animals Since they were lots of floods, Ordovician life was very dissimilar to Cabrain life. About 600 millions years ago in the Precambrain , the fossil record speaks a more rapid change. Some are most like cnidarians ,worms ,or soft-bodied relatives of the arthropods.

Major Events During the Ordovician period there was a mass extinction of organism’s at the end of Ordovician. This extinction was one of the greatest ever recorded in earth history. The major event is that it follows the Cambrain period, and is followed by the Silurian period.

Climate The climate was fairly warm. In the period about 125,000 years ago there was no summer ice in the north pole. The average sea level globally rose between 0.1 and 0.2 metres during the 20th century. By 2020 between 75 and 250 million people in Africa will be facing increased water shortages

Interesting Facts The Ordovician Period started at a major extinction event called the Cambrian Ordovician. The name Ordovician was named after the Celtic tribe of the Ordovices. During the Ordovician, the southern continents were collected into a single continent called Gondwana.