Kalie Brown Allaena Nash Kevin Williams Science of cycling
Marshall Walter "Major" Taylor (26 November 1878 – 21 June 1932) was an American cyclist who won the world 1 mile (1.6 km) track cycling championship in 1899 after setting numerous world records and overcoming racial discrimination. Taylor was the first African- American athlete to achieve the level of world champion and only the second black man to win a world championship—after Canadian boxer George Dixon. Who is Major Taylor and why is he important to cycling?
Road bikes have thin tires because a road is flat and if it was a fat tire you can fall. Mountain bikes have fat tires because the tires have a grip to the ground. Why do road bikes have thin tires, while mountain bikes have fat tires?
A luminum: Aluminum has been used in bicycle manufacturing since the 1890's. A quick Google search for aluminum bicycles of the 1900's will turn up very modern looking bicycles from the 1930's made with aluminum frames and aluminum forks. T itanium: If you would've asked me 10 years ago to make a bet on the preferred frame material of 2009, I would've said it would be titanium. Titanium has been used for high-end bicycles since the 1970's (and probably earlier if one did some looking). It only took me about 5 minutes to come up with this advertisement from August 1975 for a ti frame that was going to 'change the world of cycling forever'. Titanium rides great, doesn't need paint, plus the sun won't damage it.advertisement What are the best materials for frames? What are the best designs?
A bicycle's performance, in both biological and mechanical terms, is extraordinarily efficient. In terms of the amount of energy a person must expend to travel a given distance, investigators have calculated it to be the most efficient self- powered means of transportation.[1] From a mechanical viewpoint, up to 99% [2] of the energy delivered by the rider into the pedals is transmitted to the wheels, although the use of gearing mechanisms may reduce this by 10–15%.[3][4] In terms of the ratio of cargo weight a bicycle can carry to total weight, it is also a most efficient means of cargo transportation. An exercise bike primarily works your leg muscles including your quadriceps, hamstrings, and calves. In addition an exercise bike requires work from your hip flexors (muscles on front of your hips), gluteals, and your abdominals to help stabilize your pelvis and spine. However, the most important muscle an exercise bike works is your heart. Aerobic exercise such as cycling can reduce your risk of heart disease and type 2 diabetes, improves ventilation (more efficient breathing), reduces cholesterol, and aids in weight-loss. Why is the bicycle the most efficient way to travel? How do your muscles work?
Development : The subsystems are: The Wheel Drivers & Gears Frames & Materials Brakes & Steering Aerodynamics Human Power A bicycle is a system, name the parts of the bicycle’s system.