WELCOME! The Mentoring Grant Application Webinar will begin in a few minutes!
Webinar Process and Protocol - Everyone will be muted upon entry into the webinar. If you have questions, please type them into the chat box or save them until the end. There will be a questions time at the end of the ppt. If you are having trouble, please type the issue into the chat box so we can assist you.
Request for Application Webinar July 20, 2015 Oregon’s Beginning Teacher and Administrator Mentoring Program
Purpose and Agenda Walkthrough of the RFA Important dates Requirements for submission Application components Answer questions
Finding the RFA
Legislative Background Established through HB 2574 Now ORS – State funded grant, not federal OARs through
Funding History Mentoring is a component of the Network of Quality Teaching and Learning. It is part of the strategic plan to support Oregon’s attainment of 40/40/20. Grants fund individual school districts or consortia comprised of school districts, ESDs, and universities.
Letter of Intent and Grant Reviewer Application Letter of Intent to Apply – Letter of Intent to Apply Optional Identify the number of grant reviewers needed Assure that the potential applicant will receive all updates related to the grant process. Does not obligate the District or Consortium to apply for the grant. Grant Reviewer Application Grant Reviewer Application Grant reviewers are needed to read and score all applications. Each applicant is strongly encouraged to have 1-2 people apply as reviewers to enable each applicant to experience the review process first hand. Located on the web page:
Goal The goal is to support research- based mentoring programs that develop and retain effective teachers and administrators.
A quality mentoring program… Provides structures to assure a cohesive, culturally competent system for mentoring that is supported at all levels. Requires involved, informed and culturally responsive leaders. Collects data to evaluate and improve program effectiveness. Carefully selects and assigns mentor/mentee partners reflective of diverse cultural characteristics and clearly defines roles. Expands the knowledge and refines the practice of mentors and mentees through a collaborative, culturally responsive process, supported by research. Utilizes a data based cycle of inquiry to assess effective, appropriate and culturally responsive instructional and leadership practices.
A quality mentoring program… Accelerates the professional practice of beginning educators to positively impact student achievement for EACH and EVERY learner no matter what their national origin, race, gender, sexual orientation, differently abled, first language, or other distinguishing characteristic. Fosters and develops culturally competent educators. Provides quality mentoring support to ensure an effective transition into a teaching or administrative career for first and second year teachers and administrators. Improves professional success and retention of new teachers and administrators.
Important Dates (p.11) August 12, 2015 – Applications due to ODE August 20, 2015 – Grant Awards announced Sept. 30, 2015 – 50% of funds available Sept. 15, 2015 – Induction Pairing Form due Dec. 1, 2015 – Remaining funds available June 15, 2016 – Final report & Continuation Grant Application due June 30, 2017 – Grant end date
Submission Requirements (p.12) 12-point font, Times New Roman, double spaced on all narrative sections Charts and Tables must be labeled, 11 point font, single spaced Sections tabbed and labeled to help guide the reviewers Pages numbered for reference At least 1 inch margins on the sides, top, and bottom of 8½” by 11” paper
Submission Requirements (p.12) 20 page narrative maximum, (excluding cover page, assurances, mentor selection rubric, budget template, appendix and bibliography) The original, plus three (3) copies of the application must be received or postmarked by 5:00 PM on August 12, 2015
Application Organization (p.11) Cover page – Appendix B (signatures required) Assurance forms – Appendix C: all participating districts all participating project partners Signatures required from above participants Application Narrative/ Action Plan – Appendix D Budget Narrative /Budget Worksheet (Appendix E)
Application Narrative (p.13) Project Design Project Action Plan Project Partnership(s) Evaluation of Project Effectiveness Application Budget Narrative and Budget Worksheet
Narrative – Project Design (p. 14) Purpose - Describe the components of the proposed Mentoring Program. Roles and responsibilities Plan and process of successful or promising efforts in hiring culturally and linguistically diverse educators Mentor selection rubric (include with app.) Communication Role of administrators Release time Training and PD for mentors and mentees Formative assessment system
Narrative – Action Plan (p. 18) Purpose - Outline the goals, related objectives, activities, and indicators. A goal is a broad statement for which measureable objectives are written. An objective is specific and measureable. It describes how and when a goal will be met. An indicator describes how and when you will know whether objectives have been met.
Narrative – Action Plan (p. 18) Goal 1: Ensure an effective transition into an educational career for educators new to the profession. ObjectiveActivitiesIndicatorsPerson Responsible Frequency 1.1 __# of beginning educators receive hours of support from a highly trained mentor during the SY. 1.1.a Beginning educators will meet with mentors a minimum of hours per month. 1.1.a.i Mentor logs submitted no later than the 10 th day of each month shall reflect the minimum #of hours Individual responsible for oversight of activity Monthly
Narrative – Project Partnerships (p. 19) Purpose - Describe how partners will work together to support the mentor and beginning teachers/ beginning administrators. Description of partner organizations Responsibilities of each partner
Narrative – Evaluation (p. 19) Purpose - Describe the evidence that will be used to determine program effectiveness. Anticipated impact of program on practice of mentors and mentees Qualitative and quantitative data
Budget Narrative & Worksheet (p. 19) Purpose - Explain exactly how the funds will be spent. Budget narrative and worksheet should align Costs should be reasonable No more than 5% for indirect costs
Priorities (p. 6) In 2015, the Oregon Legislature passed SB 216 implementing the following new priorities within the Oregon Mentoring Program: (a) The priorities to be addressed by moneys received by a school district, including efforts related to: (A) Increasing the number of culturally and linguistically diverse educators hired; and (B) Reflecting the demographics of the students of the school district with the demographics of the educators of the school district; and (b) Whether the school district is a small school district or serves a rural community.
Reporting Requirements (p. 9) Paring Forms- Due September 15, 2015 ODE Electronic Mentor Logs – Due to ODE monthly
Reporting Requirements (p. 9) Final Report - Due June 15, 2016 Detailed description of the mentoring activities that occurred Summary of the attainment of the project goals and measurable objectives Qualitative and quantitative evidence used to determine program effectiveness Documentation of hours of contact time
Reporting Requirements (p. 9) Final Report - Due June 15, 2016 Evaluation of the effectiveness of the project Final Budge Expenditures Other additional data required by ODE
Funding and Duration (p. 6) August 20, 2015 – June 30, 2017 $4,000 per beginning teacher and $3,800 per beginning administrator See page 7 of the RFA for allowable uses (not an exclusive list)
Time for questions!
Contacts Questions about the RFA Tanya Frisendahl – Education Specialist Questions about submission Sheli Dumas – Support Staff