Research Proposal: Motivating Volunteers


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Presentation transcript:

Research Proposal: Motivating Volunteers Elizabeth Karges LIS7050 December 18, 2014

Purpose of Study/Problem Statement Library budgets are tight, volunteers are an invaluable resource Volunteers add to the work librarians are able to do (Jacobson, 2010) Purpose: By understanding the factors that motivate current library volunteers to donate their time and energy, librarians can more easily recruit and retain volunteers

Research Question & Hypotheses RQ: What factors motivate people to volunteer at their library? H1: Volunteers in the library are more likely to be autonomously motivated (in contrast to controlled motivation). H2: Volunteers are motivated to participate in library programs due to their personal values (i.e. altruism, a desire to improve their community) and personal enhancement (i.e. psychological growth).

Literature Review: Volunteers in Libraries Bernier (2009): addressed young adult participation rates in the Oakland Public Library system YAs made up over half the volunteer hours contributed, with most hours contributed during the months of June, July and December Curry (1996): Volunteer participation in unionized Canadian libraries Smaller libraries utilize volunteers more frequently than larger libraries Waters & Bortree (2012): Volunteer retention with regards to gender differences Women felt more included in organizational peer groups Men felt more included in management decisions

Literature Review: Motivation to Volunteer Clary & Snyder (1999): Volunteer Functions Inventory (VFI), 6 items: Values Understanding Career Protective Social Enhancement “Matching Hypothesis:” messages tailored to the person’s motivation caused greater intent to volunteer

Literature Review: Motivation to Volunteer Bidee et al (2013): volunteer motivation as it correlates to work effort Self Determination Theory (SDT): Autonomous motivation: volunteers are motivated by VFI factors Controlled motivation: volunteers are obligated to contribute their time Findings: Volunteers make a stronger work effort when motivated autonomously Controlled motivation did not have a positive or negative effect on work effort

Literature Review: Motivation to Volunteer Moore, Warta & Erichsen (2014): volunteer habits of college students as related to demographics, religiosity, personality, and motivation to volunteer Sample displayed moderately religious behavior Students who volunteered with religious or child/education organizations displayed higher religiosity “Agreeableness” was the highest average personality trait among the sample size Strongest motivation to volunteer was personal values, followed by understanding

Methodology: Sampling Procedures Target population: current volunteers in the Hennepin County Library (HCL) system Convenience Sampling: submit survey to department heads at HCL for distribution to their volunteers Of those who respond, 20 will be randomly selected to participate in follow-up interviews Compensation: none for completing the survey, $10 Dunn Bros. gift card for participating in interview

Methodology: Data Collection Survey: three sections Volunteer motivation via the Self Determination Theory: Autonomous motivation vs. controlled motivation Motivation to volunteer in library via the Volunteer Functions Inventory: Values, understanding, career, protective, social, enhancement Demographic information (age, gender, income, religious affiliation) Interview: In-depth discussion of motivations to volunteer Explores motivation possibilities outside SDT/VFI IRB: Expedited review required Interviews would be recorded (confidentiality is assured) Minimal risks to participants, no deception required

Methodology: Measurements Independent Variables: Type of motivation experienced by volunteer (autonomous, controlled) If applicable, type of autonomous motivation experienced by volunteer (values, understanding, social, career, protection, enhancement) Interview may uncover motivations to volunteer outside those listed here Conceptualization: Survey items and subsequent interview questions Dependent Variable: Intention to volunteer in the library Conceptualization of volunteering: planned work done without remuneration in the library

Conclusion Studying the motivations of volunteers is not new, but the motivations of volunteers to participate in the library is an under-researched area. By studying the motivations of volunteers in the library, volunteer coordinators would be more able to understand how to recruit and retain volunteers.


References Bernier, A. (2009). Young Adult Volunteering in Public Libraries: Managerial Implications. Library Leadership & Management, 23(3), 133-139. Bidee, J., Vantilborgh, T., Pepermans, R., Huybrechts, G., Willems, J., Jegers, M., & Hofmans, J. (2013). Autonomous Motivation Stimulates Volunteers’ Work Effort: A Self-Determination Theory Approach to Volunteerism. Voluntas: International Journal Of Voluntary & Nonprofit Organizations, 24(1), 32-47. Clary, E. G., & Snyder, M. (1999). The Motivations to Volunteer: Theoretical and Practical Considerations. Current Directions in Psychological Science, 8(5), 156-159. Curry, A. (1996). Volunteers in Unionized Canadian Public Libraries: A Finely Tuned Partnership. Libraries & Culture, 31(1), 144-158. Hewitt, B., & Eve, J. (2012). The Use of Volunteers in Local Study Library Projects: A Case Study of the Walter Gardiner Photography Project. Evidence Based Library and Information Practice, 7(1), 41-52.

References Moore, E. W., Warta, S., & Erichsen, K. (2014). College Students’ Volunteering: Factors Related to Current Volunteering, Volunteer Settings, and Motives for Volunteering. College Student Journal, 48(3), 386-396. Retrieved from   Nicol, E. A., & Johnson, C. M. (2008). Volunteers in Libraries: Program Structure, Evaluation, and Theoretical Analysis. Reference and User Services Quarterly, 48(2), 154-163. Waters, R. D., & Bortree, D. S. (2012). Improving volunteer retention efforts in public library systems: how communication and inclusion impact female and male volunteers differently. International Journal of Nonprofit and Voluntary Sector Marketing, 17, 92-107. DOI: 10.1002/nvsm.438 Zimmeck, M. (2000). The Right Stuff: New Ways of Thinking About Managing Volunteers. Institute for Volunteering Research. Retrieved from Resources/Documents/R/The_Right_Stuff.pdf.