Word Stems List 1 6 th Grade Language Arts Coronado Elementary
Ante = Before If you play poker, you have to ante up before you can play the hand. Antebellum – before the war Anterior – located at the front, before or at the front of
ANTI = AGAINST ANTIBOTICS - chemical substances used chiefly in the treatment of infectious diseases. ANTIAIRCRAFT - artillery used against enemy aircraft. ANTITHESIS – against; opposition; contrast ANTIFREEZE - liquid used in the radiator for a car to fight against the engine freezing or over heating.
BI = TWO BICYCLE – A vehicle with two wheels BIMONTHLY – Most people are paid bimonthly – twice a month BIPED – Humans are bipeds as we have 2 legs/feet
CIRCUM = AROUND CIRCUM = AROUND Circumnavigate – To sail, fly or move around. Circumvent - to avoid by artfulness or deception. Circus – under the Big Top – round area used for performances
COM = TOGETHER COMBINATION – Act of combining or putting together – ex – combine liquids COMPLETE – having all parts or elements; lacking nothing; whole; entire; full COMFORT – A/C provides comfort in the hot desert
DE = DOWN DEPOSIT - to put, place, or set down like a bank deposit DEDUCT - to take away, as from a sum or amount: DEMOLISH - to put an end to; destroy; explode: DEPLETE - to decrease seriously or exhaust the abundance such as water
DIS = AWAY DISTRACT - to draw away or divert, to provide a diversion DISTORT - to twist awry or out of shape such as a body part or the truth. Dismiss – to send away Dissuade - to deter by advice or persuasion
EQUI = EQUAL EQUITABLE - characterized fairness; just and right; fair; reasonable: EQUATION – do you solve equations in math EQUILIBRIUM - a balance due to the equal action of opposing forces.
EXTRA = BEYOND Emily is an extraordinary photographer. Have you ever seen an extraterrestrial – a creature from beyond the earth? In MTV’s show, My Sweet Sixteen, the birthday parties were extravagant and often cost over $50,000.
INTER = BETWEEN INTERMISSION – a short interval between the acts of a play or a game. Soccer is truly an international sport. An interstate goes between states. If you interject in a conversation, then you give your opinion.
INTRA = WITHIN An intrastate is a road system within a state. When you get an IV, the hospital used an intravenous needle. Intracranial means within the skull
INTRO = INTO INTRODUCE - to bring (a person) to first knowledge or experience of something: INTROVERT – to turn inward / to keep to one’s self. If you are introspective, then you look within yourself especially if you have had a difficult day.
MAL = BAD A malignant tumor is a bad / or cancerous tumor. Ivan the Terrible, Hitler & Idi Amin were malicious towards their enemies. A malicious person wishes evil or ill will on others.
MIS = BAD Mistakes aren’t always bad as long as you learn from them. If you have misfortune then you have some bad luck. A misfit is a person who has trouble adjusting to his / her particular situation
NON = NOT If you take a nonstop flight from Phoenix to Miami, you do not have a layover in another city. If you are nonchalant, then you do not really care or do not have a preference. Most charities are nonprofit and must spend / donate all of their money each year. A nonpartisan person is free from party affiliation or bias
POST = AFTER When you write P.S. at the end of a letter, it means post script. Mr. H. earned his postgraduate degree or Master’s from NAU in Posterior means situated behind or at the rear of
PRE = BEFORE My daughter Hope was almost born 14 weeks premature. Several athletes have specific pregame rituals or routines. Good readers constantly predict as they read. You can help predetermine your destiny by your actions and decisions.
SEMI = HALF Students sometimes line up in a semicircle or half a circle. Some stores have HUGE semiannual sales or sales that happen twice a year. Semiaquatic organisms live or grow partly on land & partly in water.
SUB = UNDER A submarine travels under water. Do you take subtraction timed tests? Colonels are subordinate to generals. Some termites are subterranean since they live under the earth’s surface.
SUPER = OVER Supervisor – Dr. Wong is Mr. Hilliard’s supervisor. Do you believe in the supernatural? Superman’s name means Overman. A supersonic jet travels faster than the speed of sound.
SYN = TOGETHER Some clothes are made out of synthetic material. Marching bands need to be synchronized to pull off intricate moves. Synonyms are words that have the same meanings. Unfortunately some performers lip sync when they sing at live concerts.
SYM = TOGETHER Sympathy is the fact or power of sharing the feelings of another You use numerous symbols in math. What is a symmetrical shape? A symphony plays music / instruments in harmony / together
TRI = THREE A tricycle has three wheels. A triangle has three angles Some photographers use a tripod when they take pictures Triceratops was a dinosaur with three horns.
UN = NOT Unfit people generally are not too healthy. Sometimes, you might receive unequal portions of food or drink Unbroken = not broken