1. As a scientist in a science working environment 2. In science › setting up/managing a science business › marketing science/technology products › designing products/environments using science › influencing government policy/legislation 3.From science › Using logical skills in other work environments Careers from science qualifications
EXPLORER Inquisitive and practical just likes to know stuff INVESTIGATOR Logical and cooperative likes to work things out DEVELOPER Creative and practical translates ideas into products SERVICE PROVIDER Very organised with good attention to detail likes to make things better What type of person are you?
REGULATOR Honest with a sense of fairness likes to keep people safe and healthy ENTREPRENEUR Confident and creative has ideas to create or improve business COMMUNICATOR Good with words and people likes to write or present TRAINER Understanding and helpful likes to explain What type of person are you?
PERSUADER Imaginative and persuasive likes to understand what people want SUPPORTER Creative and understanding likes helping people to get what they need MANAGER Highly organised and good motivator likes to make clear plans POLICY MAKER Good for eye for detail, conscientious and thoughtful likes to find and review information What type of person are you?
Maths, physics, chemistry, biology, geology, geophysics, geochemistry, chemical engineering, pharmacy, genetics, bioinformatics, computer science, acoustics, electronics, electrical engineering, environmental engineering, cybernetics/robotics, astronomy, civil engineering, construction management, mechanical engineering, materials science, plant science, food biosciences, soil science, zoology, marine biology, meteorology, satellite technology, production management, land management, product design… … it doesn’t matter what you study! What to study
UK workforce = almost 30 million people 20% employed in science roles = 6 million people Biggest areas now: › Product design and development 54% of workforce is science qualified › Education 46% of workforce is science qualified › Digital media 45% of workforce is science qualified › Health 30% of workforce is science qualified › Consultancy 25% of workforce is science qualified Where are people employed?
What might you do? Energy renewables is a growth area Town planning sustainable environments Environment building/civil engineering Weather & climate…….goes without saying Transport planning transport systems/vehicles Communications mobile phones & computers Materials smart materials replacing metals Medical prevention, diagnostics and cure Health products to make life easy or healthier Media sound and broadcast engineering, digital
Food nutrition & health, food safety Beauty new products, safety standards Creative industries film, music, design (games) Finance accountancy, financial management Law forensics, patent law Translator technical books into English Communicator journalism, magazines, textbooks, science centres, teacher, lecturer Consultant advising businesses Entrepreneur new products changing the future Or...
–> 7.1 million in 2030 Growth areas will be: › Low carbon economy: sustainable energy business › Life sciences: health, pharmacy, disease prevention › Digital media: writing, design, games › Professional, financial and other services › Advanced manufacturing: managing businesses › Built environment: designing low energy buildings › Food: improving safety, nutrition and supply Science qualified workforce
The average UK annual salary is £25,000 The minimum wage is a salary of £14,000 (N.B. you only receive about ¾ of the total because of taxes) What is the average house price or monthly rent in your area? What could you afford if you earned these salaries? What could you earn?
A science, maths or technology qualification after GCSE gives you: › Lots of choice › Excellent opportunities › Good salaries › The chance to work part-time if you want to Lots of people like you are happy and successful in their careers thanks to their science, maths and technology qualifications What could you choose?