3 CLASSES OF YEAST BREADS Rolls Loaves Deep-fat fried
BASIC INGREDIENTS INGREDIENTFUNCTION FlourBody/Structure YeastLeavening (rise) LiquidBinder, moistens SaltFlavor, controls yeast SugarFlavor, feeds yeast FatTenderizes, aids browning EggsStructure, flavor, richness
Characteristics of Yeast Must have warmth, moisture, food Is a living organism Will die if subjected to too much heat
Food Science Principles of Yeast Breads Fermentation – Yeast breaks down into sugar and energy – Longer, slower fermentation = better flavor – Change the rate of fermentation by: Temp of dough Amount of salt Amount of sugar Amount of yeast
Food Science Principles Cont. Kneading – Distributes yeast throughout dough – Develops gluten (proteins in flour) – Too much kneading will cause the dough to lose flavor after it is baked – The dough has been kneaded enough when it stretches like bubblegum
Food Science Principles Cont. Proofing – The ‘rising’ process – the dough ‘puffs up’ – Can speed up process by use of a ‘proof box’ Shaping – Using the hands to mold the dough into the shape of loaf or roll that one desires
Food Science Principles Cont. Baking/Oven Spring – Use correct temperature – Choose correct size pans – Prepare the pans – Bake the product – Oven Spring – one last jump inn size in the oven before the yeast is killed – Remove baked product from pans, place on cooling rack
Proof Box at Home Place a shallow pan of hot water on the lowest shelf in the oven (proof box). Turn on the (proof box) to the lowest temperature. Place product in the oven (proof box) and allow to rise to the proper height. Remove product from oven (proof box). Remove the water from the oven (proof box). Turn temperature to baking temperature, allow to rise to that temperature. Place product back into oven to bake.