Data Documentation Initiative (DDI) Workshop Carol Perry Ernie Boyko April 2005 Kingston Ontario
Workshop objectives To make participants more familiar with the concept of marking up data documentation using DDI tags in the DDI XML based Document type Definition (DTD) To make participants more familiar with the concept of marking up data documentation using DDI tags in the DDI XML based Document type Definition (DTD)
Workshop Outline Review of last years DDI presentation Review of last years DDI presentation Objectives for this year Objectives for this year Work groups Work groups Assignment Assignment –Task –Working Material Reporting Back Reporting Back Wrap-up Wrap-up
Last year…. What is DDI? What is DDI? Why DDI? Why DDI? Some how tos Some how tos Some Examples Some Examples
In a nut shell…. The Data Documentation Initiative is an international effort to establish a standard for technical documentation describing social science data Intended to make codebooks Intended to make codebooks –Processible –Preservable –Interoperable
DTD - Document Type Definition Consists of a Tag Library Consists of a Tag Library Tags have been developed by DDI Tags have been developed by DDI A set of tags, when filled, are known as a codebook A set of tags, when filled, are known as a codebook DDI – intends to comply to Dublin Core DDI – intends to comply to Dublin Core
Tags Tags present English language descriptions of XML (eXtensible Markup Language) Tags present English language descriptions of XML (eXtensible Markup Language) Each tag can be optional or mandatory, repeatable or non-repeatable Each tag can be optional or mandatory, repeatable or non-repeatable Set of tags for each section of DTD Set of tags for each section of DTD
5 Sections of DTD ( Document Type Definition ) 1.0 Document Description 1.0 Document Description 2.0 Study Description 2.0 Study Description 3.0 Data File Description 3.0 Data File Description 4.0 Variables Description 4.0 Variables Description 5.0 Other Study Materials 5.0 Other Study Materials
Document Description Bibliographic description of the DDI document itself, otherwise known as a marked-up codebook Bibliographic description of the DDI document itself, otherwise known as a marked-up codebook
Study Description Describes Study or Survey Describes Study or Survey Includes title, abstract, keywords, author, publisher, collection methods, etc. Includes title, abstract, keywords, author, publisher, collection methods, etc.
Data File Description Contains information describing the data file Contains information describing the data file Includes file name, file type, case quantity, logical record length, total number of records, etc. Includes file name, file type, case quantity, logical record length, total number of records, etc.
Variables Description Describes each variable Describes each variable Includes variable label, values, value label, question, summary statistics, etc. Includes variable label, values, value label, question, summary statistics, etc.
Other Study Materials Includes documentation files in a variety of formats: pdf, excel, word, etc. Includes documentation files in a variety of formats: pdf, excel, word, etc. Includes codebooks, questionnaires, user guides, variability tables, etc. Includes codebooks, questionnaires, user guides, variability tables, etc.
Choosing Tags d/codedtd.html d/codedtd.html d/codedtd.html d/codedtd.html Select tags from each DTD section for template Select tags from each DTD section for template Each tag represents a searchable element Each tag represents a searchable element Choose carefully – definitions are provided on-line Choose carefully – definitions are provided on-line
Codebook Template Over 300 tags to choose from Over 300 tags to choose from DDI suggests starting with set of Recommended Elements DDI suggests starting with set of Recommended Elements
Making Templates - example
Marking up document Tags can be filled by a variety of methods: Cut and paste or type in information Cut and paste or type in information Extract information using custom scripts, xml editors or custom software Extract information using custom scripts, xml editors or custom software Follow tag descriptions carefully Follow tag descriptions carefully Establish guidelines Establish guidelines
Completed Codebook
Your assignment… To become familiar with the DDI structure and tags Hands-on Hands-on Using tried and true tools Using tried and true tools Assignment into groups Assignment into groups Each group will mark-up one section of the DDI Each group will mark-up one section of the DDI Report back to the whole group Report back to the whole group
Your working tools Pencil and paper template Pencil and paper template CCHS 1.1 documentation CCHS 1.1 documentation DDI tag library DDI tag library DDI schema (ascii representation) DDI schema (ascii representation) A few words about XML A few words about XML Your colleagues Your colleagues
Go to it!!
The end Carol Perry & Ernie Boyko