January 9, 2007 DINO Data In Ontario Winter Meeting Ryerson University
April 9, 2006DINO CUCCIO and FIM CUCCIO C anadian U niversity C ouncil of CIO s
April 9, 2006DINO Federated Identity Management Federated Identity systems are designed to allow a local identity management system to handle authentication if a user is accessing a service at a remote federated service provider. The local identity management system is the only one handling the user credentials (ID/pwd, or stronger), and it controls which identity attributes are shared with the service.
April 9, 2006DINO CIMF C anadian I dentity M anagement F ederation
April 9, 2006DINO Current Project John Alley McMaster is project manager Open to Canadian Schools Expect maybe 15 to establish Identity Provider servers Scholars Portal CSA and Elsivier Completion end of May
April 9, 2006DINO Charter Details Project+Charter
April 9, 2006DINO FIM – why should we care Some of the services we work with and want to develop could benefit from FIM We need to be aware and show support when it comes up We need to be aware and make it part of the discussion when it doesnt come up