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What is RefWorks? RefWorks is a web-based bibliography manager purchased by your Library. No need to download or purchase software. Use it to organize and edit citations you find when searching library indexes. RefWorks can generate bibliographies in 200 styles including APA and MLA.
How do I access RefWorks? Access RefWorks from on or off campus at All Queens students, staff, and faculty are entitled to accounts.
How do I activate my account? Go to Click on sign up then register.
How do I get to my account? Go to Use your Log-in Name and Password. Or: Research Tools >> Article Indexes & Databases >> Type in RefWorks
How do I import references? Method 1: Export Search an index. Click the RefWorks button to export citations from the index to RefWorks. Click Save to RefWorks
How do I import references? Method 2: Manual Add references manually from within RefWorks.
How do I import references? Method 3: Import from Article Indexes Import text files when there is no direct export option.
How do I import references? Method 4: Import from Library Catalogues Import text files when there is no direct export option.
How do I organize my references? Create folders to organize your references
How do I create bibliographies? Select the output style for your bibliography.
How do I search within RefWorks? Search tools are available in RefWorks to help you find your references. Look up articles by author, journal title, or keyword. Use Advanced Search to customize searches.
Want to learn more? Talk to the Library RefWorks Tutorial