Unit 6 Promotion Chapter 17 Promotional Concepts and Strategies Chapter 18 Visual Merchandising and Display Chapter 19 Advertising Chapter 20 Print Advertisements
Promotion and Promotional Mix Chapter 17 Promotional Concepts and Strategies Promotion and Promotional Mix Section 17.1 Promotion and Promotional Mix Section 17.2 Types of Promotion
Promotion and Promotional Mix Key Terms promotion product promotion institutional promotion advertising direct marketing sales promotion public relations news release publicity promotional mix push policy pull policy Objectives Explain the role of promotion in business and marketing Identify the various types of promotion Distinguish between public relations and publicity Write a news release Describe the concept of the promotional mix Marketing Essentials Chapter 17, Section 17.1
The Concept of Promotion Decisions about advertising, personal selling, sales promotion, and publicity used to: Promotion X is _______________ communication. The goals of promotional activities are summarized by the phrase ___________: Attract ______________ Build ____________ and ______________ Ask for ________________ A business uses product promotion to convince prospects to select its products or services instead of a competitor’s. Marketing Essentials Chapter 17, Section 17.1
Product Promotion Promotional activities include: Explain the major _________ and _________ of a product/service Identify ______________________________ _____________________________________ Answer ______________________________ Introduce ____________________________ Marketing Essentials Chapter 17, Section 17.1
The Concept of Promotion – Institutional promotion Institutional promotion X is a promotion method used to: Create a ___________________ for a business Help an organization _____________________ Take a ________________________________ Although institutional promotion _____________ ________________a product or service, it _______________________ for the company. Example of institution promotion: Marketing Essentials Chapter 17, Section 17.1
Types of Promotion in the Promotional Mix There are five basic categories of promotion in the promotional mix: Marketing Essentials Chapter 17, Section 17.1
Promotional Mix – PERSONAL SELLING Personal selling involves _____________ between ____________ and ___________. This can take place in the forms of: Personal _______________ One of the _____________ forms of promotion. Usually takes place ____________________ other promotional activities. Marketing Essentials Chapter 17, Section 17.1
Promotional Mix - ADVERTISING Advertising X is a form of __________ promotion and _________ communication in which companies pay to promote _______, ________, or ________ in a variety of _________ __________. It can be found in places including: It can be found in places including: Marketing Essentials Chapter 17, Section 17.1
Promotional Mix – DIRECT MARKETING Direct marketing X is a type of _____________ directed to a _____________________________ rather than to a _________ audience. Two forms are: ________________ direct mail ________________ direct mail The goals of direct marketing are to ______________ and _____________________________ to pursue. CAN-SPAM Act of 2003: Marketing Essentials Chapter 17, Section 17.1
Promotional Mix – SALES PROMOTION Sales promotion represents all marketing activities–other than ________________, _______________, and ______________ –that are used to __________ ______________________. Its objectives are to: Inform _________________ about ____________ Create a _________________________________ Examples include: Marketing Essentials Chapter 17, Section 17.1
Promotional Mix – PUBLIC RELATIONS (& Publicity) Public relations (_____) activities try to create a _________________ for a __________, its ___________, or its ___________. They can enable an organization to _________________________. One of the other goals of public relations is to ________________________________ who cover a specific industry. Example: 3 Audiences for Public Relations: Marketing Essentials Chapter 17, Section 17.1
Promotional Mix – PUBLIC RELATIONS (& Publicity) A news release (also called a press release) is an _________________ that is sent to ______________. It can be used to announce _______________________________, such as news about products, distribution channels, facilities, partners, revenues, employees, and events. (A news release is part of PR/Publicity) Marketing Essentials Chapter 17, Section 17.1
Promotional Mix – PUBLIC RELATIONS (& Publicity) NEWS RELEASE – 6 Formatting Guidelines Marketing Essentials Chapter 17, Section 17.1
Promotional Mix – PUBLIC RELATIONS (& Publicity) Publicity is one tactic that PR professionals use. Publicity X involves bringing _______ or ___________________ about an organization to the __________ attention. This process is also known as ______________. The main function of publicity is to ______________________ ___________________________________ in the marketplace. The placement of publicity is _______ because it often appears as a media story. Publicity’s risk is that its _________________________ by the business that issues it. Marketing Essentials Chapter 17, Section 17.1
Promotional Mix – PUBLIC RELATIONS (& Publicity) Advantages: Disadvantage: Advantages: Free Newspapers, tv & radio news programs & reporters are usually viewed as more objective than advertisers Often appears as a media story or is incorporated into a larger story or report, which makes the information appear more credible to many people. Disadvantages: Its content is not easily controlled by the business that issues it Marketing Essentials Chapter 17, Section 17.1
The Concept of Promotional Mix A promotional mix is a ____________________________ and a ___________________________________________ a company uses to _________________________________. The strategies in the mix are designed to ______________ one another: Advertising and direct marketing create _____________ _________________. Public relations helps cultivate a _________________ and _________________. Sales promotional activities __________________ and _______________________. Personal selling __________ on all of these efforts by _________________________.
The Concept of Promotional Mix push policy A manufacturer uses a mix of personal selling, advertising, and buying discounts to promote a product to ______ ________ that sell its products. pull policy A process that directs promotion towards _____________. It is important to consider all aspects of the promotional mix when developing the promotional budget. There is no precise way to measure the exact results of spending promotional dollars. The ______________ of promotion _________ the product to the retailer. Its main purpose is to ______________________ the promoted product. The ______________ creates consumer interest and __________, thereby ___________________ ______________ the promoted item. Marketing Essentials Chapter 17, Section 17.1