Close the gender pay gap


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Presentation transcript:

Close the gender pay gap

2 Close the gender pay gap Framework of the campaign

3 Framework of the campaign: legislation Legislation in the EU  Equality between women and men: a fundamental value of the EU already in the Treaty of Rome (1957).  Directive 75/117: principle of equal pay for the same work or for work of equal value.  Article 141 of the Treaty calls for equal pay for work of an equal value.  Directive 2006/54 (The Recast Directive) on equal opportunities and equal treatment in employment and occupation.

4 Roadmap for equality between women and men Challenges: significant and persistent inequalities. Adopted in Policy Commitments: Gender mainstreaming in EU policies. Six priority areas:  Achieving equal economic independence for men and women;  Enhancing reconciliation of work and family life  Promoting equal participation of men and women and in decision- making;  Eradicating gender-based violence and trafficking;  Eliminating gender stereotypes in society;  Promoting gender equality outside the European Union.

5 Communication 2007 "Tackling the pay gap between women and men" Adopted in July Causes of the gender pay gap. Possible actions:  Exploring ways to improve the legislative framework and its implementation.  Exploiting to the full the European Strategy for Growth and Jobs.  Encouraging employers to respect equal pay.  Supporting the exchange of good practice at Community level. Engagement of all interested parties: Commission, Member States, social partners.

6 Framework

7 Close the gender pay gap What’s the gender pay gap

8 What’s the gender pay gap and how is it measured? As a whole women earn less than men The gender pay gap is measured as the difference between men’s and women’s pay (based on hourly earnings across the economy) On average, women in the EU earn 17,4 % less than men Improvement in female employment over the last decades But persisting gender pay gap in the EU and widening in some countries The pay gap goes far beyond the single issue of equal pay for equal work Consequence of ongoing discrimination and inequalities in the labour market

9 Gender pay gap figures

10 Close the gender pay gap The gender pay gap campaign

11 Launch of the campaign (3 March 2009) Media seminar and press conference. Press coverage of 400 printed and on-line articles Press conference Cocktail Media seminar Q&As for Commissioner

12 The gender pay gap campaign The Commission has launched a campaign on closing the gender pay gap in the context of International Women's Day The aim of the campaign is to raise awareness on the gender pay gap and how it can be tackled Target audience: general public but also employers and workers Main messages of the campaign : Closing the gender pay gap  Creates a more equal society  Has benefits for workers  Makes good business sense  Need efforts of all interested parties

13 The gender pay gap campaign Website in 22 languages with information about what the EU is doing and good practices from countries across Europe Toolbox with information on the gender pay gap Video news release and video clip about the gender pay gap Actions at national level: Examples of actions in the field of national legislation, social partners' agreements, equality plans, awareness-raising and other types of initiatives.

14 Website

15 Campaign materials: Toolbox Distributed on demand via the website and direct marketing to employers and workers organisations

16 Dissemination of campaign material

17 Audiovisual tools: VNR and Info clip

18 The gender pay gap campaign Banners displayed in the Berlaymont and in Belliard Advertising in:  Time magazine, 2/16/30 March  International Herald Tribune EMEA, 7 Mars  El País, 12 Mars  The Observer, 8 Mars  La Repubblica, Suddeutsche Zeitung, Le Monde - 9 Mars  In-flight magazines – March Advertising in buses in 5 pilot cities: Berlin, Brussels, Budapest, Madrid and Warsaw. Promotional material.

19 Banners Belliard Berlaymont

20 MagazinesInflight Magazines Le Monde, Süddeutsche Zeitung, La Repubblica, The Observer, El Pais, IHT Emea, Time Air France, Iberia, High Life, Easy Jet, Sas, Up, Csa Review, Ulisse, Ryanair, Kaleidoscope, Wizzit, B There ! Campaign visibility: Advertising

21 Advertising The campaign reaches many target groups: employers, workers and their representatives but also European citizens WarsawMadridBudapestBrusselsBerlin BrusselsBerlin

22 Stand (Circus events) Prague Paris Marseille Lisbon Brussels Thessaloniki Warsaw

23 The gender pay gap across the lifecycle Concept and visuals Stereotypes shape women's and men's roles in society, starting at a very early age Traditions and stereotypes may influence, for example, the choice of educational paths and later, employment patterns

24 The gender pay gap across the lifecycle Women’s skills and competences are under- valued especially in those occupations where women predominate Women often work in sectors where wages are, on average, lower than those dominated by men

25 The gender pay gap across the lifecycle Women’s opportunities for progression and higher pay in the workplace are affected by their family responsibilities

26 The gender pay gap across the lifecycle When women retire their lower earnings mean lower pensions and higher risk of poverty

Where can you go? 27