Hello Dydh da!
bonjour bon -jour
hola o-la
ciao ch-ow
guten tag gu-ten t-argh
Cześć che-shch
How many of these words and phrases do you recognise? Sithee Lend us a Pavarotti Aa divvin'knaa Am gannin yam Teazy as an adder What’s ‘appenin laah
How many of these words and phrases do you recognise? Sithee Lend us a Pavarotti Aa divvin'knaa Am gannin yam Teazy as an adder What’s ‘appenin laah Bye Could I borrow £10? I don’t know I’m going home A little bit moody How are you?
What do you make of this? Yan Tan Tether Mether Pip
What do you make of this? One Two Three Four Five Cumbrian Sheep farmer language!
What about these? Gedd on! Where you to? You’re a right janner! Innit! ‘Ark at you! Our planet has over 6 billion people who speak between 6000 and 7000 different languages. In London alone, there are over 300 different languages spoken. This day is marked all across the continent as an opportunity to celebrate the richness that is brought about by different languages and what it brings to our understanding of ourselves.
At the age of 18 months you can speak about fifty words. At the age of five you can speak several thousand!
By the age of 21, you will have spoken about 50 million words!!!
What would we do without language? Have you ever asked yourself what would happen if we did not have a language? Not only would you not be able to express your needs, desires, emotions to others, but you would not be able to formulate thoughts in your own head. Acquiring language is one of the most sophisticated and complex thought processes the brain has to do.
What's the point in learning languages when everyone can speak English?! 75% of the world's population do not speak English. 60% + of British trade is with non-English speaking countries. British business has the poorest language skills in Europe. Nelson Mandela, the former president of a country where at least 18 different languages are spoken, explained this need of relating to people in their own native language. He said “If you talk to a man in a language he understands, that goes to his head. If you talk to him in his language, that goes to his heart.”
So remember… Not everyone speaks English –it’s a multilingual, multicultural world. You do not have to be fluent in a language – there is room for all levels of ability in all types of work. Languages improve the quality of your life and your understanding of how other people live and think.
Close your eyes and hands together Dear God, Please help us to see the qualities that exist in others regardless of their nationality, race or religion. Help us to communicate with everyone in a positive and caring way and show us how to celebrate our differences from one another. May we always be open and friendly with others and show that we understand that we all have equal worth in the eyes of God. In Jesus’ name Amen.
Cornish Heritage