Florida High Speed Rail Authority Update for Orange County Board of County Commissioners April 7, 2009
OUTLINE Timelines and Federal Processes Florida’s Strong Position - Previous HSR Work Approach for Florida Response to Stimulus FDOT Participation
High Speed Rail on National Agenda Competition for High Speed Rail start-up around the US Federal Bills: October ’08 Bill: $1.5 billion over 5 yrs (not yet appropriated) Stimulus ’09 Bill: $8 billion added – 100% Federal Funding – no State match required (fully funded) Future additional Bills anticipated due to national importance placed by Obama Administration
Federal High Speed Rail Corridors* Northeast Corridor California Corridor Empire (NY) Corridor Pacific Northwest Corridor South Central Corridor Gulf Coast Corridor *others may emerge Chicago Hub Network Florida Corridor Keystone (PA) Corridor Northern New England Corridor Southeast Corridor
Timeline chart
Florida’s Strong Position Over the past 10 years… 1998: Florida Overland eXpress Tampa-Orlando-Miami environmental and engineering 2004: Florida High Speed Rail Authority PD&E for Tampa-Orlando Feasibility study for Orlando-Miami Approximately $30 million invested in both these efforts
Florida High Speed Rail Authority – 2004 TAMPA ORLANDO
Review of Tampa-Orlando Corridor Two major components of FHSRA work: PD&E for Tampa-Orlando corridor Procurement of Design-Build-Operate-Maintain & Finance vendor
NEPA Work Completed FRA Record of Decision (ROD) completes NEPA ROD required to advance into Final Design FHSRA createdMarch ‘02: Notice of Intent April ‘02: Advance Notification and Scoping October ‘03: Draft EIS and Public Hearings Impacts of DBOM&F proposals assessed July ‘05 FEIS signed by FRA and FHSRA Project put on hold FEIS signed No ROD issued
Design-Build-Operate-Maintain & Finance- DBOM&F RFP issued October 2002 Investment Grade Ridership Study Issued Nov 2002 Beachline (then Beeline) route: Total riders: 2.4 to 2.8 million; Revenue: $39 -$42 mill Greeneway route: Total riders: 3.8 to 4.1 million; Revenue: $54- $56 mill Both proposing teams committed to covering Operations & Maintenance costs based on inclusion of the Choice and Captive markets
DBOM&F SUBMITTALS FLUOR-BOMBARDIER Jet-Train Technology – Gas Turbine Double track Disney to OIA, single track to Tampa Firm Fixed price of $2.056 Billion GLOBAL RAIL CONSORTIUM Electric TGV Technology Double track entire system Firm Fixed price of $2.4 Billion F-B was ranked first on 6-2 vote Negotiations proceeded until August 2004
Orlando-Miami Feasibility – FHSRA 2002 Key Findings for Tampa-Orlando-Miami: Operating Ratios (2020) Will revenues from system cover O&M costs? For 180+mph: Operating Revenue: $531 mill O&M Costs: $174 mill RATIO: 3.05 Benefit-Cost Ratios (30 year NPV) Do Benefits to Society for building this system justify the costs? For 180+mph: RATIO 1.95 Conclusion: Overall benefits of this system greatly exceed costs
APPROACH TO RESPONSE Highlights of Proposed Response: Corridor: Tampa-Orlando-Miami P3 Approach “Green” Technology Includes Stimulus component – “shovel ready” CREATES JOBS!
Corridor Definition Tampa-Orlando-Miami Corridor is logical Much work done on entire corridor Entire corridor is designated by FRA Phasing to logical intermediate stations Provides 180+ mph capability Reasonable total length (310 miles) compared to other competing corridors: LA - San Francisco is almost 400 miles Boston - DC is 440 miles
Public Private Partnership Private partner is critical for success Leases system for long term Shares profits in excess of defined thresholds A single system approach is logical Single technology One set of standards that is interoperable statewide WILL REQUIRE ASSUMPTION OF O&M RISK BY PRIVATE PARTNER
State of the Art examples Siemens Velaro Alstom AGV GREEN TECHNOLOGY = ELECTRICALLY DRIVEN SYSTEM
Stimulus Approach Sequence of work: Define Minimum Operating Segment (MOS) with FRA within the Tampa-Orlando corridor Obtain Record of Decision for MOS Start construction of MOS Incrementally add segments on Continue environmental work on next segments GOAL: MOS can start construction in 18 months
Board Meeting of April 2 FDOT Letter of Assistance Offered to take over the application process for stimulus funds to use in-house resources FHSRA accepted offer, with three requests: $4 million federal funds available to FHSRA from 4 years ago - FDOT to report status in 2 weeks FDOT to provide progress report at future meetings FHSRA requested that “institutional memory” available be used Sunrail: FHSRA passed a support resolution 4-1
Florida High Speed Rail Authority Update for Orange County Board of County Commissioners April 7, 2009