Improving Transportation Through Innovative Engineering Some Personal Rapid Transit Activities Peter Muller Some Personal Rapid Transit Activities Peter Muller ATRA TECHNIX 2010
Improving Transportation Through Innovative Engineering Village West Development Personal Rapid Transit Case Study Village West Development Personal Rapid Transit Case Study
Improving Transportation Through Innovative Engineering Village West Results Benefit/cost ratio 2.57 Increased annual sales tax $19.6M Annualized capital and operating costs over ten years $21.7M $0.52 fare per trip covers shortfall After ten years $1.00 per trip pays operating costs.
Improving Transportation Through Innovative Engineering 13 Miles of Guideway 30 Stations Fort Carson Army Post
Improving Transportation Through Innovative Engineering Simulation Results
Improving Transportation Through Innovative Engineering Net Annual Costs/Benefits COSTS (M)BENEFITS (M) Capital17.04Travel Time24.89 O&M15.34Auto Costs27.84 Emission Reductions 5.02 Accident Costs18.74 Totals Benefit/Cost Ratio = 2.35
Improving Transportation Through Innovative Engineering Costs vs. Revenues 16.93M annual passengers $1.66 per ride covers all net costs $230 federal employee monthly transit allowance 29,034 active $230 per month = $80.14M annually Bonding on fare revenue only is not typical
Improving Transportation Through Innovative Engineering Comparison with Rail Dulles Rail Project Vancouver Automated Mid-Jordan LRT Extension Fort Carson PRT Project Miles of track 23 (2-way)12 (2-way)11 (2-way)23 (1-way) Stations Daily pax60,000100,0009,50053,500 Capital cost$5,200M$1,870$428M$529M Cost per mile$113M$78M$19M$23M Cost per stn$473M$117M$48M$15M Cost per annual pax $290$62$150$33 TypeCorridor Network
Improving Transportation Through Innovative Engineering Fort Carson Phase II Capitalization System Extension Benefit/Cost Life-cycle Sustainability Performance
Improving Transportation Through Innovative Engineering BWI Airport
Improving Transportation Through Innovative Engineering BWI Airport
Improving Transportation Through Innovative Engineering BWI Airport APMPRT Miles of dual-lane guideway Miles of single-lane guideway-7.7 Stations1537 In-terminal service- Seated travel- Time CONRAC to Term C (mins)1410 Daily ridership61,40058,817 Capital cost (millions US$)1, Annual operating cost (M$)1312
Improving Transportation Through Innovative Engineering Problems with Conventional Transport
Improving Transportation Through Innovative Engineering The Problem with Transportation
Improving Transportation Through Innovative Engineering In addition –47% of net increase in GHGs since 1990 due to transportation –Transportation contributes 34% of all GHGs –We must reduce energy used AND change primary source Problems with Conventional Transport
Improving Transportation Through Innovative Engineering Comparison of Positive Impacts
Improving Transportation Through Innovative Engineering How to Get Into PRT Stakeholder Workshop Public Outreach Route Planning Ridership Projections Benefit/Cost Evaluation Risk Analysis & Mitigation Business Plan Implementation Plan Permitting Procurement Testing & Certification
Improving Transportation Through Innovative Engineering
Improving Transportation Through Innovative Engineering
Improving Transportation Through Innovative Engineering Technical Papers A Simple PRT Control System –Explores the limits of synchronized control systems Ride Sharing in Extensive PRT Networks –Explores ride sharing methodologies for city- wide PRT systems
Improving Transportation Through Innovative Engineering Contact Information Peter Muller PRT Consulting, Inc Deerpath Trail, Ste 200 Franktown, CO Ph: Cell: Fax: (303) Twitter: