Like Jesus, Like Followers Luke-Volume 1 Acts-Volume 2 Purpose: Provide asfaleia /Certainty to Theophilus What King Jesus Began to do and teach in Israel Until ascension With His 12 apostles What the ascended King Jesus Continues to do and teach in Reconstituted Israel After the ascension Through His apostles/people
Like Jesus, Like Followers 10:26 What is written in the Law? 10: 26 How do you read it? 10:29 Who is my neighbor? 10:30 A man was going down from Jerusalem to Jericho 10:30 Leaving him half-dead 10:30 by coincidence a priest 10:31 A priest, a Levite 8:30 reading the book of Isaiah 8:30 reading Isaiah …Do you understand what you are reading? 8:34 Who is the prophet talking about? 8:26 Go south to the road…that goes down from Jerusalem to Gaza 8:30 His life was taken from the earth 8:27 on his way, look, he met an… 8:27 Gone to Jerusalem to worship Volume 1 Luke 10 Good SamaritanVolume 2 Acts 8 Philip=GS Why did Luke, in his 2 nd volume (Acts), continually record similarities and parallels with the actions and teaching of Jesus recorded in his 1 st volume (Luke)? Loving Your Neighbor = Crossing Racial Boundaries At Home
Like Jesus, Like Followers 10:31 He passed by…he passed by 10:31-33 He saw…saw…saw 10:33 But a Samaritan 10:34 He put the man on his own donkey 10:35 Took out two silver coins 10:37 Go and do likewise (show mercy) 8:29 Go to that chariot and stay near it… ran up to the chariot 8:27/36/39 Look…look…He saw him no more 8:27 He met an Ethiopian eunuch 8:31 So he invited Philip to come up and sit with him (in the chariot) 8:27 In charge of all the treasury 8:26/27/36/39 Get up, go…go…they were going…going on his way Volume 1 Luke 10 Why did Luke, in his 2nd volume (Acts), continually record similarities and parallels with the actions and teaching of Jesus recorded in his 1st volume (Luke)? Volume 2 Acts 8 Loving Your Neighbor = Crossing Racial Boundaries At Home