H OW T O S TUDY THE B IBLE : I MPROPER A TTITUDES AND M ETHODS OF S TUDY “So they read distinctly from the book, in the Law of God; and they gave the sense, and helped them to understand the reading.” Nehemiah 8:8
B IBLE READERS Many who study the Bible, but their attitudes and methods prevent acquisition of much knowledge. “Random readers.” – Just read here and there “Occasional readers” – Just read now and then “Careless readers.” – Do not grasp the meaning of what was read
T O F IND I TS O DDITIES Some are not interested in the divine message. Look for some unimportant items: “Longest verse in the bible.” “Shortest verse” “Longest chapter or book.” “Middle chapter—middle verse” Even middle “letter” or “word” Find the most frequently used word.
E NEMIES OF THE B IBLE Some enemies “know” a great deal about the book. (Philippians 3:18) These seek to criticize. Seek contradictions in the Bible – 1 Corinthians 14:33 Some seek the “hard sayings” – John 6:60 Some babes seek the “meat” too soon – Matthew 12:31,32; 1 John 5:16
T O I MPRESS O THERS Some acquire knowledge of the Bible to impress others with their knowledge. Study to show approval to God—not self— not for mere display – 2 Timothy 2:15 Some seek the preeminence – 3 John 9 Sadly, in some churches these a “little knowledge” when displayed provides preeminence! – 1 Timothy 1:7
T HINK B IBLE B ELONGS TO A S PECIAL C LASS Some seem to think Bible knowledge only belongs those in the “ministry.” Some Roman Catholics and Protestants (some in the Lord’s church too) think priests and preachers have “special insight.” – Titus 2:11 Gospels written to benefit unbelievers – John 20:30,31 Book of conversion (Acts) tells people how to become believers—thus saved Epistles written to teach people how to live the Christian life
P REJUDICE Prejudice is a great hindrance to proper Bible study. When one “pre-judges” before hearing all the evidence, they are prejudiced! One must love the truth – 2 Thessalonians 2:10-12 Men can place a stumbling block before others – Ezekiel 14:1-4 Prejudice is a form of dishonesty
P REJUDICE Jesus came into His own people, yet, they rejected Him – John 1:11; 18:36 Preconceived materialistic notions caused them to reject the Messiah! A dishonest man can prove his own doctrine by the Bible to their own satisfaction. Can one “prove anything by the Bible?” Bible does not teach contradictory and conflicting doctrines
P ROOF -T EXT A PPROACH Speakers sometime look upon the Bible as a source for “appropriate quotations” to embellish a personal agenda. Preachers sometime seize upon a brief statement from the Bible as a “proof-text” before considering the context of the passage How about when dedicating a new building… (John 19:30) Remodeling of old building… (Revelation 21:5)
P ROOF -T EXT A PPROACH The Bible is the most abused book in the world, and often bruised in the house of its friends! People who misuse and twist the scriptures are enemies of the cross This can be done intentionally or inadvertently—outcome is the same – 1 Corinthians 2:9-13 – Isaiah 14:12 – Book of Revelation – Prophecies of Daniel
R IGHTLY H ANDLE THE WORD OF G OD “Be diligent to present yourself approved to God, a worker who does not need to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth.”{2 Timothy 2:15} “But sanctify the Lord God in your hearts, and always be ready to give a defense to everyone who asks you a reason for the hope that is in you, with meekness and fear.” {1 Peter 3:15}