17. 4 Progressivism Under Taft Learn about the Taft Administration Understand the causes of the split in the Republican Party and its impact
Election of 1908 TR anoints Taft as successor Taft (Republican) v. Bryan (Democrat) Voters endorse status quo: Taft wins 321 to 162
Postcard with Taft cartoon This postcard depicts how President Theodore Roosevelt, in command of the Republican Party, persuaded his friend William Howard Taft to run for president in 1908. Taft was not eager for that office, but Roosevelt succeeded in convincing him to seek it. With Roosevelt's strong support, Taft was elected, but he proved a disappointment to Roosevelt. (Collection of Janice L. and David J. Frent) Copyright © Houghton Mifflin Company. All rights reserved.
Pres. Taft (1908-1912) SCORECARD: Not as popular as TR PROS: Over 90 anti-trust actions, including against Standard Oil and US Steel CONS: Fails to unite wings of Republican party-splits it! Conservation Controversy with Gifford Pinchot 2. Payne-Aldrich Tariff Bill controversy
What are the 5 W’s for Gifford Pinchot & Payne-Aldrich Tariff What are the 5 W’s for Gifford Pinchot & Payne-Aldrich Tariff ? Why did these two events help split the party?
1912 buttons: Roosevelt, Taft, and Wilson Political buttons continued to be ubiquitous in 1912. Roosevelt and his running mate, Hiram Johnson, the governor of California, are pictured with the Bull Moose that came to symbolize the Progressive Party after Roosevelt exclaimed that he felt as fit as a bull moose. Taft, the Republican candidate, and Wilson, the Democrat, are depicted with more traditional symbols of patriotism and party. (Collection of Janice L. and David J. Frent) Copyright © Houghton Mifflin Company. All rights reserved.
ELECTION OF 1912 Roosevelt looses Republican nomination Roosevelt seizes Progressive Republican League from La Follette. Becomes “Bull Moose” Party Democrats nominate Woodrow Wilson Wilson’s “New Freedom” v. TR’s “Square Deal” Wilson elected by significant margin, but still as a MINORITY president REAL WINNER: Progressivism
Map: Election of 1912, by Counties The presidential election of 1912 was complicated by the campaign of former president Theodore Roosevelt running as a Progressive. Roosevelt's campaign split the usual Republican vote without taking away much of the usual Democratic vote. Woodrow Wilson, the Democratic candidate, carried many parts of the West and Northeast that Democratic candidates rarely won. Copyright © Houghton Mifflin Company. All rights reserved.