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Salvation is a package that comes with a lot of benefits. By accepting Christ in our lives we have full access to these benefits because they are not based on our perfomance but the work of Christ Zechariah 4vs6 says, ‘…my people perish because of lack of knowledge…’ Ignorance of what is rightfully ours deprives us to enjoy the fullness of the life we have in christ Such knowledge is essential to our living in victory
LETS LOOK AT THESE BENEFITS… 1.REBIRTH (JOHN 3VS 3) WE WERE BORN AGAIN 2 corinthians 5vs17 ‘’if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation, old things are passed away, behold everything has become new.’’ what does this mean?
Nicodemus once asked how is it possibe that a grown up man should enter again into his mothers womb? What is the anwer? Sin brought death but through Christ work we are born again. Ephesians 2vs1 says we were dead in our sins In Christ we don’t experience the renovated old life but we are a new creation altogether. Another quote says, ‘born once die twice and born twice die once.’ The first birth produces people destined to perish but the second birth produces people for eternal life Salvation doesn’t renew our lives, but we actually become new in Christ
2. ADOPTION (JOHN 1VS12) WE ARE GOD’S CHILDREN We all belong to God because we were created by Him but we are not all children of God That’s a right reserved for the saved ones only Nowadays we hear stories of some poor children being adopted by wealth celebrities to enjoy a new identity and better privileges But we are much more privileged than them, we have the God of all creation as our Father. In Christ our relationship with God was restored
Adoption… Ephesians 1vs5, ‘having predestined us unto the adoption of children by Jesus Christ to himself…’ (kjv) being sons to God gives us access to our Father’s inheritance I am now part of God’s family, the church That means I should leave in fellowship with my Father, and look to him for protection, provision and guidance
3. FORGIVENESS (ISAIAH 1VS18) ALL OUR SINS WERE WASHED AWAY According to acts 17vs30, God overlooks times of ignorance, all sins we have committed in our ignorance God has forgiven irregardless of their magnitude After salvation the devil will always remind you of the bad things that you have done, turn to the word and overcome such thoughts. You are forgiven. The bible says the devil is the accuser of brethren. There is no condemnation to those that are in Christ (romans 8vs1) In John 8, the people brought a woman who was caught red handed in adultery to Jesus, and he commanded any one perfect among them to throw the first stone at the woman and no one was found. And Jesus said to her, and even to us, ‘…neither do I condemn you, go and sin no more.’
Though God has forgiven us our sins, we should make any effort to make peace with those we have wronged. Be they our parents, family, friends and any one else. We should also forgive those who have wronged us nomatter the magnitude of their wrongdoing as Christ has forgiven us Restitution is necessary! What we stole or took by force should be returned to their rightful owners. We are to get rid of all that belongs to satan in our lives
Not only are we forgiven, we have been justified- declared just and guiltless in Christ 2corinthians 5vs17, ‘he who had no sin was made a sinner that we sinners should be made righteous in him.’ Our righteousness is not because we don’t sin, but because we are in Christ and when God looks at us, he sees us through Christ. Those in the world are sinners because they are without Christ. Not saying we should live unrighteously, for that which is born of God hates sin.