Role of Competition Policy Promote economic efficiency To control intensity of competition within economy Some areas it is promoted In others, it is limited Consumer protection
Business Strategy and Competition Policy Provides legal framework Guides commercial activities Offers check upon corporate power
Requirements of Business Business requires: Credibility of enforcement Certainty of application Consistency of policy outcomes Effective sanctions
Why a policy for competition ? Competition is seen as a socio-economic good due to: improved quality stimulates innovation lower prices economic efficiency choice
Theory and Real World Theory expressed in policy Perfect Competition traditional basis for policy Monopoly is bad But theory is often ambiguous vis-a-vis real world
EU Competition Policy Applies to trade between member states Aim to sustain free and fair trade Rising in importance and influence as integration deepens
Economic Integration and Competition Policy Pro-active and re-active to policy Interdependence between different national systems Need for common rules and principles between states Allow consolidation and intensification of competition
Article 81 Cartels etc. Restrictions on distribution, production, technological development Price discrimination Unfair prices Predatory pricing
Article 81(3) of Treaty of Rome An agreement or arrangement could be exempted if all of the following are satisfied: 1. It contributes to improving the production or distribution of goods or promotes technical or economic progress. 2. Consumers are allowed a fair share of the benefit. 3. It does not involve any restrictions which are not absolutely essential in order to attain these two objectives. 4. Competition is not eliminated.
Article 81 Car industry -exclusive dealerships Steel Industry - Crisis cartels Airbus - Global market place Telecommunications Sector - Mergers alliances Telecoms and Cable Concerns
Article 82 Abuse of dominant position Single enterprise exert influence over market Note: dominance not bad per se: only abuse
Article 86 Applies Articles 81 and 82 to state-owned or protected enterprises Used for telecoms, energy and other network or protected industries
Article 87 State Aids (subsidies, low interest rates loans etc.) Market Investor Principle Airlines - struggle with EC Some aid allowed
1999 - Reform of EU Policy Decentralise investigations Joint responsibility between EU and States Limit exemptions from EU Law Free up EU resources is aim of reform EU merely target biggest competitive distortions Enterprise focus on Member states
Reforms of 1999 (2) Less time-wasting on small cases Become effective trust buster Result of excessive case load from SEM Programme Also inflation had lowered value of thresholds Further tightening of state aids Exempt agreements between enterprises that have > 30% of market
Future of EU Policy Integration deepens - increase salience of Competition policy EU-wide cartel body Convergence of national laws Single body inevitable - will aid business strategy formation seek international agreement
Future of EU Policy Business increasingly concerned of intervention Feel too tough on big business