KECSS Ms. Murren Economics 10/24/11 Outcome: SWBAT explain the theory of perfect competition
Initial Activity How does competition affect consumers, suppliers and price?
Mini Lesson What is market structure? What is perfect competition? The extent to which competition prevails in particular markets What is perfect competition? The market situation in which there are sellers, and no single buyer or seller can affect price.
Mini Lesson What are the conditions necessary for perfect competition to exist? Large Market – Numerous buyers and sellers must exist for the product Easy Entry and Exit- Sellers already in the market cannot prevent competition, or entrance into the market. The initial cost of investment are small and the good or service is easy to learn to produce Easily Obtainable Information- Information about prices, quality and sources of supply is easy for both buyers and sellers to obtain Independence- The possibility of sellers and buyers working together to control the price is almost none
Perfect Competition Supply Demand Perfect Competition requires a large number of suppliers of the same product. Perfect Competition requires a large number of buyers who know the exact price of a good or service. In perfectly competitive market the market price is the equilibrium price.- the only price at which quantity demanded equals quantity supplied. Information is key!
Agriculture the almost perfect market No single wheat farmer has any great influence on wheat prices. The market price for wheat is determined by the interaction of supply and demand and individual wheat farmers have to accept the market price. If the price of wheat is $3 per bushel that is the price every farmer receives. Farmers who attempt to raise the price above $3 will find that not one is willing to buy their wheat.
The Wheat Market as a Perfect Competitor Characteristic The Wheat Market A Large Market Thousands of wheat farmers grow wheat and thousands of wholesalers buy wheat A nearly identical product All wheat is fairly similar Easy Entry and Exit The costs of renting farmland are relatively low and farming methods can be learned Easily Obtainable Information Information about wheat prices can be easily obtained Independence The possibility of thousands of wheat farmers getting together to control prices is very small
What are the benefits of perfect competition? The price is forced down to one that just covers the cost of production plus a small profit Perfect competition yields economic efficiency. All inputs are used in the most efficient way possible.
Critical Thinking Using a structure similar to the wheat chart, explain how a local fast food restaurant manager faces almost perfect competition in the demand for high-school employee labor