Ontario Scholars Portal A guide to the basic features of the search interface of Ontario Scholars Portal at the University of Ottawa Prepared by: Ann Romeril Library Bibliographic Training Coordinator Morisset Library Tel: (613) ext.
Ontario Scholars Portal Table of Contents What is Ontario Scholars Portal Access to Ontario Scholars Portal Registration and Login Browsing the Journal Collections Search functions Specific Features Saving/printing/exporting Options Your Personal Settings Online Help
Ontario Scholars Portal Searching full-text articles Tracking citation via automatic updates Browsing tables of contents What is Ontario Scholars Portal? Ontario Scholars Portal provides seamless access to approximately 5,452, 194 articles from 4,091 full text journals acquired by national and provincial consortia of which the University of Ottawa is a member Ontario Scholars Portal features:
Ontario Scholars Portal Access to Ontario Scholars Portal? Directly at Through the University of Ottawa web site at (through the electronic journals page) Ontario Scholars Portal is available to faculty and students at the University of Ottawa. You can access Ontario Scholars Portal:
Ontario Scholars Portal Registration and Login To take advantage of all the features of Ontario Scholars Portal, you need to register and obtain a username and password:
Ontario Scholars Portal Browsing the Tables of Contents From the Browse/Quick Search menu option you can access the tables of contents of the journals: You can browse by journal title or You can browse by publisher
Ontario Scholars Portal Browsing the Tables of Contents Once you have selected a journal from the list, you can browse the tables of contents for the available issues and view the articles that are of interest to you
Ontario Scholars Portal Browsing by Subject You can browse Elsevier journals by subject area. This feature is not yet available for journals from the other publishers
Ontario Scholars Portal Search Functions: Search Modes There are three search modes in Ontario Scholars Portal: Simple, Advanced and Expert The simple search screen allows you to enter search terms and select a field
Ontario Scholars Portal Search Functions: Search Modes The advanced search screen allows you to combine terms with a logical operator.logical operator In the advanced search mode you can apply various limits to your search such as journal name, language or date of publication.
Ontario Scholars Portal Search Functions: Expert Mode In the expert mode you can enter complex search strategies, with multiple terms and logical operators. logical operators The limit categories of the advanced screen are also available in expert mode. The expert search screen allows the users to customize their search strategies.
Ontario Scholars Portal Search Functions: Logical Operators AND All terms entered must occur in the references retrieved: coral AND Australia. OR Retrieves any of the terms in the search statement: coral OR reef OR barrier. NOT Excludes the terms following it: coral NOT reef. ADJ The term that follows it appears immediately after the word preceding it: coral ADJ reef. NEAR This proximity operator determines the maximum number of words that separates the words in the search statement: coral NEAR5 reef. The default value for the near term proximity search is 10.
Ontario Scholars Portal Search Functions: Logical Operators The asterix character ( * ) at the end of a term becomes a wild card: micro* will match microscope, microscopic, micron, microcomputer etc. The quotation marks ( ) around a term indicate a phrase search. The software is going to look for an exact match to the query: coral reef degradation
Ontario Scholars Portal Combining your terms with logical operators is the most efficient way to build precise search strategies. In Ontario Scholars Portals EXPERT search mode logical operators require capitalization. Capitalization is ignored for all other search terms. You can use operators on any of the search screens. In a full-text environment, proximity operators such as ADJ or NEAR are very useful to retrieve relevant articles. Search Functions: Tips to Remember
Ontario Scholars Portal Specific Features: Current Awareness When you save a search, Ontario Scholars Portal uses it to create an alert. Your successful strategies can be stored and run when you need to find new material on a topic of interest.
Ontario Scholars Portal Specific Features: Current Awareness You customize the details of your Alerts, from their frequency to the search strategies.
Ontario Scholars Portal Specific Features: Saving Articles You can save search strategies but you can also save and keep specific articles. You can view your articles by clicking on My Articles from the menu bar. You can remove articles from your list at any time.
Ontario Scholars Portal Specific Features: Citation Alerts You can create a citation alert for a specific article and Ontario Scholars Portal will alert you by when this article is cited. Just click on the bibliographic view page and select Save as Citation Alert.
Ontario Scholars Portal Specific Features: Citation Alerts Your citation alerts will be stored with your search alerts. You can view them by selecting Alerts from the option menu. You can delete a citation alert at any time.
Ontario Scholars Portal Saving/printing/exporting Options To print, save or export your article you need to select a view: bibliographic page or full text PDF
Ontario Scholars Portal Saving/printing/exporting Options From the bibliographic page you can choose to save the citation through your browser File/Save option. You can view the full text and print or save to disk. you can export the reference into a citation managing software such as Reference Manager.
Ontario Scholars Portal Your Personal Settings You can access and edit your preferences by clicking on Settings from the menu bar.
Ontario Scholars Portal Your Personal Settings You can edit your user information You can set your default search screen You can set the parameters of your Alert searches and deliveries
Ontario Scholars Portal Online Help Detailed help screens are available by clicking on Help from the menu bar
Ontario Scholars Portal Online Help You can also print the help files in PDF format for more convenience.
Ontario Scholars Portal Questions and Comments about Ontario Scholars Portal If you have questions or comments about Ontario Scholars Portal, please send an to: University of Ottawa| Library Network at: