PRESENTATION OUTLINE Introduction and Background Performance on Core Mandate Registration Ethics Professional Development Research Financial Statements 2
The South African Council for Educators is established under the SACE Act (Act No. 31 of 2000). The core functions of the South African Council for Educators are as follows: - Compulsory registration of all educators; - Management of the Continuing Professional Teacher Development system, and promoting and development of the teaching profession and; - Review and maintenance of ethical standards. The Minister of Education officially opened the South Council for Educators’ building on World Teachers’ Day, 5 October
REGISTRATION A total of educators were assisted for the year. - New full registration: New provisional registration: Updated provisional to full registration: Updated extensions: Of the provisionally registered educators, were foreign nationals. The office now strives to complete registration requests within 7 days. The mammoth task of validation and classification of the register is underway. Plans for on-line registration are underway. The tendency of applicants bringing fraudulent qualifications reduced as a result of more verification procedures and close corporation with the police. Outreach programmes were done in many outskirts to ensure that our service reaches as many areas as possible as per our advocacy programme. 6
CODE OF PROFESSIONAL ETHICS A total of educators and stakeholders were conscientized on the code of professional ethics. Plans for an intensive advocacy campaign to promote professionalism of teachers and the well-being of learners are underway. 7
NUMBER OF CASES RECEIVED PER PROVINCE ProvinceNo. of Cases Received KwaZulu-Natal107 Northern Cape3 Eastern Cape35 Limpopo25 Mpumalanga54 Northwest31 Gauteng64 Free State24 Western Cape213 TOTAL556 8
TYPES OF OFFENCES AND BREACHES Type of Offence / BreachNumbers Verbal Abuse, Victimisation, Harassment, Defamation. 83 Sexual Misconduct, including Rape104 Fraud, Theft, Financial Mismanagement65 Racism2 Corporal Punishment, Assault.182 Unprofessional Conduct, Alcohol Abuse, Absenteeism, Insubordination 115 Negligence0 Murder2 No Jurisdiction3 TOTAL556 9
FINALISED CASES A total number of 376 cases were finalised. The 376 cases were finalised and closed as follows: Educators found guilty: 53 Educators found not guilty: 1 Charges withdrawn against educators : 3 Cases referred to other institutions (including ELRC, Department of Basic Education, SAPS): 96 Finalised in other forms other than disciplinary hearing: 223 180 cases will be carried over into the new financial year. To date SACE has received 3044 complaints against educators, we have held 339 hearing, resulting in 150 indefinite strike-offs. The office now adheres to a three month case finalisation to ensure that cases do not drag on. 10
PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT CPTD Orientation and Sign-up for Principals, Deputy Principals and Schools Targets for Schools: , Principals and Deputy Principals: The targets were initially planned and approved in the 2012/13 APP with an understanding that the CPTD system implementation would start at the beginning of the 2012/13 financial year. The implementation of the CPTD Management system did not take place as planned due to other systems and processes (as per the CPTD Status Report: A report based on the pilot July 2012) that needed to be reviewed and updated first before full roll out takes place. Subsequently, the CPTD implementation plan was approved by Council in November This meant that the activities in the implementation plan (for example, the principals/deputy principals and schools sign-ups) could only start at the beginning of 2013 (which is also the last quarter of the 2012/13 financial year). Therefore the first three quarters of the 2012/13 financial year were spent on planning and preparations for the phased-in implementation process.
CPTD ORIENTATION AND SCHOOL SIGN-UP Establishment and Capacity Building of a National Orientation and Sign-up Team: The team has been established and capacitated to assist SACE and the 9 PEDs in implementing the CPTD system in provinces and more specifically in Orientating and Signing-up Principals and Deputy Principals. The team consists of SACE, DBE, 9 PEDs, national teacher unions, National Independent School Association (NAISA), and South African Principals Association (SAPA).
CPTD ORIENTATION AND SCHOOL SIGN-UP Engagements with Stakeholders and the Provincial Heads of Departments / SGs 28 CPTD engagement sessions (meetings/information sharing sessions/workshops) held with all the national and provincial and national stakeholders (teacher unions, SAPA, NAISA, SGBs) Visits to the SGs / Heads of Departments in the 3 provinces (Western cape, Northwest, and Gauteng) to also share the CPTD implementation plan, clarify roles and responsibilities, and identify areas of collaboration for Purpose of the Engagement sessions: sharing the CPTD implementation plan; Buy-in; identifying areas of collaboration and support; and Clarify roles and responsibilities
CPTD ORIENTATION AND SCHOOL SIGN-UP CPTD Orientation and Sign-Up Sessions Phased-in implementation is done according to the three cohorts: Principals and Deputies (2014), HODs (2015) and PL1 Teachers (2016) All the cohorts must be orientated and sign-up for the CPTD System a year before their three year CPTD cycle starts (e.g. Principals and Deputy Principals’ orientation and sign-up takes place in 2013 and their three year CPTD cycle starts in January 2014)
CPTD ORIENTATION AND SCHOOL SIGN-UP ACHIEVEMENTS The 10 Principals and Deputy Principal CPTD orientation sessions held focused on: An overview of the CPTD System Professional Development Portfolio Guidelines and Templates Signing-up and how to use the CPTD self-service portal Administering the Principals and Deputy Principal needs identification questionnaire
CPTD ORIENTATION AND SCHOOL SIGN-UP All the cohorts sign-up for the CPTD System manually (by filling-in a form) or electronically through the CPTD self-service web portal available on the SACE website ( or mobisite on their cell phones ( There are two sign-ups: Individual Profile (principals and deputies) School Profile CPTD Self-Service Portal Demo – time permitting and subject to approval by the PC chairperson
CPTD ORIENTATION AND SCHOOL SIGN-UP ACHIEVEMENTS Purpose of Signing-Up for the CPTD System Create a clean and updated database of educators and schools with relevant information / fields / variables for teacher education and development purposes (link ups with SA SAMS, EMIS, SACE Registration) Create individual CPTD Accounts / Records of principals and deputy principals/schools’ participation in the CPTD System and professional development uptake Provide individual educators and schools with login details through an sms (username and password) so that they can utilise the CPTD self-service portal to: Update their personal details; Upload and track the professional development activities / programmes they participated in (including the PD Points earned) Access database of the SACE Approved Providers and SACE Endorsed PD activities / programmes; Work on the online professional development portfolio; Log and track a query /report and track a problem.
CPTD ORIENTATION AND SCHOOL SIGN-UP ACHIEVEMENTS Actual Sign-Ups (January – March 2013) 545 principals and deputy principals and 29 Schools signed-up for the CPTD Management system. The CPTD orientation and sign-up sessions planned jointly with Northwest, Free State, and Mpumalanga Provincial Education Departments, for the last quarter of the financial, were postponed due to teacher union disengagement with DBE, PEDs, and SACE. This had a direct bearing on the number of principals and deputy principals participating in the CPTD Orientation Sessions and Signing- Up.
EVALUATED AND ENDORSED PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT ACTIVITIES 80 Professional development activities were endorsed. The majority of theses activities/programmes come from the private providers and few from HEIs A catalogue of 260 SACE endorsed professional development and 60 approved providers has been developed and is available on the SACE website. In addition, an advert has been placed at the end of January 2013 to invite more providers to apply for provider approval and PD activity endorsement. The advert focused more on providers and activities dealing with SMT/ Management and Leadership related activities / programmes in preparation for the CPTD phased in implementation from January From the advert, 33 providers applied for provider approval. 62 applications were received for activity/programme endorsement. Out of the 69 PD activities / programmes received, 51 were evaluated in March The evaluated activities were forwarded to the Endorsement Committee for endorsement in April 2013.
POLICY AND RESEARCH Analysis of the Principals and Deputy Principals Professional Development Needs: Determining the specific professional development needs of Principals and Deputy Principals for purposes of informing the PD activities / programmes developed and offered by the provider community (demand-based system rather than supply-based). An instrument in the form of a questionnaire was developed and 400 questionnaires have already been administered in the CPTD Orientation and sign-up sessions and various educational gatherings.
POLICY AND RESEARCH An initial analysis indicates the following as the most important needs identified (the top five included the following): Financial Management Computer Literacy Providing Leadership, Mentoring, Support and Development to Staff Managing Quality of Teaching and Learning Training on Changes in Legislation/Policies.
POLICY AND RESEARCH National survey on internal teacher migration in line with the revised questionnaire CPTD System Implementation Planning –approved by EXCO and Council in November 2012; Provider Capacity Research Programme - a joint collaboration between SACE and the Flemish Government’s VVOB. The research has been conceptualised and approved by Council as well. Data collection will start in the new financial year. Produced the CPTD Status Report: A report based on the pilot study (June 2012); Researched and Developed the Professional Development Portfolio Guidelines and Templates for Principals and Deputy Principals in support of the CPTD system. Portfolio available online through the CPTD self-service portal as well.
POLICY AND RESEARCH Analysis of Providers and Professional Development activities submitted to SACE for Approval and Endorsement Purposes: To identify existing gaps with regards to areas of specialisation, location of providers and the provider sector (e.g. government departments, Higher Education Institutions, Private Providers etc). In addition, the analysis looked at amount of management and leadership related programmes available in the database in preparation for the CPTD implementation 1 st cohort. Preliminary findings indicate that: The majority of providers are private providers, followed by the Higher Education Institutions and the rest. Furthermore, the majority of providers received are concentrated in Gauteng, Western Cape, and Kwazulu-Natal. The PD activities covered different areas of specialisation. There were limited programmes on special education needs programmes. This pattern might change as more provider and activity applications are received.
POLICY AND RESEARCH The following policy and research publications were disseminated to the stakeholders and are available on the SACE website as well: Report on Disciplinary Cases Referred to the South African Council for Educators in 2008 and 2009 and their Policy Implications in the Context of International Professional Practice (June 2012); The CPTD Status report ; a report based on the pilot (July 2012); World Teachers’ Month Publication: A special tribute to teachers (October 2012) Research Report: Profile and Development needs of lecturers and organisational approaches towards professional development in Free State FET Colleges. Report produced by the VVOB (Education for Development, Free State University and SACE (October 2012); Catalogue of Approved Providers and Endorsed Professional Development Activities / Programmes (February 2013); The CPTD Implementation Plan (October 2012).
NOTES Total assets increased by 34% Cash equivalents increased by 65%( building reserve fund); An offer for 10.5 m was in force for the sale of the property in Visagie street, Pretoria; Included in current liabilities is 7.7mil deferred Unspent government subsidy; Financial position of council is positive.
NOTES Total equity increased by 26% to 59.2mil; Building reserve fund growth is 83%( approved surplus from previous year and planned current year transfers ).
NOTES Net cash from operations increased by 32%; There was a decrease in cash paid to suppliers; Additions to plant and equipment is 2.3mil which represent 278% increase(office relocation and work stations for additional personnel); Total cash at year end is 49.5mil (65% increase).