PLAYING IT SAFE (6A.1) S ___ ___ N ___ G ___ ___ A ___ ___ ___ T ___ ___ ___ S ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ B ___ B ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___
7 th Grade Lesson 6B
Sexual Harassment… ► is unwelcome sexual advances, requests for sexual favors, and other verbal or physical conduct of a sexual nature. ► is when submission to or rejection of this conduct explicitly or implicitly affects an individual’s employment/schoolwork.
Sexual Harassment… ► unreasonably interferes with an individual’s work/schoolwork performance. ► creates an intimidating, hostile, or offensive work/school environment.
Sexual Harassment is… ▶ deliberate. ▶ repeated sexual behavior. ▶ unwelcome. ▶ hostile, offensive, or degrading.
Facts About Sexual Harassment ► The victim (the person being harassed) may be a male or a female. ► The person doing the harassing may be the same or opposite sex as the victim. ► The person doing the harassing could be a classmate or an adult. ► 1 in 11 youth have been harassed online.
Examples of Harassment ► Comments about or staring at body parts ► Sexual or “dirty” jokes ► Touching, pinching, or grabbing ► Spreading sexual rumors ► Sexual gestures or drawings ► Cornering or blocking someone ► Repeatedly asking someone out when they say they aren’t interested
Examples of Harassment ► Sending suggestive pictures through or on cell phones ► Making sexual comments on a webpage, , or cell phones ► Repeatedly calling or ing someone when they have asked you to stop ► Designing a webpage with suggestive and/or rude comments about someone
What Can You Do? ► Tell the harasser that the behavior is unwanted. ► Don’t ignore it! ► Talk to a trusted adult such as the school counselor or nurse. ► Keep a diary of events involving harassment.
An Example A girl you know keeps hanging around your locker waiting for you. Sometimes she corners you at your locker and tries to touch you. She tries to rub your back or touch your shoulders and chest. You’ve told her many times to leave you alone. You are not interested, but she just won’t stop.
Sexual Assault (Rape)... ► is sexual intercourse, oral sex, or contact with or penetration of the genitals/anus without the victim’s consent or doing those things to a child. ► is using force or threats to accomplish any of these acts regardless of age. Forcing sex on someone is a serious crime.
Facts About Sexual Assault (Rape) ► An American is sexually assaulted every 2 ½ minutes. ► 44% of sexual assault victims are under the age of 18. ► Most rapes are NOT reported to the police. ► Most sexual assaults happen within 1 mile of the victim's home or at the victim’s home.
Why Don’t Teens Report Sexual Assault?
Misconceptions about Sexual Assault ► “It’s my fault.” ► “I had sex with them before.” ► “We’ve been dating long enough.” ► “They spent a lot of money on me.” ► “I shouldn’t have gone there with them.”
Sexual Assault: A Date Rape Example ► Date Rape is forced or unwanted sexual activity that occurs on a date. ► About half of all sexual assaults occur on dates. ► Most sexual assaults are committed by someone the victim knows.
Possessing or Administering Date Rape Drugs Is a FELONY! Date Rape Drugs
Common Date Rape Drugs ► Rohypnol (flunitrazepam) street name: Roofies ► GHB (gamma hydroxybutyrate) street names: Liquid X, Grievous Bodily Harm, Easy Lay, Saltwater, Gammo O
S ip only from drinks you open yourself. M onitor your beverage constantly. A void drugs and alcohol. R efuse any drinks from a punchbowl. T hrow away drinks that taste funny or salty. To Protect Yourself, Be S.M.A.R.T.
Prescription and Over-the-Counter Drugs ► Taking any drug in a way in which it was not intended can be harmful. ► Stealing other people’s medicines for a quick high is wrong and can be harmful. ► Taking a large amount of some over-the-counter medicines can be harmful.
What if Sexual Assault Happens to Me? ► Don’t blame yourself-- sexual assault is NEVER your fault. ► Get help--tell a trusted adult and REPORT the assault. ► BE BELIEVED.
Remember That... ► No one has the right to expect sex. “I spent a lot of money on her.” “She led me on.” ► No one has the right to force or pressure you into ANY sexual activity. ► Forced sex is against the law!
To Protect Yourself, Avoid... ► Parties where there are drugs/alcohol. ► Dating much older partners. ► Being alone where no one can help if needed. ► Leaving a party/crowd with someone you don’t know well.
Have a Personal Plan... ► Set sexual LIMITS. ► Communicate your limits. ► Be with others who RESPECT those limits. ► Abstinence is the healthiest choice.
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