No caption was contained in the photo file Photo illustration by Chris Ochsner/The Capital-Journal Why is this Boy Grimacing?
What is a Bully? »Use these pictures to think »about the kinds of bullies there »are in the world. Can you think »of other examples?
Terms Bullying: Acting in a hostile aggressive way towards another. Specific acts of bullying include name calling, rejection, physical intimidation and assault. (Text The Human Way pg. 373)
What is a Bully/Victim? Bully Average intelligence Dominating More powerful than victim Lacks empathy May be popular Drawn to violence Learns behavior from home Victim Anxious Sensitive “Different” Smaller Low self esteem May relate better to adults than peers
Terms Culture of violence: A culture that excuses the wide spread use and depiction of physical acts that injure or harm others.
Terms Alienation: A feeling of unhappiness and estrangement caused by a work situation in which workers are not allowed to be creative and do not appreciate or take pride in their work. In a wider context, a feeling of not fitting in with other people or with society as a whole.
Types of Bullies There are three major types of bullies:
What are the characteristics of each one? Types of Bullies
Physical Types of Bullies Anxious and physically aggressive May have problems concentrating Provokes other students
Verbal Types of Bullies Teases and taunts other students Verbally strong Both overt and covert
Emotional/Indirect Feeds on the victim’s emotions. Knows what makes the victim react. Types of Bullies
Physical: Verbal: Emotional/Indirect: What picture fits what definition? Types of Bullies
Does bullying happen in Niagara? What kind of bullying do you think happens in Niagara?
Top 5 Aggressive Acts According to Victims of Bullying Percent of aggressive acts done to students over the last school year: Been Sworn at and called names68.9% Been pushed and shoved49.6% Been teased and ridiculed44.3% Had rumours and untrue stories of you spread around42.9% Had things taken away from you36.2%
Percent of Males & Females who Reported being Victims of Bullying a Few Times a Month Males = green Females = Yellow
Top 5 Aggressive Acts According to Bullies Percent of aggressive acts students reported doing to others over the last school year: Pushed and shoved someone63.6% Swore at someone and called them names44.6% Teased and ridiculed someone42.6% Threatened and intimidated someone27.2% Kicked and hit someone 23.2%
Percent of Males & Females who Reported Committing Acts of Aggression a Few Times a Month Males = green Females = Yellow
Assignment Students will be broken into groups of three. One will record answers on the 8 1/2 X 11 sheet of paper. One will record same answers on the chart paper. One will present the results at the end.