Components of Good Planning KS2
Flexibility in Planning “ One of the overall aims of the revised curriculum is to reduce prescription and to give control and responsibility back to schools and to learners themselves ” Making the Most of Learning
Rationale for Effective Planning Planning is only effective if it has an impact on learners Planning should not be repetitive, bureaucratic or tiresome for teachers Planning should highlight the development of skills i.e. Subject Specific Skills (SSS) and Skills Framework Skills (SFS)
Rationale continued… Planning needs to take account of long term, medium term and short term objectives The component parts of planning can be matched to distinct types of planning e.g. SSS belong to medium term plans
Components continued… Planning ensures that the range/ skills of subject orders can be met within a KS Planning needs to take account of level descriptors and assessment opportunities Effective planning considers prior learning and an evaluation of how skills are progressing
Long Term Planning Curriculum Orders 2008 Skills Framework Existing school/ LEA schemes of work Curriculum Map 1 for Subject Leaders Curriculum Map 2 for Class Teachers
Long Term Planning Long term planning identifies topics within subjects that can be mapped on a termly basis e.g. in Science it could be Cycle 1, Term 1 = Materials The long-term plan needs to take account of the range within the curriculum and how best to apportion this according to year groups. SFS are spiral rather than linear and are there to be revisited across age ranges. There are no age-related expectations for SFS
Curricular Maps Curriculum Map 1 (exemplar 1) should give an overview of a particular subject within a KS Curriculum Map 2 (exemplar 2) should provide class teachers with an overview of topics to be taught in the long term
Year Group Autumn TermSpring TermSummer Term Nursery Reception Year One Year Two Year Three Year Four Year Five Year Six
Curriculum Map for Class MathsEnglishCymraegScience Autumn Spring Summer
Medium Term Planning Medium Term Planning can often exist within a school already e.g. QCA, LCP, LEA Schemes of Work and other commercial schemes of work. No need to disregard. Adapt to the needs of the school/ range within curriculum orders SSS (subject specific skills) identification. Be aware that these skills do not always need to be broken down
Medium Term Planning Topic breakdown e.g. in Welsh/ English (Persuasive Writing) you could provide more detail of what will be taught Clear reference to level descriptors should be made but assessments on a termly basis against these should be avoided Use NC outcomes/ level descriptions for best-fit summative assessment at the end of key stage Where appropriate, a cross curricular challenge (exemplar 4)
Cross Curricular Challenge Provides a chance for learners to consolidate and apply skills they have developed in a meaningful context
Medium Term Components Subject Skills Topic BreakdownAssessment Opportunities
communication number ICT Challenge HistoryGeographyR.E.PSEAfLT Skills
Short Term Planning SFS – Skills Framework Skills Learning objectives Activities based on prior learning Differentiation where appropriate Evaluation/ Reflection Assessment i.e. AfL techniques employed in activities
Short Term Planning Short-term planning must take account of prior learning and could start with questions such as “What do we know about the Celts?” “What do we think we know?” “What would we like to know?” Subsequent planning should be a reflection of medium term objectives and pupil response/ input. SFS can be highlighted rather than re- written.
Short Term Planning Developing number Use mathematical information Using numbers, Measuring, Gathering information, Calculate Using the number system, Using a variety of methods Interpret and present findings Talking about and explaining work, Comparing data, recording and interpreting data and presenting findings Developing ICT ICT skills framework Finding and developing information and ideas, Creating and presenting information and ideas Developing Communication Oracy Developing information and ideas, Presenting information and ideas Reading Locating, selecting and using information using reading strategies, responding to what has been read Writing Organising ideas and information, Writing accurately Wider communication skills Communicating ideas and emotions, Communicating information Developing Thinking Plan Asking Questions, Activating prior skills, knowledge and understanding, Gathering information, Determining the process/method and strategy, Determining success criteria, Develop Generating and developing ideas, Valuing errors and unexpected outcomes, Entrepreneurial thinking, thinking about cause and effect and making inferences, Thinking logically and seeking patterns, Considering evidence, information and ideas, Forming opinions and making decisions, Monitoring progress Reflect Reviewing outcomes and success criteria, Reviewing the process/method, Evaluate own learning and thinking, linking and lateral thinking
COMMUNICATIONNUMBERTHINKINGICT Differentiation Activities/ AfL/ Objectives
Short Term Planning Evaluation/ Next steps
Useful Documents NPT Curriculum Teaching and Learning Policy (guidance statement) Making the Most of Learning (WAG) NPT Planning in the Foundation Phase How to Teach Thinking Skills