October 28, 2004 Friends of Mabee Library
October 28, 2004 Friends of Mabee Library Wisconsin Ohio Reference Evaluation Program Presented by Heather Smith-Collins & Dean Corwin
October 28, 2004 Friends of Mabee Library Purpose Service Evaluation Tool Assess the outcome of reference transactions Identify factors related to the success or lack of success Analyze the success of a transaction, NOT just patron satisfaction Contrast patron responses and librarian responses for the same transactions
October 28, 2004 Friends of Mabee Library Value to Libraries Benchmarking Profiles Patron and Library Services Compares academic libraries of similar sizes and all academic libraries Provides “numeric snapshots” for reflection, discussion and adaptation
October 28, 2004 Friends of Mabee Library Description Ohio State University THE UNIVERSITY of WISCONSIN Madison KENT STATE UNIVERSITY
October 28, 2004 Friends of Mabee Library WOREP’s History 1983 Prototyped nationally in 18 libraries ARL Statistics & Measurement Program Over 230 Library Studies
October 28, 2004 Friends of Mabee Library Administering WOREP at WU (Methodology) 1)Information about WU and Mabee Library was sent to Kent State (WOREP) to create a profile 2) Reference Staff Orientation
October 28, 2004 Friends of Mabee Library Participation Asking Patrons Double Staffing Reference Desk
October 28, 2004 Friends of Mabee Library
October 28, 2004 Friends of Mabee Library LIBRARIAN Level of difficulty Found, not found, partly found Topic Communication Technical Aspects Which Resources? Time Level of Assistance Type of Question Etc... PATRON Service Found, not found, partly found Topic Librarian “understood” Did you learn something about reference sources? Etc...
October 28, 2004 Friends of Mabee Library Examples of Questions for Patrons Did you locate what you asked about at the reference desk? Yes, just what I wanted Yes, with limitations Yes, not what I asked for, but other materials that will be helpful Yes, but not really what I wanted Only Partly No
October 28, 2004 Friends of Mabee Library Were you satisfied with the information or materials found or suggested? Yes Partly No
October 28, 2004 Friends of Mabee Library Did the librarian understand what you wanted? Yes Partly No
October 28, 2004 Friends of Mabee Library Did you learn something about reference sources or use of the library as a result of the reference librarian? Yes Partly No
October 28, 2004 Friends of Mabee Library Examples of Questions for Librarians Results (Mark One) Found Partly Found Not Found Don’t Know
October 28, 2004 Friends of Mabee Library Response (Mark One) Directed or suggested only Helped with or made search Deferred Referred
October 28, 2004 Friends of Mabee Library Aspects of the Transaction Something, anything, everything Must be about certain time period, currentness, place, country, language, etc. Must be cert. Type of reference source Focus on aspect (bio, hist, other) Requests factual information Criticisms, reviews, interpretations, etc. Analysis, trends, pro/con, cause effect, how-to- do-it, how it works, other Requests that you compile a list of references on the subject
October 28, 2004 Friends of Mabee Library WOREP in Action Mabee Library’s Strategic Plan The Mission of the WU Libraries is to provide user-centered support for teaching and learning within the context of the University academic plan.
October 28, 2004 Friends of Mabee Library Mabee Library Strategic Plan Goal 2: Services Develop and deliver services that support teaching, learning, discovery and exploration of ideas
October 28, 2004 Friends of Mabee Library Mabee Library Strategic Plan Goal 3: Assessment Action 2 Assess the effectiveness of services.
October 28, 2004 Friends of Mabee Library Penn State University GENERALIZED 1 st Year Results 47% overall satisfaction rate 45% of transactions < 3 minutes Shelf decline 3X greater than peer institutions Patrons reported 47% success rate while staff reported 72%
October 28, 2004 Friends of Mabee Library Penn State’s WOREP Training Program WOREP Data Staff Reflection Interpretation & Research Socratic Change New Perspectives Open Discussions
October 28, 2004 Friends of Mabee Library WOREP Applied PENN STATE at
October 28, 2004 Friends of Mabee Library Future Development of WOREP 2006 at Mabee Communication with Penn State U. and other participating universities Extension and Application of WOREP data
October 28, 2004 Friends of Mabee Library References *Eric Novotny (personal communication, 1 Oct. 2004) *Kent State University. (n.d.) WOREP Homepage. Retrieved 15 Oct from *Washburn University. (September 2004). WOREP Results. * Barnes, B. & Ambaum, G. (n.d.) Unshelved. Overdue Media LLC.