Information Resources Management College National Defense University EA Development and Authority Con Kenney 3 August 2010 “A global learning community for government’s most promising information leaders.”
2 Agenda Useful applications of EA Simple Lifecycle Model To apply EA the agency must align, integrate, and informate its controls Controls Many IT Investments Don’t Deliver Reducing IT Investment Failure Where to Start? It Depends.
3 Useful applications of EA Performance of IT Investments (Portfolio ROI) Cost and efficiency of IT infrastructure (TCO) Service-enablement of information systems (Reuse) Business process reengineering (Process cost) Delivery of new offerings (Public value) Reorganization (Clarity of message rated by employees) Strategy-making and testing (Executive participation)
4 Simple Lifecycle Model Vision/Mission Strategy Portfolio Problems Solutions Matches Sponsors Candidate Solutions Rating & Ranking Candidate Solutions Recommended Solutions Approved Solutions Budgeted Solutions Implementation Operations Enterprise Architecture, Program Performance and Financial Performance Management
5 To apply EA the agency must align, integrate, and informate its controls Organizational decisions depend on controls – EA is one of many To support decisions EA has to be part of the controls EA depends on other controls such as asset inventory or IT standards and supports other controls such as strategic planning or budgeting Informated Controls can give decision-makers information about the state and performance of organizational processes and tools for intervening to improve performance If the controls are inconsistent, the information produced by them will be inconsistent, and the EA will be less useful The absence of certain controls such as data management may prevent EA from delivering much value at all
6 Enterprise Mission Business Management Federal-wide IT Controls Federal-wide Controls Exhibit 300 Exhibit 53 FISMA PMA GPRA OMB PART OMB circulars OPM rules FAR GAO Audits
7 Enterprise Mission Business Management Federal-wide IT Controls Enterprise-wide Controls Strategic Plan Budget and budget guidance Acquisition policy Personnel policy Enterprise Architecture Certification and Accreditation Performance reporting Organizational orders Operational policy e.g. CM
8 Enterprise Mission Business Management Federal-wide IT Controls Mission Controls Mission-specific policy and orders Instruction manuals Strategic plan Budget Portfolio Operational QC and QA Hiring and training practices Job design Technical standards
9 Enterprise Mission Business Management Federal-wide IT Controls Business Management Controls Budget guidance Committing Obligating Acquisitions guidance Initiating Acquiring Deploying Decommissioning HR personnel management policies Physical security
10 Enterprise Mission Business Management Federal-wide IT Controls IT standards Solution development lifecycle methodology Logical security Boundary protection Identity management Encryption Approved devices Network access Service desk Change management Asset inventory
11 Many IT Investments Don’t Deliver Given the scale of government programs, sometimes large IT investments are unavoidable According to a long-term study of IT investments by the Standish Group Only one-third of all IT investments deliver the expected functionality about on time and on budget Evidence suggests that the probability of a failed IT investment rises with its cost
12 Reducing IT Investment Failure The processes required to conceive of, architect, choose, fund, implement, and operate IT investments span many organizational disciplines (strategy, finance, solution development, etc) Looking at these processes together as a system helps us see many disconnects According to the IT literature, the biggest causes of IT investment failure are a lack of business support, inadequate program management, and misunderstood requirements
13 Key Controls for Portfolio Management (PfM) Enterprise Mission Business Federal IT Exhibit 300 Exhibit 53 FISMA PMA GPRA OMB PAR OMB circulars OPM rules FAR GAO Audits Strategic Plan Budget and budget guidance Acquisition policy Personnel policy Enterprise Architecture Certification and Accreditation Performance reporting Organizational orders Operational policy e.g. CM Mission-specific policy and orders Instruction manuals Strategic plan Budget Portfolio Operational QC and QA Hiring and training practices Job design Technical standards Budget guidance Committing Obligating Acquisitions guidance Initiating Acquiring Deploying Decommissioning HR personnel management policies Physical security IT standards Solution development lifecycle methodology Logical security Boundary protection Identity management Encryption Approved devices Network access Service desk Change management Asset inventory
14 Key Steps to FAA PfM over time “Getting to Green” in the PMA Scorecard Establishing EA policy in our acquisition system Compiling an inventory of IT assets Chartering investment, architecture, and technology review boards Agreeing to IT standards Modeling portfolio management process Strengthening configuration management policy Developing “investment roadmaps” to document our transition strategy Establishing portfolio management policy Piloting portfolio management
15 Complex mesh of stakeholders and controls StepStakeholdersControls “Getting to Green”Federal, EnterprisePMA, EA EA in acquisitionsEnterprise, Business, IT Acquisition policy, Acquisitions guidance IT asset inventoryITAsset inventory Chartering boardsFederal, Enterprise, ITPMA, GAO Audits, EA Modeling PfMFederal, EnterpriseGAO Audits, EA IT standardsITIT standards Configuration management policy Mission, ITOperational policy, Change management “Investment roadmaps”Enterprise, MissionStrategic plan, Budget PfM policyFederal, EnterpriseGAO Audits, Strategic Plan, Budget, EA Piloting PfMMissionStrategic plan, Budget, Portfolio
16 Where to Start? It depends. Current state of the organization Stable vs. in flux Happy vs. unhappy stakeholders Well-funded vs. subsistence Strategic challenges facing the organization More of the same vs. transformation Stakeholder support vs. opposition Concerns of authorizing agencies OMB passback GAO audits IG reports Strengths of the IT leaders Skills Relationships with key internal and external partners Understanding of the agency’s mission and processes
17 Backup
18 Overview of Changes to Controls over time Exhibit 300 Exhibit 53 FISMA PMA GPRA OMB PART OMB circulars OPM rules FAR GAO Audits Strategic Plan Budget and budget guidance Acquisition policy Personnel policy Enterprise Architecture Certification and Accreditation Performance reporting Organizational orders Operational policy eg. CM Mission-specific policy and orders Instruction manuals Strategic plan Budget Portfolio Operational QC and QA Hiring and training practices Job design Technical standards Budget guidance Committing Obligating Acquisitions guidance Initiating Acquiring Deploying Decommissioning HR personnel management policies Physical security IT standards Solution development lifecycle methodology Logical security Boundary protection Identity management Encryption Approved devices Network access Service desk Change management Asset inventory Key Pre-2003 xxxxxxx xxxxxxx xxxxxxx xxxxxxx
19 Key Controls for Cost and efficiency of IT infrastructure Enterprise Mission Business Federal IT Exhibit 300 Exhibit 53 FISMA PMA GPRA OMB PAR OMB circulars OPM rules FAR GAO Audits Strategic Plan Budget and budget guidance Acquisition policy Personnel policy Enterprise Architecture Certification and Accreditation Performance reporting Organizational orders Operational policy e.g. CM Mission-specific policy and orders Instruction manuals Strategic plan Budget Portfolio Operational QC and QA Hiring and training practices Job design Technical standards Budget guidance Committing Obligating Acquisitions guidance Initiating Acquiring Deploying Decommissioning HR personnel management policies Physical security IT standards Solution development lifecycle methodology Logical security Boundary protection Identity management Encryption Approved devices Network access Service desk Change management Asset inventory
20 Mechanism/ Benefit EAGovern- ance StandardsMethod- ology ToolsAsset Disco- very Asset Lifecycle IT StrategyPro Forma IT Budget Search CostMod High Compliance Cost LowMod High Non- compliance cost Low Mod High Unnecessary & redundant investment Mod High Lifecycle reuse Low ModHigh IT Optimization Low Mod High Cumulative Benefits of Controls