Mason Creek 7 th Grade Procedures
Agenda Students are required to get it signed each night. The 5th period teacher will check each Friday for signatures. Students will receive silent lunch for not having each day signed.
Entering Class The agenda, homework and warm- up/journal sheet must be on each student’s desk. (HW on the right-hand side of desk.) Students must be quietly working when the bell rings. Teachers may have students line up outside their door before entering class.
Hallways Students are to walk on the right side of hallway. An agenda pass in agenda is required during class time. No students are allowed in the front hallway. No students are allowed in the atrium except going to/from lunch, connections, or classes that are off the hallway. Note: An easel sign will be posted the first two weeks of school blocking unauthorized areas.
Labeling Papers/Assignments Students will label papers/assignments on the upper right-hand side. Each paper/assignment should contain the following information: First name, Last nameFirst name, Last name DateDate PeriodPeriod AssignmentAssignment Jane Smith 8/6/09 1 st Period Who Am I Paper Jane Smith 8/6/09 1 st Period Who Am I Paper
Late Work Teachers will use the ‘Responsibility Card’ if a student is missing homework. 20 points will be taken off of assignment grade for first day late and an additional 20 for the second day late. Students will be sent to the Redo Café to complete missed assignment(s).
Lockers Students will go to their lockers before entering homeroom. An agenda pass is required to return to locker after entering homeroom. Students may go to their lockers at anytime between classes except during connections (teacher’s planning).
Quieting Class Teacher will stand at the front of the class and raise his/her hand. Students will become quiet and raise their hand.
Tardy Students must be in doorway to be considered on time. The teacher will close the door when the tardy bell rings. tudent must sign the tardy sheet which will be posted on the inside of the teacher’s door (starting Monday). Consequences will be used which adhere to the School Wide Discipline Plan.
Mrs. Maples Classroom Procedures
Pencils You MUST use a pencil for all math work. Do not sharpen your pencil during whole group discussion or testing. When can you sharpen your pencil? when entering the room when entering the room during group work during group work
EQ Log You will have an EQ log in your binder at all times. You will record the EQ each day. At the end of class, or beginning of the next day, you will answer your EQ. Each day you will also complete the warm- up on the EQ log. The EQ logs will be collected every two weeks and taken as a classwork grade. EQ LOG
Be Prepared Be responsible and prepared for class You are expected to come to class prepared with all of your necessary materials. If you are running low on supplies, make a note in your agenda to get more (pencils, paper, etc)
Turning in Assignments When seated in rows, papers will be passed across the room, towards the hall. Starting with the students on the window side of the room, place your paper on the desk to your left. Starting with the students on the window side of the room, place your paper on the desk to your left. The next student will add his or her paper to the stack and place the papers on the next desk. The next student will add his or her paper to the stack and place the papers on the next desk. The person on the hall side of the front row will then pick up the papers from each row and place them in the correct period basket. The person on the hall side of the front row will then pick up the papers from each row and place them in the correct period basket. When seated in groups. Papers will be placed in the middle of the group of desk. Papers will be placed in the middle of the group of desk. A designated pick-up person will pick up all the papers and place them in the correct period basket. A designated pick-up person will pick up all the papers and place them in the correct period basket.
Makeup Work If you miss class, you are responsible for making sure you have completed all missed assignments. The following should be done. Check the Makeup Folder on the bookshelf. Check the Makeup Folder on the bookshelf. If nothing is there, check with a classmate in your group If nothing is there, check with a classmate in your group If neither of the above is helpful, check with me to see what assignments you need to complete. If neither of the above is helpful, check with me to see what assignments you need to complete.
Trash Trash is to be thrown away as you are leaving the room. Do NOT leave it on the desk or floor. Do not throw trash into the trash can from a distance. You are not to go to the trash can during whole group discussion or testing.
Items Found on Your Desk Any pencils found at your desk at the beginning or end of class should be returned to the class pencil bucket on the bookshelf.
Announcements When the intercom comes on, you are to… get silent immediately. get silent immediately. keep all of your materials still. keep all of your materials still. listen to the announcement listen to the announcement resume activity when the teacher instructs you to. resume activity when the teacher instructs you to.
Classroom Phone When the classroom phone rings, you are to… get silent immediately get silent immediately keep all of your materials still keep all of your materials still Mrs. Maples will let you know when to resume classroom activity. Mrs. Maples will let you know when to resume classroom activity.
When Visitors are in the Classroom You should… be on your best behavior. It reflects on all of us. be on your best behavior. It reflects on all of us. continue to work on your assignments. continue to work on your assignments.
Items on My Desk Anything on my desk is personal and should not be touched. This includes the tape and stapler located on my desk. There is a stapler and tape located on the bookshelf for students to use.